POWER POOLS ---> Issue 21 ???
You've moved certain powers from T1 to T2, I see.
Hasten, I can see why you would see it as useful enough to be worthy of T2 ranking. After all, it's quite popular among the playerbase for it's +Rech.
But Kick?
Edit: Another take on revamping the Presence Pool, by Memphis_Bill.
Link: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=239825
Oh, and I am generally in favor of "Deepening the Pools" as it were.
Some of those are really bad ideas.
Grant fly has grief all over it, it's already a pain when someone turns on group fly and the whole team in synch says shut it OFF! I would hate hate HATE this buff and I have a fealing I wouldn't be the only one.
Splitting hasten in two powers? Why you asking for nerfs? This would not go over well.
Phase shift as PFF clone but 90%res instead? Your already phased 90%res is useless unless it's for pvp and good luck getting the devs to do anything for pvp lol.
Placate is way to an OP power for just any AT to have. Never happen.
The rest seem ok.
I proposed something like this years back. Granted it was a bit simpler than what you've presented.
I just wanted to add a 5th power to each travel pool
Afterburner - Max flight speed for 2 minutes. (The arguements against this consisted of the ability for everyone to reach the speed cap easily enough with slotting and the fact that it can't be increased past what it's capped at currently due to engine limitations.)
Vertical Speed - Ability to cling to vertical surface while running at SS (Arguements vs this consisted of the fact that it's not possible with this engine.)
Ground Slam - AOE knockback attack (No arguements against this I can recall)
Instant relocation - Click on any point on the map and teleport there for all your endurance, with inability to re-port for 2 minutes.
(this one caused the most debate. Those saying it would be overpowered and or not possible with engine and those saying it could be balanced and achieved with a reworking of mission TP)
With Fitness becomming inherrent, now is the best time for these suggestions! Looks like you gave this a great deal of thought.
Looking forward to the debates now.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Some of those are really bad ideas.
Grant fly has grief all over it, it's already a pain when someone turns on group fly and the whole team in synch says shut it OFF! I would hate hate HATE this buff and I have a fealing I wouldn't be the only one. Splitting hasten in two powers? Why you asking for nerfs? This would not go over well. Phase shift as PFF clone but 90%res instead? Your already phased 90%res is useless unless it's for pvp and good luck getting the devs to do anything for pvp lol. Placate is way to an OP power for just any AT to have. Never happen. The rest seem ok. |
Perhaps grant Fly would need something like the fortune teller notification added to it, so you could choose to not accept the buff. Additionally, dont we have the ability to dismiss other player's buffs ? I honestly don't remember, but we should have that option.
Phase Shift currently only allows you to stay that way for 30 sec. This seemed (to me) a good way to allow the power to stay toggled as long as you wanted.
I am somewhat confused why everyone says Placate is OP'd. Stalkers are the only AT that can completely capitalize on its effect. For everyone else it would act as a de-taunt, which would only hide you for a short duration.
Honestly, allowing Stalkers another access to placate seems like a good way to help them out. For any other AT placate would simply cause one target to ignore you for a short duration. Call it a minor confuse effect. Could save a squishy toon's butt on a team, and I am recommending only mag3 effect, so that it will not work on Bosses and higher.
Splitting Hasten would definitely be unpopular, but of all the Pool Powers out there, can you think of any power (especially Tier 1) with as much game-changing strength. It really is deserving of a change, however unpopular. Also notice that the combined Recharge of Quick Reactions and Hasten would still be 70%. You would simply have to take 2 powers to get it. As a bonus, Quick Reactions would give you global movement bonus and allow slotting "universal movement IOs" and Hasten would gain "slow/immob resist" and could allow slotting IOs for "resist sets".
You've moved certain powers from T1 to T2, I see.
Hasten, I can see why you would see it as useful enough to be worthy of T2 ranking. After all, it's quite popular among the playerbase for it's +Rech. But Kick? Edit: Another take on revamping the Presence Pool, by Memphis_Bill. Link: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=239825 Oh, and I am generally in favor of "Deepening the Pools" as it were. |
I also feel very stongly about alternate animations for both Boxing and Kick, as well as increasing the reliability of their secondary effects to match the usefullness of Air Superiority.
I had read that thread and both Memphis_Bill and I have very similar ideas on how to upgrade the Presence pool. In fact, I would be remiss if I didn't credit him with the idea of a PBAoE debuff.
