Victory PvP University presents: "PvP Boot Camp"




Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
I would suggest- +Damage for Blasters, +recharge emps and grav/ta, Doms I am a bit on the fence I think +damage though.
I agree with the Doms +damage, Doms damage numbers are right up there with blasters, some slightly more, some slightly less in the identical powers... With the exception of elec assault's Thunderstrike, which hits like a truck.

Also range could be useful... but not nearly as much as say a blaster using boost range.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



When do you want answers by, Masque?

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post

Homework- Week 4- Non Match Week

So this Sunday we will be practicing together but there will not be an official match, however I'd still like to keep people thinking about PvP so what I'd like to do is offer up some Homework for points.

I will give you guys 2 hypothetical lineups and I want you each to come up with counter lineups. Points will be given as follows:

0.5 pts for just submitting an answer
0.5 pts for correctly identifying what the opposing team 'may' be trying to run (ie.. their strategy)
1pt for offering up a viable counter line up and strategy.

In addition 5 bonus pts will be given to the best answer from the group as a whole.

This homework will be open to the ringer emps as well however, they are not eligible for the bonus points.

Rewards this week-

Everyone who submits an answer will receive 20 million influence.

Scenario 1:

You are entering an 8v8 match and your opponent selects atlas as their map choice. You are locked into running a standard jump team and when you join the arena event you see that the opposing team is made up of 6 peacebringers and 2 emps.

Scenario 2:

You have been challenged to a duel by an elec/thermal corr who wants to fight you FITEKLUB style no insp, no accolades, no running!!!

You want the answers via PM?

Also for dom's isn't there a +hold alpha 2nd teir?

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
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Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Hey Masque, I heard about this and just checked out the thread. This looks great! You need to do this on every server right now, so quit rl and get on it so that we can have a huge PvP population.

If you get a group of players that eventually wants to test themselves against some vets, maybe we can put something together on Test...or maybe just here. And by "here" I mean the Victory server, though I'm sure you could get some good forum PvP here from some of the vets as well.



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
You want the answers via PM?

Also for dom's isn't there a +hold alpha 2nd teir?

Answers via PM yes.

Psoma- (also you realize you are still helping with this right!)

Lin- Answers by practice on Sunday.

Xury- Good points!



@masque - thank you for the homework. Will have answers in as soon as I can get some serious time outside of work.
@Psoma - I'd love to try PVP with Vets. I tried against Shockwave1's Mind Games, and it was a great experience!

PVE~* @Sunnysprite *~PVP *~SHI~Victory~JI~*Hawaiian Built*Ainokea*DaKine*H.I.C.*T&C



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Psoma- (also you realize you are still helping with this right!)
What am I supposed to be doing? I tend to be a compliant amnesiac, so I agree to whatever anyone asks, but then I completely forget about it. It's similar to being a lazy liar, but I'm sensitive, so don't call me that.

Originally Posted by naiaokekai View Post
@Psoma - I'd love to try PVP with Vets. I tried against Shockwave1's Mind Games, and it was a great experience!
I don't tend to duel, but I can probably set you up with someone. I was thinking more along the lines of 8v8's.



You are still part of PvP U (I hope!) it might be super beneficial if sometime we could get a Emp class from you, Smallz and Philly are helping with this event but the more knowledge the better!

As far as setting up duels or even 8v8s while this group of great players has progressed tremendously, I think fighting against a 'test' team would not be beneficial at this time.

It would be awesome if we could two teams to scrimmage and allow the students to watch and maybe listen in on vent. I know a few of the participants have come over to Champion to watch the matches there.



mark, are we assuming travel suppression and heal decay are turned off in the 2 given scenarios?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Yep! Travel Supression, Heal Decay off, SHW, small insp for the 1st one, insp turned off for the 2nd one.



aight :] I'll have this 2-3 page paper ready in a bit

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Are the emps trollers or defenders?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



They are emps! Doesn't matter!



matters a little... but I worked around it. Submitting question 1, working on 2.

Just realized I forgot part of my answer... I'll email the second piece in a bit, mark.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Well obviously the PB team is trying to RP.... so what I would do is - wait, should I be posting this here?



No PM it to me.



Are you gonna give us timely feedback, or just say, "Yeah, that works, here's some change for ice cream," and move on?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
"Yeah, that works, here's some change for ice cream,"
LOL!!!!!!!! He would say that!!!



smallz brought up a good point in their team thread, are we allowed to discuss the questions with our teammates so we can accumulate more points, or just get a better understanding of what's being asked? I'm not saying we should all come to the same conclusions, but we could at least identify the actual problems with each question, and from that, develop our own individual answers to submit. There are, after all, a multitude of viable answers to both questions (especially #2).

