Does super reflexes have to be such a pain pre-30s?

Another Space



I have a lot of problems thinking my ideas will be taken seriously when they're posted in a forum labeled "For Fun!" but I'm quite irritated at my SR scrapper running into AoEs non-stop a full 10 levels before getting an ounce of AoE defense.

It seems like they could pretty easily smooth out the benefits of SR to make it less painful. There are a lot of potential avenues, and the sacred cottage rule need not be violated.

Note that, in general, I deal with rounded, whole number for simplicity. At the end of the day, all values should add up to be what they are on Live.

Very safe and easy variations:
Spread out the positional defenses among the toggles.
For example, Focused Fighting gives roughly 14% Melee Defense. Why not make it be 10% melee defense, plus 2% ranged and 2% aoe? Likewise, Focused Senses would be 2%/10%/2% and Evasion would be 2%/2%/10%. It doesn't have to be those numbers, but the idea remains the same. You end up with the same defense numbers, but it's spread out some.

An even safer implementation of this idea would be Focused Fighting at 12%/0%/4%, Focused Senses at 0%/12%/4%, and then Evasion picking up the slack with 2%/2%/6%.

A shakier solution: simply swap Lucky's position (for Scrappers) with either Dodge or Agile's position. I can't see how this is a violation of the cottage, as all enhancements would remain as effective as before, just a defense to a new position.

Burning down the Cottage: combine Lucky and Dodge. A quick look at Shield Defense shows this to not be overpowered. Grats, you have a leftover power. Perhaps it could be a teleport or a mini-hasten, but I'd prefer it actually built a small cottage.

Bonus points while I'm at it: if Lucky's AoE defense were higher and Evasion's were lower (for example, +4% to Lucky and -4% on Evasion), Evasion could be turned into an offensive toggle. Afterall, it already is for Brutes. Why not go all the way and make it meaningful? Foes affected suffer from something like -recharge or -tohit. And making Lucky's value more meaningful means you can afford to turn off the new AoE toggle and not feel naked.

Yip. There's my rant.



I predict stone brutes/tanks will find this thread funny.



Super Reflexes suffers from being a legacy power (the Scrapper version anyway).
When it was introduced at the beginning, foes did not have much AoE until the mid-20s and exotic damage didn't feature until the 40s.

Arachnos and various other groups broke this pattern (especially Arachnos *shakes fist*).

Newer defence sets/powers have some AoE defence near the beginning.

I think a switcharoo with the passives and toggles is a good idea.

I also think that Focused Fighting could do with a smashing/lethal resist component - not necessarily slottable but just something to take the edge off of basic attacks. The passives already give out a resist bonus when the SR character's health drops to a certain point and I have noticed that benefit greatly, but SR has no other mitigation. Ice Armour (admittedly just for tanks) has, understandably, the slow effect. Energy Aura, whilst not my favourite set, has tricks, and Ninjitsu has them in spades. The other sets with defence have other bonuses such as healing or regen boosts, and slottable resistance.

I'm against a taunt/damage aura for SR for Scrappers. And I see no point in making it a Tank set. It would under-perform with most content because the alpha strike mitigation is a 50/50 with no healing or regen boost to back it up.

So to answer your question, yes it can be a pain and it's one of those sets that handles everything amazingly well post-30 (even Nemesis Snipers). Pre-30 could do with a bit of love, to make it less of a one-trick pony (it's also really dull to slot and VERY expensive to slot with interesting IOs/sets - well I've found it that way anyway).

And with Fitness becoming an inherent, I have no idea what to 'spend' my three free powers on. Fighting is out of the question - even more toggles would be insane. Although I'm tempted to finally take Hasten after all these years and become some kind of insane recharge junkie!



I agree that SR takes far too long to get good.
Both Shields and Ninjutsu combine the Ranged & AoE toggle sand thus get AoE defence for the first half of your career for free, in addition to the offensive bonuses. In return, mature SR gets the best Defence Debuff Resistance and is cheaper to Soft-cap, which is neither here nor there if you can afford to soft-cap the other sets.