Thanks for your interest
With Fitness becomming inherrent, now is the best time for these suggestions! Looks like you gave this a great deal of thought. Looking forward to the debates now. |
Thanks for your support. I have indeed given this alot of thought.
Placate is way to an OP power for just any AT to have. Never happen.
Perhaps you've heard of a little thing called Day Jobs.
Clubber + Fashion Designer = Socialite. Reward power - "Beguile," which is... Placate. Accessible to everyone. And, as mentioned, only Stalkers (and perhaps 3 of 4 VEATs) get any bonus other than shed aggro from the power.
I adore these changes. I think some tweaking would have to be done (Grant flight, for example, and it's prompt)...
But other than that it seems awesome!
(T1) HOVER: (Toggle), +Fly, +Def ---> no change (T1) AIR SUPERIORITY: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, Knockdown ---> no change (T2) FLY: (Toggle), +Fly ---> no change (T2) GRANT FLIGHT: (Click::Ally), 4+min Flying buff ---> new power (T3) AIR MASTERY: (Toggle) Fly speed boost, +def (Ranged, Fire, Cold, Toxic) ---> new power can be run simultaneously with Hover or Fly which will boost fly speed of either power. Hover/Fly still remain mutually exclusive. +Def on par with Hover |
My suggestion-
(T3) Momentary Flight: (auto) Special Flight, increase jump speed, +3pt of KB protection.
Changes leaps into 'flight' for a short time and also greatly improves jump speed. This would be a power for characters that can't really fly but have momentary aerial abilities. It'd be handy for those situations when you're in a set of caltrops or quicksand and you can't jump out, this'll let you fly-jump out...if we can code such a power.
I'd also think about stretching this to the Team-Flight power, granting 'momentary flight' instead of pure flight with a longer airtime. So if you don't want to fly, just don't jump and if you need to jump but you don't want to fly, just fly down after or let the air-time expire and fall.
LEAPING (T1) COMBAT JUMPING: (Toggle), +Jump, +Def, +res(immob) ---> no change (T1) JUMP KICK: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, Knockup ---> new animation, increase KU chance (T2) SUPERJUMP: (Toggle), +Jump ---> no change (T2) ELUSIVE: (Auto), +Def(Melee), +Res(S/L) ---> new power, +def par with CJ, +res(5-9%) (T3) ACROBATICS: (Toggle), Protect(Mag4(Hold, KB)) ---> changed protection strengths |
Elusive sounds like...a min/max power. It has no flavor and seems to be there just to add a bit more defense/resistance to a build...like an IO bonus rather than a power.
My suggestion-
(T2) Elusive: (auto) minor +defense, minor stealth, mez protection special.
Has a chance to grant mez protection when attempting a leap (like, maybe 25% chance of 2pt of protection to all for 30sec). Not really useful for melee characters but could be a tiny bit useful for those squishies. Would be cool if you could keep pressing the jump button while mezzed too to try and break free from it.
TELEPORTATION (T1) DIMENSION WALK: (Toggle), +Def, +Fly ---> new power, Hover Clone, mutually exclusive to Hover/Fly. Improves usability of Teleport (T1) RECALL FRIEND: (Click::Ally), Ally summon ---> no change (T2) TELEPORT: (Click), +Teleport(self) ---> remove immob, reduce endurance cost (T2) TELEPORT FOE: (Click::Foe), remove foe fear at end of port so that they stay and fight, add delay before spawn "alert" to simulate confusion (T3) TEAM TELEPORT: (Click::Team), Change targeting method to allow caster to target any area on current map not hidden by "fog of war". TP all allies on map to point clicked on map. Cost increased to 10 end per ally. |
SPEED (T1) FLURRY: (Click::Melee Cone), Minor Dmg, Chance to Stun ---> increase chance to stun (T1) QUICK REACTIONS: (Auto), +25% rech, +movement ---> Hasten seperated into two powers (T2) SUPERSPEED: (Toggle), +Run, +stealth ---> no change (T2) HASTEN: (Click), +45% recharge, +res (slow, immob) ---> similar to current hasten, but reduced recharge due to splitting power. (T3) WHIRLWIND: (Toggle), +KB, +resist(special) ---> remove per target end cost, caster takes half damage from any melee attack, toggle is considered offensive in regards to toggle drop *** recommend same change to similar toggles like Repel, Repulsion Field, etc... |
CONCEALMENT (T1) STEALTH: (Toggle), +Def(All), +Stealth ---> lower toggle cost, remove suppression, Defense on par with Hover/Combat Jumping (T1) GRANT INVISIBILITY: (Click::Ally), +Def, +Stealth, long duration buff ---> no change (T2) INVISIBILITY: (Toggle), +Def, +Stealth ---> remove inability to combat, suppression of defense should be sufficient while in combat, lower toggle cost (T2) KEEN INSIGHT: (Auto), +Def(AoE), +Perception, +Acc ---> new power, Def on par with CJ (T3) PHASE SHIFT: (Toggle), +Res(all but Psi), +Def(All) ---> PFF clone, but with 90% resistance, 15% defense while active, may remain toggled, but caster can only affect self |
Can we get more phase powers? I'd love it if the T2 of Concealment was a ST melee foe phase that lasted around 8sec and made the foe completely invisible (you can't see it at all). You could still target it but if you waste powers on something you can't see, that's your own fault

Uses would mainly be to sneak up and eliminate an annoying target for a short time...maybe even phase yourself so you can just deal with that target for a while.