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



You can discuss with teammates, I have no issues with that, anyone who has already submitted can resub.

Remember what I am looking for here is trying to get you to think "Why did these guys bring PBs to this match" and "Why is this guy wanting to fiteklub on that toon" answering that way will most definately get you most of the points.

There is no "absolute" answer, yes people have run this very lineup or at least suggested it.

I'd respond now to everyone's answers but since they arent due till Sunday I think I should wait till practice and explain on vent... sounds good?



that'll do for me, I guess.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



((Hey everybody! Check out my new sig!))

PS. Team Pew Pew Pew = FTW!




Some people are writting thesis statements (I'm looking at you Ele) about these questions so I thought I should give you an example of what I am looking for.

(Btw, pretty cool analogy between the Peloponnesian war and the PB team, not sure I got all that but the diagrams and scale models you made out of pixel sticks and hubba bubba bubble gum were pretty amazing).

You are facing off in a 8v8 against a team running a Mind/FF controller, 2 elec/wp Stalkers, a earth/nrg dom, 2 psi/em blasters and 2 mind/emp controllers. It is their map pick and they choose Graveyard. Your team is running a standard jump team: 2 ill/emps, 4 psi/ems, grav/ta and Mind/nrg dom.

I would assume that 3 mind controllers and an earth dom, their strategy would be to set up double assassin strikes by alternating TK from the 3 Mind controllers and the long lasting Stun from the earth dom. I am guessing they picked the Graveyard because it is pretty hard to break line of sight there, so even if the target starts to evade after the stalkers start their AS animations the damage will still hit.

To counter this I would place the Grav/ta on the dom to keep him grounded, immobilized, worm holed, glued and whatever else the grav can throw at him. The main spike target would be the Mind controller and then switching off to the dom. By keeping the pressure on the mind controller you will keep that person evading and not allow them to set up the double assassin strike. As long as locks are fast and spikes are clean, the emps will be too busy healing/buffing to throw out too many TK's themselves.



If you want answers like that, make it a 5 minute pop quiz. If you give me time to analyze a situation, I'm gonna freakin analyze a situation.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Homework- Week 4- Non Match Week

So this Sunday we will be practicing together but there will not be an official match, however I'd still like to keep people thinking about PvP so what I'd like to do is offer up some Homework for points.

I will give you guys 2 hypothetical lineups and I want you each to come up with counter lineups. Points will be given as follows:

0.5 pts for just submitting an answer
0.5 pts for correctly identifying what the opposing team 'may' be trying to run (ie.. their strategy)
1pt for offering up a viable counter line up and strategy.

In addition 5 bonus pts will be given to the best answer from the group as a whole.

This homework will be open to the ringer emps as well however, they are not eligible for the bonus points.

Rewards this week-

Everyone who submits an answer will receive 20 million influence.

Scenario 1:

You are entering an 8v8 match and your opponent selects atlas as their map choice. You are locked into running a standard jump team and when you join the arena event you see that the opposing team is made up of 6 peacebringers and 2 emps.

Scenario 2:

You have been challenged to a duel by an elec/thermal corr who wants to fight you FITEKLUB style no insp, no accolades, no running!!!

Sample Question:
You are facing off in a 8v8 against a team running a Mind/FF controller, 2 elec/wp Stalkers, a earth/nrg dom, 2 psi/em blasters and 2 mind/emp controllers. It is their map pick and they choose Graveyard. Your team is running a standard jump team: 2 ill/emps, 4 psi/ems, grav/ta and Mind/nrg dom.

I would assume that 3 mind controllers and an earth dom, their strategy would be to set up double assassin strikes by alternating TK from the 3 Mind controllers and the long lasting Stun from the earth dom. I am guessing they picked the Graveyard because it is pretty hard to break line of sight there, so even if the target starts to evade after the stalkers start their AS animations the damage will still hit.

To counter this I would place the Grav/ta on the dom to keep him grounded, immobilized, worm holed, glued and whatever else the grav can throw at him. The main spike target would be the Mind controller and then switching off to the dom. By keeping the pressure on the mind controller you will keep that person evading and not allow them to set up the double assassin strike. As long as locks are fast and spikes are clean, the emps will be too busy healing/buffing to throw out too many TK's themselves.

For Scenario 1- A standard jump team would be a damage heavy team with maybe 2 emps, 4 blasters, grav/ta and dom

For scenario 2- You are 'not' dueling on your pvp boot camp character. Assume that this guy is just broadcast pvping you in arena chat and said "I can beat anything you got!" You can bring any AT and power sets, I really just want you to identify what his build's threat is and find a way to counter it.