Switching Evasion and Lucky sounds like a good idea. By the time they come (28) your worst endurance woes are over, so getting the passive first just means lower values for 7 levels.
There are precedents for switching power orders around, War Mace did this to get a better early attack chain.

One other gripe I have with SR - there's nowhere native to stick the Steadfast IO. Almost every other defence set gets one eg Night Widows get a token Psi resist in the mez toggle.
This works counter to SR's status as "just defence and the best at defence".
I don't think it would hurt the set to pack a small amount of token S/L reistance in Focussed Fighting, for example, the way that Shield does.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
And with Fitness becoming an inherent, I have no idea what to 'spend' my three free powers on. Fighting is out of the question - even more toggles would be insane.
I don't know about you, but my SR Scrapper finds Weave delicious. And even just 1-slotted for endurance, Tough has saved my skin plenty of times.



But the endurance issues could be horrendous. I'd most likely need to re-respec back into Body Mastery, and I've only just started enjoying Weapon Mastery.

I suppose it depends on the primary too. My /SR is Katana so gets a nifty melee bonus from Divine Avalanche which is easily on a double (triple for foes without any slowing powers) at all times due to its quick recharge and Quickness.

I remember last year (or possibly early this year - I forget) we had an RP PvP event starting in Bloody Bay. My usually excellent Scrapper was at a severe disadvantage fighting Soldiers, Widows, Domis, et al, without any AoE protection. The shielder I fought alongside had very little in the way of problems. That alone is obviously not a reason to switch powers around in SR, but when you go from 'mass-arresting' (i.e. slaughtering) Carnies, Malta, and Nemesis, then get two-shotted it's a bit of a shock .



Should SR be altered? Yes, it should.

Same power order as brutes? Yea, I think that would help.

Given the same taunt aura as brute evasion? I want it for MY SR scrapper, but the answer is no. Brutes get higher HP than scrappers. Their inherent depends on being attacked. There's a lot of people that don't want their SR scrappers to suddenly be taking on a lot more aggro. I've been bugging Castle about it since it was added to brute evasion. It ain't happenin for scrappers even IF anything else gets changed.

SR proliferation to tanks? Yes, it should happen. Straight port from brute SR. Problems with it be damned.

Be well, people of CoH.



I agree that this could use some work. The best fix in my opinion would be to switch the order of evasion and quickness. Then you'd have your AoE defense at level 20. It would also follow the pattern of the other positions, by giving you the toggle before the auto.

And while we're at it could we make practiced brawler a toggle? (or give the ability to put more powers on autocast)



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
But the endurance issues could be horrendous. I'd most likely need to re-respec back into Body Mastery, and I've only just started enjoying Weapon Mastery.

I suppose it depends on the primary too. My /SR is Katana so gets a nifty melee bonus from Divine Avalanche which is easily on a double (triple for foes without any slowing powers) at all times due to its quick recharge and Quickness.
The endurance drain isn't awful, as long as you only ran Tough against bosses/av's that did a lot of S/L damage, and that is for my MA/SR scrapper with Physical Perfection but no Stamina. Of course when you have Divine Avalanche (or Parry) there's arguably very little point in taking Weave, might as well just pick some travel powers for fun.

And while we're at it could we make practiced brawler a toggle?
God please no, don't want another endurance burner to worry about!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Should SR be altered? Yes, it should.

Same power order as brutes? Yea, I think that would help.

Given the same taunt aura as brute evasion? I want it for MY SR scrapper, but the answer is no. Brutes get higher HP than scrappers. Their inherent depends on being attacked. There's a lot of people that don't want their SR scrappers to suddenly be taking on a lot more aggro. I've been bugging Castle about it since it was added to brute evasion. It ain't happenin for scrappers even IF anything else gets changed.

SR proliferation to tanks? Yes, it should happen. Straight port from brute SR. Problems with it be damned.
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Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post
Super Reflexes suffers from being a legacy power (the Scrapper version anyway).
When it was introduced at the beginning, foes did not have much AoE until the mid-20s and exotic damage didn't feature until the 40s.