FIGHTING (T1) BOXING: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, chance to stun ---> use barrage animation, increase stun chance on par with Air Superiority (T1) HARDINESS: (Auto), +Res(E/N/F/C/Tox) ---> new power, resist dmg 5-9% (T2) TOUGH: (Toggle), +Res(S/L), +Res(Stun,Fear) ---> added Stun/Fear resistance (T2) KICK: (Click::Melee), Med Dmg, chance to Knockdown ---> new animations, increase dmg and Knockdown chance (T3) WEAVE: (Toggle), +Def(All), +res(Immob) ---> no change |

LEADERSHIP (T1) ASSAULT: (Toggle::AoE), +Dmg, +res(debuffs 10-20% max) ---> added ability to slot IO sets(Resist) (T1) MANEUVERS: (Toggle::AoE), +Def(All) ---> no change (T2) TACTICS: (Toggle::AoE), +ToHit, +perception ---> no change (T2) COMMANDING SHOUT: (PBAoE), Team +Res(hold, disorient, immob, sleep, fear, confuse) ---> short duration buff (30 secs min) on long cooldown (180sec min) (T3) VENGEANCE: (PBAoE::Special), +Def, +Dmg, +ToHit ---> removed status effect for new T2 power, otherwise unchanged |
PRESENCE (T1) INTIMIDATE: (Click::Foe), Ranged single target fear ---> no change from current T2 power (T1) PROVOKE: (AoE), Ranged AoE Taunt ---> no change (T2) INVOKE PANIC: (PBAoE), Foe Fear(Mag 2) ---> no change from current T3 power (T2) PLACATE: (Click), Single Target De-Taunt (Mag 3) ---> new power (T3) BATTLE CRY: (PBAoE), Foe Debuff, -tohit -Dmg -Def for 30sec, 180sec recharge ---> new power |

MEDICINE (T1) STIMULANT: (Click::Ally), +res(stun, hold, immob, sleep, fear, confuse) ---> global removal of interrupt, effect of power unchanged, all medicine powers cast at 3.93sec (T1) AID OTHER: (Click::Ally), +heal ---> global removal of interrupt, Heals ally 15-20% (T2) AID SELF: (Click::Self), +heal ---> global removal of interrupt, heal reduced to 11% (T2) VITALITY BOOST: (Click::Ally), +End(10-15%), Cast 3.93 ---> new power (T3) RESCUSCITATE: (Click::Ally), Resurrection ---> no interrupt, shorter cast time |
Honestly can't think of any type of power that'd be good here...
Candidates I can think of that'd be different, useful and thematic:
-Portable Hospital: (summon) +Interrupt redux, small +rech redux bonus, special. If an ally is defeated, and you have this power summoned and are standing nearby, allies can choose to TP to that instead of the hospital/jail. They'd still be dead but safe...Useful for your rezzing support allies (could take Recall...or PH if it's more thematic for the character than teleportation) and great for your non-support allies to help out.
-Vitality patch: (Click Ally) +END. Grant an ally a temp power for 4 minutes. The power will remain on them until it expires or they dip below 25% END upon which the temp power is expended. Grants +25% END and resistance to END drain/-recovery.

