Victory PvP University presents: "PvP Boot Camp"




Team re-balancing occurred with the trades of Ryxx, Sunny and Bambi to team PH in exchange for Vanum and Justaris. Also Chop will be joining team P3.

This would have made the teams even with each having 10 people, however, I just received a message today that NT will have to drop from PvP Boot Camp, due to RL issues. If things get sorted out he may be back and hopefully we will see him again soon.

Current Team Rosters:

1) MP- (Spines/Regen) or (Rad/Psi)
2) Linarra(Grav/Ta)
3) Justaris (ill/emp)
4) Vanum(Psi/EM)
5) Medipow- (fire/em)
6) Bug Who?- (TA/arch)
7) Teh Pyro (Mind/Fire)
8) KungFu Yoshi (psi/em)
9) Smallz(Masque/Seers)
10) Chop (?/?)

1) Elegost (Rad/Psi)
2) Gristlebone (Grav/Ta) or (Sonic/Pain)
3) Pimpstress Bambi (ill/emp)
4) Wac (Psi/Em)
5) Ryxx (Psi/Em)
6) Flux (Mind/Fire) (Psi/Em)
7) War Nugget- (Sonic/Pain)
8) SunnySprite- (Mind/Nrg)
9) Philly (Masque/Seers)

I have a few other people I can pull into this to keep the teams at a viable number of people. We have a person joining us from Virtue but he is only lvl 20ish and I need to help him finish getting to 50 before he can join us.

I'd actually like to do 1 of 2 things for this upcoming Sunday's Matches. I'd like to run a practice either Friday or Saturday so the new teams can practice together *or* I'd like to postpone this weeks matches. I am leaning towards an early practice just so we don't fall behind on the schedule.

Also I'd like to thank Nugget for posting his accolading event, that is awesome, and I'm sure everyone appreciates his offer to help get those +HP accolades.

Current scores:

PH- 60
P3- 45



i see you have ????? next to my name. im guessing that means you dont know what i can bring, here is what i got on victory to choose from:

spine/regen - specced
cold/ice - specced
ice/ta troller - IOd
wp/em tank - IOd
mind/nrg dom - empty, but can slot up
ice/rad corr - fully specced

toons on freedom, i can and am willing to payto xsfer one:

psy/em - specced
elec/therm corr- empty
earth/therm troller
psy/mental- empty
son/mental- -IOd
earth/fire dom - fully PvP IOd
way to many more to list......

just let me know

@The REAL Chop

My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.



There were a few people who left early Sunday or were not able to make it to the 2v2. We talked afterwards about moving the time again for Boot Camp matches to Friday 9pm est. The reason for this move is the Freedom League will be starting up soon and Smallz, Philly, Rice, Seers and myself are all currently participating. Typically, matches are on Sunday at 8 or 9 pm est so none of us would be able to make it to the matches.

Please let me know if this time does not work for you, and we can try to find a time that works for everyone.

Also, we should have a few more people joining this season of PvP Boot Camp shortly, they will be a mix of new to pvp and some people who have PvP'd for a while now. So we may need to run more practices to help everyone work out the kinks of team PvP.



Tonight- Thursday 1-20, I will be holding a practice (not an official one just an extra one). If you have time please come and participate. Also it looks like someone is running a Siren's Call pvp event tonight. So before/after practice lets try to get some action going on in Sirens!



What time tonight?

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



I think I posted 9pm est (I will always put these messages in the MOTD as well).



Are there matches tonight?



Sunday matches this week, it sounds as if the Freedom League will start up the Sunday after that Bowl that is Super. So we will move PvP Boot Camp to the Friday following the big game!



This week’s matches will be 6v6's (we will run 8v8's if both teams can field 8 players).


1)Alpha slotting is allowed and recommended for this week's matches.

2) Matches will be set to SHW, with Heal Decay and Travel Suppression turned off, small inspirations only.