Arachnos and various other groups broke this pattern (especially Arachnos *shakes fist*).
Actually, buckshot type enemies, the old fifth column rocketeers (which were encountered as early as level 1) and countless bosses showed that AoE damage has been common at low levels since issue 0.
Vazhilok and CoT Life mages deal toxic damage as well.

On the note of SR, I've felt that it's okay as it is, but it really does show it's age and has been untouched other than by global defense reduction since launch compared to even stone armor, and that while Evasion can be semi-okay where it is (I wouldn't object to it being moved to level 20 on scrappers) the biggest problem is that compared to the other two toggles, Evasion does very little.

It finally gives you, after fighting things with AoEs for 34 levels, the ability to dodge them and nothing else beyond some defense debuff protection. Meanwhile, Focused fighting gives you confusion protection and focused senses gives you +perception (a substantial amount) and perception debuff resistance.
So my own proposal would be to add a secondary effect to Evasion, like maybe tohit debuff protection, end discount, end drain res, or something in addition to the defense debuff res.

On lesser buggers for me there's practiced brawler, which has a fear hole, is a click with a long recharge to it's duration, and does nothing else compared to other sets. However, I can say, in it's defense, that as it's been pointed out to me before: Sets are balanced against themselves, not other sets. That, and with quickness, PB only needs one SO slotted into it to perma, two if you want to stack.
But if something could be added, I'd say PB should either get it's fear hole patched, or gain Taunt and Placate protection to fit with the "Practiced Brawler" theme.

Finally, to help boost SR's performance a little, possibly give each of the passives a small (like, High Pain Tolerance level) of two damage types, per-each power. Though this last one is the least of concern, for me at least.

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Just to clear something up: for scrappers, you get the AoE passive at 28 and the toggle at 35. So without upsetting the cottage rule too bad, simply swapping one of the other passive defense boosts with Lucky would give you marginal AoE defense (roughly 6%) at 4th or more likely, 16th. You would still have to wait until 35 for the toggle. This is why I propose redistributing the defenses in the toggles to be a bit more encompassing -- instead of Focused Fighting being nothing but +melee defense, it should be mostly melee defense with some thought given to the other defense types.

As for Practiced Brawler, I don't mind it. Though I'd like to see all click mez protections capable of working like break frees so you don't have to set them to auto as much. I'd also think it'd be neat to use it as an excuse for "fight conditioning preparing you for everything" and insert a very small amount of psi defense -- a small enough value that it should still be their "hole" even when double stacked. As for Fear, I actually like Fear holes. I just hate which sets do and don't get it (why is an invincible guy suffering from severe nerves while the dude who's just holding a shield is unshakable?)



I do agree that SR could use some loving, how much is the million dollar question.
As someone mentioned, switching evasion around to have it available sooner would be a great, hell, I actually prefer the OP's suggestion in making each toggle carry some slack for all of the positions.

My biggest gripe with the set however, is having to take 3 auto powers. They could've EASILY combined the 3 into one or two powers, and given SR players some sort of resistance based power. Anyways, that my 2 cents.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
I do agree that SR could use some loving, how much is the million dollar question.
As someone mentioned, switching evasion around to have it available sooner would be a great, hell, I actually prefer the OP's suggestion in making each toggle carry some slack for all of the positions.
It's not a bad idea, but it might cause a few problems at the lower levels, and switching evasion could cause some problems though.

and personally, I'm probably counted out for my opinions about how much love SR should get.
I have five characters that use it, so my suggestions would generally be: "make SR super god-mode!"

Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
My biggest gripe with the set however, is having to take 3 auto powers. They could've EASILY combined the 3 into one or two powers, and given SR players some sort of resistance based power. Anyways, that my 2 cents.
Cottage rule: the other powers would need to be able to provide some level of defense. So, sadly this isn't likely, though there's a level of probability to it.