We can decline Mystic Fortune as it is cast, but that's it. Dismiss? Not so much.
perhaps its just "personal time dilation" making me think they are. Hehe
Thanks for your feedback Leo,
Your idea on a pseudo flight/jump sounds very cool. Although I am certain they would not make it an auto power, being able to jump into flight would be interesting. Not sure how that would affect coding or how much of a pain it would be. I suppose they could make the power a temporary toggle which would allow you to turn it on and off as desired within the buff's duration.
As far as jump kick, I apologize if you thought I meant to remove the original animation.
What I want is for alternate animations to be extended to pool attacks, so that others (like myself) can choose a more appropriate animation for our tastes. The original animation is not that bad really. For me it just doesnt flow smoothly enough to fit into any of my characters attack chains without looking just plain goofey. To each his own though
I agree with you on elusiveness, it does seem more of a min/max power, but my original thought was to make a Hurdle clone with a small +res or +def in it. Not sure how much more powerfull a Tier 2 should be over a Tier 1, and we already have hurdle, CJ, Sprint, Ninja run etc.... etc... It didnt seem likely that a person who is probably taking superjump, really needed another auto jump height power. In response to your idea of getting a small buff when you jump, I would be opposed to any buff that required me to hop around constantly. Yikes, can you imagine that? If you think "aura rockin" is bad
With teleportation, Again I dont think the devs will ever give an auto power that grants flight, or stealth or anything which would perma-lock you into a certain state. By having a hover clone and reducing the cost per port, someone who wants to use this as a travel power doesnt have to take hover from the flight pool to make the power more easy to use and doesnt have to invest as heavily in slotting the travel power.
On the stealth power, with reference to Dark Armor, dont forget that the +def of Cloak of Darkness is twice as high as unsuppressed stealth. All I am asking is to bring stealth in-line for cost and value for running it full time as other opener powers like CJ and Hover. Lets compare them side by side(for a scrapper):
Combat Jumping: 0.07/sec, +1.87Def, +jump, +res(immob(mag10))
Hover: 0.19/sec, +1.87Def, +fly
Stealth: 0.33/sec, +1.87Def(suppressed in combat), -35%move speed, 35ft Stealth
Cloak of Darkness: 0.26/sec, +3.75%def(not suppressed), no move penalty, 35ft stealth
+res(immob(mag10)), +perception
What I see here is that CJ is too cheap to run, Stealth is too expensive or has too many downsides, and Hover is right in the middle. If the toggle cost were to remain, I still think that the defense should not suppress and the -35% movement should be removed.
Kick becoming a cone might not go over so well with Melee ATs, although I am sure some of them would love to have access to another AoE.
As far as Boost Vitality is concerned, you realize that I expect it to be enhanceable. So the 10-15% boost would be 20-30% fully enhanced. Thats like handing out blue candy.
I do agree that 10-15% "out-of-the-box" seems kinda low, but that blaster that just nuked could at least turn their toggles back on and fire off some single shots. Giving anymore than 20% base on a power like this seriously infringes on powersets that offer +rec/end as one of their premier buffs.
Thanks again Leo for all your feedback. I am glad that some of these ideas appealled to you.
I adore these changes. I think some tweaking would have to be done (Grant flight, for example, and it's prompt)...
But other than that it seems awesome! -Rachel- |
I really hope the devs consider an issue dedicated to "Power Pools"
It would be very nice to look at the pools in a whole new light. Knowing that those useless powers are not so usless anymore and knowing that many powers currently unable to slot IO sets would get a little bit more interesting is a big desire of mine.
Don't blush -too- hard at my praise. You'll be accused of worshiping Cole or having no idea what right and wrong are.
Thanks for your feedback Leo,
Your idea on a pseudo flight/jump sounds very cool. Although I am certain they would not make it an auto power, being able to jump into flight would be interesting. Not sure how that would affect coding or how much of a pain it would be. I suppose they could make the power a temporary toggle which would allow you to turn it on and off as desired within the buff's duration. |
But I'd say the likelyhood of it being an auto power is the willingness the devs have to alter basic control mechanisms. So yeah, not likely.
The way I imagine momentary flight is similar to super jump in that, you hold the jump button and you keep 'jumping' and you release the jump button (or reach max height) and then go down. The difference being, you keep holding the jump button and moving in a direction, you keep flying. If you release the jump button (or run out of airtime), or you stop moving 'forward', you start 'gliding' down. Did I explain that well?