3) Any and all characters that a player has (on their global account) is eligible for this event, you are not limited to just the PvP U character you created. Stalkers will be limited to 2 per team per round.

4) All players must be played at least once.

5) The following maps are playable: Atlas, Steel, Skyway, Cargoship, Perez, (Added this week) Outbreak and Striga.

6) Resets on maps due to crashing/zoning errors/vent crashes are allowed once per round, per team, within the first 2 minutes of the match.

Win= 5 pts
Tie= 2 pt
Loss= 0 pts

Note: there will no longer be attendance pts.

Both teams will submit lineups via private tell to me, once both teams have submitted a lineup I will broadcast it and the teams will take turns listing the event and selecting the map.

We will have a coin toss to decide home team for this week's matches. Winner will select list and have map selection for the 1st match.
The second round will be listed by the other team and the third round will be listed by the home team but the map will be set to random.

Prizes this week:

Each team will bank 200 million per win, 125 million per tie and 50 million per loss. These funds will be divided up equally amongst the team members who show up for all 3 rounds (if you have to leave early or show up late, it will be up to your team captain as to if you will receive your portion of the funds).



When will the next season start? i really want to learn how to pvp



We are at match 4 of 8 at this moment- we will be taking breaks for the super bowl and valentine's day. I imagine that we will be done by the end of March and early April.

Boot Camp 2 is in the works!



Round 1: P3 over PH 14-0
Round 2: P3 over PH 5-4
Round 3: P3 over PH 5-0

Its all tied up: 60-60.



How can i sign up for boot camp 2?



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post

Round 1: P3 over PH 14-0
Round 2: P3 over PH 5-4
Round 3: P3 over PH 5-0

Its all tied up: 60-60.
And so it seems the pendulum has swung the other way...



Originally Posted by Shadows Strike View Post
How can i sign up for boot camp 2?

When we get closer I will post a sign up thread on these forums, honestly since you have shown interest I will most likely contact you via forum PM when we are getting closer to talk to you about what type of pvp role you would want to play: damage, debuff, buff, or disruption.

If you wanted to read over the threads on the Victory PvP University thread the link to it is in my sig and any specific pvp questions you might have you can post there and the Vet PvPers who have offered to help will answer the questions.

Appreciate the interest.



I loved playing Damage and Disruption at the same time. Rogue blasters is the way to go, or it was back in the day.



Good games last night everyone. Great team work P3! I knew those practices and spur of the moment KB's would come in handy. I have some advice/tips, just extra things I think wouldn't hurt if we could go over them next practice maybe, but I guess I'll post that in the P3 thread. Ele's team (forgot your team name >.<) are welcome to join us or read up on that as well. Anyways, fun times guys as always, looking forward to our next matches or random KB's together.

PS: Remember, this is a learning experience for all so just lay back and have fun with it.

PPS: Knock knock!



Don't trust him. His soul is a bottomless pit of LIES.

Dusty Trophies



Quick updates for everyone-

1) We will be shortening the leaque to 6 offical matches rather then 8.

2) We will be taking Feb 6th off, so we all can watch the big game.

The Freedom league will be starting the week after the super bowl (or so we are hoping), so this will be point at which we switch to Friday nights at 9pm est.

Originally, we planned on taking off the Sunday before Valentine's day (Feb 13th). However, we could move the next offical match to Feb 11th.
I personally would rather do this then have everyone wait almost a month before you all face off again.



Originally Posted by Smallz_NA View Post
PPS: Knock knock!
In my best Samuel Jackson voice:


Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
MP and I will not be there on the 11th.

ok, hope you guys have a good trip

We will hold the next offical match on Feb 18th, we should be able to get a few practices in and maybe a scrimmage as well.

If you are interested in participating in PvP Boot Camp2 send me a pm/post here. Things will be a little different, I'm hoping to have more then 2 teams and there will be a mixture of vet/graduate/novices on all the teams.



2 matches.