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Should SR be altered? Yes, it should.

Same power order as brutes? Yea, I think that would help.

Given the same taunt aura as brute evasion? I want it for MY SR scrapper, but the answer is no. Brutes get higher HP than scrappers. Their inherent depends on being attacked. There's a lot of people that don't want their SR scrappers to suddenly be taking on a lot more aggro. I've been bugging Castle about it since it was added to brute evasion. It ain't happenin for scrappers even IF anything else gets changed.
I would have preferred the devs turn Focused Senses into a Ranged/AoE toggle, left the order alone, and convert Evasion into something else. While that is technically a cottage rule violation, I would argue that the spirit of the cottage rule is only bruised here, since who the heck takes Evasion but not Focused Senses? Almost all legacy SR scrappers would basically have the same defenses after this change (the only ones that didn't would be SR scrappers that took Focused Fighting and Evasion but not Focused Senses, which is practically building your character with dice).

The new thing would have some sort of something for SR scrappers and the same something plus taunt for Brutes.

SR proliferation to tanks? Yes, it should happen. Straight port from brute SR. Problems with it be damned.
Well, there's a couple of problems I wouldn't look the other way on. First, its difficult to have gapless mez protection with SR without SO recharge slotting, which is less of a problem for SR scrappers but more of a problem for SR tankers: I would reduce the recharge of PB for SR tankers to give them continuous protection as an archetypal requirement.

Second, the lack of +Res and +health is a dev-acknowledged problem. When they re-balanced Ice tankers they all but acknowledged that having no resistances at all creates a burst damage problem for a tanker that is acceptable for scrappers but has to be addressed for tankers as an archetypal necessity. Ice addressed this with -recharge and -dmg from cold effects. I don't know if you can pull off the same thing conceptually with SR. So I would consider normalizing the SR scaling passive resistances, so that instead of going from zero to twenty percent resistance per passive, they would go from zero to about 25% resistance per passive (technically, it should be 26.67% but whatever), and start from 75% health. Those resistances aren't coded to scale with archetype modifiers, so basically I'm just doing so manually with a small tweak. That would probably help with alpha strike.

Of course, the problem here is that any SR tanker with a brain would immediately take tough and weave and go basically perma-elude from that point on. Straight-ported to Tankers SR defenses go from slotted 30.4% to slotted 40.56%. That's probably slightly too high, but the problem is that tweaking it downward is mostly irrelevant: slotted Weave is going to be +7.8% defense for Tankers so even if tanker SR was reduced to just 37.2% Weave still gets you to the soft-cap immediately. And if you assume the tanker could get Combat Jumping trivially, then that means the tanker can soft cap even 33.3% defense from SR, which is trivially higher than what SR puts out now. So you'd basically have to accept soft-capped SR tankers with scaling resistances (but some burst vulnerability) running around by the 20s. Not completely game-breaking, but definitely rubbing up against the line.

And its debatable what the Evasion replacement should be. Definitely nothing with regeneration or healing, because that would then make the powerset completely overpowered too early in the game.

The problem is that tanking is best suited to resistive-like effects (incuding +health) to survive bursts of damage and alpha strikes. That's hard to work around with +DEF or +regen, which is why there are no SR tankers or Regen tankers honestly. The devs probably don't want the hassle of trying to balance them. It took them forever just to get them reasonably balanced for Scrappers.

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In response to Aracanaville, I still would like to propose that perhaps the passives maybe have reduced scaling resistance, but a higher base resistance.
This CAN work out conceptually since one of the ideas of dodging is that even a connecting hit won't land solidly on you, instead a fatal hit becomes a glancing blow.
But then I'm sure both you, and the devs have considered this and it wouldn't be nearly so easy.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
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Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
In response to Aracanaville, I still would like to propose that perhaps the passives maybe have reduced scaling resistance, but a higher base resistance.
This CAN work out conceptually since one of the ideas of dodging is that even a connecting hit won't land solidly on you, instead a fatal hit becomes a glancing blow.
But then I'm sure both you, and the devs have considered this and it wouldn't be nearly so easy.
Its less a question of how, and more a question of why. If you really want to do something, most of the time you can conceptually justify it. The more you want it, the more hoops you'll be willing to jump through to make that conceptual justification work.

