Water Spout
It looks like it does good debuff and good damage. Not sure which would be more efficient. It'll go to about -25% def and good damage. I'd prolly use it for debuffs it you have good damage already.
I put 5 Positron Blasts in mine, for the recharge bonus and the damage. Thought about the Kinetic Crash set for the knock-up. The defense debuff not really any help for me since my stalker is Broad Sword and the stun is to low a magnitude to be helpful.
i would prolly slot it with an achilles heel proc, and then some other dmg procs (LG neg dmg proc, posi blast proc, ect)

Made me log on a check.
3 recharge and an achilles' heel proc

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
3 Dmg/Mez HOs, 2 Recharge 50 IOs and the -Resistance proc if you can spare the slots. Works best on a toon that can -KB or versus KB-resistant baddies. Best ST attack my dom had for ages.
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
Set of ragnarok's, minus the chance for knockdown, and an achilles proc. Note it does not need -kb powers to be effective as it does knockup now, not knockback. 5 posi's + achilles proc is good if you don't want to spring for purples, but posi's doesn't enhance the recharge all that much.
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Even still, 25% is pretty decent debuff isn't it? I'm guessing here since i don't actually have a Water Spout. lol. Debuff the boss so your Headsplitter will split that head all the way through the body. lol.
According to Mids, defense debuf is %15, have not checked the in game numbers. The Positron set recharge bonus is a global recharge. Knock-up powers are enhanceable with knock back sets. Even acrobatics knock back is enhanceable with a basic I/O knock back enhancement.
According to Mids, defense debuf is %15, have not checked the in game numbers. The Positron set recharge bonus is a global recharge. Knock-up powers are enhanceable with knock back sets. Even acrobatics knock back is enhanceable with a basic I/O knock back enhancement.
Since Water Spout is only available in the 40s, the real question is how often do you need more than a 15% defense debuff at those levels? Is being able to deal with the occasional Elude user more easily worth losing the damage and global recharge you'd get slotting Positron's in it? I normally have a 95% chance to hit pretty much anything that isn't using a godmode power at those levels, and even things that aren't quite 95% (like Rikti drones) are close enough that 15% will make up the difference.
Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name
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Since Water Spout is only available in the 40s, the real question is how often do you need more than a 15% defense debuff at those levels? Is being able to deal with the occasional Elude user more easily worth losing the damage and global recharge you'd get slotting Positron's in it? I normally have a 95% chance to hit pretty much anything that isn't using a godmode power at those levels, and even things that aren't quite 95% (like Rikti drones) are close enough that 15% will make up the difference.

I took this power on my stalker and I'm kind of enjoying it. I'm wondering how people are slotting it though. I don't really care about how often it stuns or knocks up, so right now I have it slotted with 5 posi blasts mostly for the passive set bonus and the fact it does decent damage on stuff that it doesn't blow around. Is it worth slotting for anything else?