I should point out that the scaling resistances are weaker than they initially were designed to be. In CoV beta, they were configured to be 0-25, not 0-20. They were reduced to their current strength practically the night before CoV and I6 go live.

The biggest problem with the glancing blow concept is that once you decide "dodging" is correctly represented by some defense and some resistance, and you also decide that "damage resistance" is also correctly represented by some defense and some resistance, you've basically blended the two together. There's now basically no real distinction between the two. "Dodging" and "Resisting" become meaningless labels that have no fundamental gameplay distinction.

Its easy to make a bunch of defense/resistance/+health/regen sets in which every set has some of everything and the only difference is small numerical differences and the occasional gimmick power (i.e. invincibility). But to me, that's a waste of time. You protect mechanical diversity, not labels. "Super Reflexes" is entitled to nothing. Its two words with no rights. The concept of a protection set based primarily around avoiding getting hit *is* something worth protecting. You can make compromises where they are absolutely necessary (i.e. the scaling resistances) but you should never abandon the concept just because players want to play a set called "Super Reflexes" but have a completely different idea of what that set should have. Which is often "a little of everything."

If you want to play the "glancing blow guy" there's no reason you shouldn't take Invuln, slot the heck out of Invincibility, take tough hide and weave, and play it conceptually as that. In fact, its an even better analog than SR would be, because the glancing blow concept obviously makes more sense for physical damage such as smashing attacks and lethal edge and projectile attacks, and less sense with things like cold attacks and negative energy attacks, and makes virtually no sense with things like psionic attacks. It matches Invuln almost perfectly.

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For Scrappers, I would be happy with combining Ranged/AoE onto one toggle and then adding a new power at level 35 which supports the sets theme. I have suggested in the past a Toggle (ala AAO, RttC, Invincibility) which provides a base accuracy bonus and a scaling +recharge amount per critter in range. It would provide a unique opportunity for SR users to have much easier of a time perfecting attack chains. I also feel that the +res values should kick in alot sooner. The amounts seem fine, just would like to see them start benefiting my scrapper before his health turns orange or red.

As to porting SR to tankers, I can absolutely agree with Arcana that pushing the +def numbers higher simply by porting over would be overpowered. My shield Tanker is a complete stud by comparison to my SR scrapper largely due to more hps and some amount of resistance. But being able to softcap by your early 20s, yikes.

My thoughts on how you port SR for Tankers would be to set the Defense values right around where SR currently sits (13.9%) and add in 15% resist S/L to Focused Fighting and 10% E/N/F/C/T to Focused Senses. Then leave the scaling resists in the passives but start the scaling at 75% health instead and as suggested above, combine the Ranged/AoE toggles and add a Taunt toggle at 26. Its not pretty, but it would work and stay thematic to Tankers.




I'm confused, A. First you say that tanking is heavily negatively impacted by the lack of solid damres/extra HP, but then you talk about how easy it will be for a tank to softcap.

Doesn't one balance out the other?

I'll give you that tanks rely on their mez protection more, so make it another toggle for 'em. If the devs are going to go ahead and tweak it anyway for tanks, why not take that extra step?

Have the scaling dam-res grant more as you describe, starting at 75% health and capping out at 75% dam-res.

Done. If a tank can't tank with softcapped defense, an average of 25% dam-res, backed up to 45ish with tough, a taunt aura in evasion and tank level hitpoints, that tank is doin it wrong.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The new thing would have some sort of something for SR scrappers and the same something plus taunt for Brutes...

And its debatable what the Evasion replacement should be. Definitely nothing with regeneration or healing, because that would then make the powerset completely overpowered too early in the game.
Scaling -dam?

First foe in range applies a 10% damage debuff; each additional enemy up to ten applies another 1% damage debuff to all enemies in range.

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'm confused, A. First you say that tanking is heavily negatively impacted by the lack of solid damres/extra HP, but then you talk about how easy it will be for a tank to softcap.
Soft-cap is good to a point, but it starts behaving discretely differently under many tanking conditions where its statistical nature stops behaving in a way the averages might imply superficially.

Let me just toss out an obvious dramatic example to illustrate the overall point. If you're tanking LR, he's designed to deliver enough damage in one attack to kill you if you have no resistances, and in a DoT so the one-shot code doesn't help you. If you have 90% res, you can take a couple of those before you die. If you are soft-capped you will probably make him miss a lot before he hits you and then you die. The difference between the two is that the resistance character can heal in between hits. The soft-capped character will just be at full health, and then suddenly dead.

That burstiness doesn't show up in most parts of the game most players play in, but in certain situations like tanking, it can start to show up, particularly when tanking (large numbers of) bosses or AVs.

A low level soft-capped tanker is probably going to outperform everything in sight. But soft-capping alone will start to create problems in the late thirties or early forties in my opinion. True, when we build them, we build soft-capped scrappers with a ton of offense and a lot of other invention-bolstered additions, and often aid self. But I don't think an SR tanker should have to rely on aid self: its the taunt problem all over again.

Plus, when we're playing high-end SR scrappers, they usually aren't totally indestructible. We'll boost our difficulty into the stratosphere and sail along happily destroying everything and then suddenly, blam, we'll get unlucky and die. And we'll write it off as the rare occasional price of admission, and rez and move on. Dying once or twice every so many missions isn't a big deal for a scrapper, but that unpredictable nature is more problematic for tankers, especially beginning players and less skilled ones. Tankers can get into trouble, but it should be trouble their teams can help them out of at least in theory. Resistance equals time: time for team mates to recover from a problem. Defense (and in a different way Regeneration) doesn't have that time: mistakes have much smaller windows of time to react to, and that makes them problematic for Tankers if you're balancing for the average player.

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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Scaling -dam?

First foe in range applies a 10% damage debuff; each additional enemy up to ten applies another 1% damage debuff to all enemies in range.
I used to think momentary pulsing confuse would be interesting. Conceptually it would be sort of a combination between deflection and actual confusion. But that doesn't directly address the burst damage issue head on.

Its hard to make -DMG without actually using -DMG or +RES. One weird possibility I toyed with was pulsing +Health. Basically, the toggle would grant a +Health buff for a brief period of time, and then expire. And then repeat. So attacks that land during the uptime would effectively be attenuated, while others would land at full strength. By flickering this, random numbers of attacks incoming would be essentially reduced.

It seemed too gimmicky though and I had no good explanation for why SR should have such an effect. A less gimmicky alternative was to convert Evasion from a toggle to a click +Health (i.e. Dull Pain with no heal) that you could use at the start of a fight to attenuate the alpha strike but couldn't keep perma. Maybe even something with Build Up's uptime. Although, haha, my original name for this power was "Willpower."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




I understand what you're saying. I just don't see it to be as large a problem as you seem to see it. Will LR be an issue? Hell, yea, especially with the blue tower up, but isn't that also a problem for the Ice Armor user? Autohit powers like Rom's fluffy and that Shard AV's damage aura are also a problem, but isn't that also true for the Ice Armor user?

What about SR brutes? They've been "tanking" for a while now redside and are migrating blue side. Won't they be running into all the problems that you have stated SR tanks will run into?

Granted, Ice and Inv both get HP buffs. Yes, they help. But I find it difficult to accept that they are so vastly superior to a softcap + 95% DDR that we should block SR proliferation because of it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Just to say, back when the game first came out this is one reason I picked up Stealth on my SR Scrapper and even used it as his in-combat defense. Of course, back then we didn't have "real numbers", so I probably wouldn't have tried it had I known there was such a huge difference in Defense. (Then again, this was pre-GDN, so it was twice what it is now)

I personally think of SR as the "one on one" Defense. Invulnerability is about drawing crowds around you, Ninjitsu is about sneaking around and using "wonderful toys", WP is a jack of all trades and middle ground. Even though it lacks stealth, I find it easier to play SR with it, using pulling and breaking up foes so I'm not hit by lots of AoEs.

That's not exactly Tanker strategy, though.

Then again, it can be amazing playing a Stalker and having that 37.5% Def from Hide. It makes it a lot easier to deal with it on SR Stalkers. Maybe SR can have a similar mechanism, maybe an additional 10% AoE Def somewhere that you lose when you have someone in melee.

Also, I believe that once upon a time my suggestion for an Evasion replacement was a scaling power that added to your End regeneration based on number of foes around you. This would compensate for SR's noted End costs, as well as that Quickness gives you a recharge boost. Of course, stacked with Elude that might make for a lot of extra End, but perhaps that could be reduced accordingly.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

I understand what you're saying. I just don't see it to be as large a problem as you seem to see it. Will LR be an issue? Hell, yea, especially with the blue tower up, but isn't that also a problem for the Ice Armor user? Autohit powers like Rom's fluffy and that Shard AV's damage aura are also a problem, but isn't that also true for the Ice Armor user?

What about SR brutes? They've been "tanking" for a while now redside and are migrating blue side. Won't they be running into all the problems that you have stated SR tanks will run into?

Granted, Ice and Inv both get HP buffs. Yes, they help. But I find it difficult to accept that they are so vastly superior to a softcap + 95% DDR that we should block SR proliferation because of it.
Its not really a question of what the set *can* do, but rather what it has a *right* to do. Brutes aren't tankers. If you *think* they are tankers and you can play them like tankers, then that's fine. There's wide range of character performance and player performance so there will be players that can build and play a brute just as well as any tanker out there in tanking situations.

The problems comes when lesser skilled players roll an SR tanker and run into problems under normal tanking conditions. They have the *right* for that tanker, if built reasonably well, and if they aren't complete idiots, to have a certain performance. If someone rolls an SR brute and complains they can't tank like a tanker, they get filled into the circular file. But if someone rolls an SR tanker and complains they can't tank like a tanker, that's a legitimate problem the devs will have to investigate.

In other words, its not so much a question of whether or not SR can tank, but whether or not its good enough to be effective for the average player. Brutes have no such right. Tankers do. For SR to be a valid tanker set, it has to be effective when played by the average player. And the average player is several orders of magnitude lower on the performance and skill tree as anything the forums normally acknowledge.

To put it another way, Blasters didn't need a buff in I11 because they couldn't perform well. It was because they weren't performing well. And while many blasters didn't need or deserve a buff, the archetype as a whole did because its the average player that is the balancing pivot. Similarly, I'm sure SR would make a fine tanker in the hands of many players. Heck: I'd play one. My concern is that its insufficient for the average player the game is balanced around.

Especially because it teaches the wrong lessons to a beginning player. In the early going he's going to be almost indestructible if he just takes some pointers from the many, many people that will encourage him or her to go for the cap right off the bat. Then one day the bad luck streaks that are almost impossible to see at low levels start to become reality when he starts tanking higher task forces or level 40 critters or things with higher burst damage. And he or she won't have the tools to deal with that sudden shift in gameplay, because SR doesn't give them any easy way out: its options are limited and focused, except for taking aid self (which at least will be easier after I19) and maybe tough.

At the moment no Tanker doesn't have at least resistance (to most damage types) or +health, and many have both. Without either, SR is far more burst-vulnerable than any other tanker set. That's worrisome when the devs acknowledged that even with Dull Pain Ice Armor was lacking in this area in I6 and Ice isn't even as slanted towards defense as SR is.

And if the devs have to respond to the lower performance players and rebalance SR for them for tankers, its really, really hard to buff SR in a way that will grant lower performance SR Tankers better protection that won't make the higher performance SR tankers overpowered. If you're going to do it, you should think that problem through now.

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