I guess it could work as a toggle too but I hate having to run more toggles >_>
I agree with you on elusiveness, it does seem more of a min/max power, but my original thought was to make a Hurdle clone with a small +res or +def in it. Not sure how much more powerfull a Tier 2 should be over a Tier 1, and we already have hurdle, CJ, Sprint, Ninja run etc.... etc... It didnt seem likely that a person who is probably taking superjump, really needed another auto jump height power. In response to your idea of getting a small buff when you jump, I would be opposed to any buff that required me to hop around constantly. Yikes, can you imagine that? If you think "aura rockin" is bad ![]() |
It's more like adding an option to 'try' to escape instead of what squishies have now: use breakfrees or wait.
You don't chug all your breakfrees one after another just cause you have them, right? That'd be about as useful as constantly jumping around for the buff.
With teleportation, Again I dont think the devs will ever give an auto power that grants flight, or stealth or anything which would perma-lock you into a certain state. By having a hover clone and reducing the cost per port, someone who wants to use this as a travel power doesnt have to take hover from the flight pool to make the power more easy to use and doesnt have to invest as heavily in slotting the travel power. |
Nothing to say about the stealth comment. I was mainly bringing up the utility this power offers to different ATs/powersets.
But you were only talking about the defense not suppressing? Not the stealth? Well, I guess it still be pretty useless on a Stalker but not completely. For the DA/EA users, it'd still have no use.
As far as Boost Vitality is concerned, you realize that I expect it to be enhanceable. So the 10-15% boost would be 20-30% fully enhanced. Thats like handing out blue candy. I do agree that 10-15% "out-of-the-box" seems kinda low, but that blaster that just nuked could at least turn their toggles back on and fire off some single shots. Giving anymore than 20% base on a power like this seriously infringes on powersets that offer +rec/end as one of their premier buffs. |

The way I imagine momentary flight is similar to super jump in that, you hold the jump button and you keep 'jumping' and you release the jump button (or reach max height) and then go down. The difference being, you keep holding the jump button and moving in a direction, you keep flying. If you release the jump button (or run out of airtime), or you stop moving 'forward', you start 'gliding' down. Did I explain that well?
I guess it could work as a toggle too but I hate having to run more toggles >_> |
Well, the idea isn't to constantly jump around to get the buff. The idea is, if mezzes are flying at you (which isn't always), you can attempt to 'escape' them by jumping. So if there are Tsoo Inkmen with mind control and energy melee all around, you can try to 'jump' out of their mezzes.
It's more like adding an option to 'try' to escape instead of what squishies have now: use breakfrees or wait. You don't chug all your breakfrees one after another just cause you have them, right? That'd be about as useful as constantly jumping around for the buff. |
Well, I wasn't suggesting the auto power give flight. AFAIK, Ninja Run has some kind of affect on movement friction so that you can move differently in mid-air. Not sure how it works but, when I have NR going and TPing around on auto-run, I can keep moving more easily after coming out of a teleport and immediately move in the direction I was auto-running in when the hover ends. I was kinda talking about a power that improved on that, giving you extremely loose friction and moving capabilities while in that hover state.
Nothing to say about the stealth comment. I was mainly bringing up the utility this power offers to different ATs/powersets.
But you were only talking about the defense not suppressing? Not the stealth? Well, I guess it still be pretty useless on a Stalker but not completely. For the DA/EA users, it'd still have no use. |
I am completely convinced that going up to 5 powers in each pool and making some solid effort on which powers come at which tier could really open up more of the pools. Especially ones that are lesser used, like Presence, Concealment, etc...
Well, that's a bit close to Transference (granted that's AoE) but I'd fully expect the usability of the power to come into question. I guess out of combat or ranged or on a moderate-short recharge, it'd be good.
Great explanations Leo
A few things I want to comment on:
Your defence-giving power in Leaping is EXCESSIVE! 9% defence is just 2% short of what both Deflection AND Battle Agility provide to a Shield Scrapper, and you're suggesting an auto power. 5% is what defence-giving Pool powers were before the GDN. If you're looking at defence now, especially in a pool toggle, the most you can look forward to is 1.5% to 2%. I'd swap it out for something else entirely anyway, since we don't really need Weave Again.
Also, your flight speed boosting power would be useless for the actual power Fly, which seems to cap itself with just its default slot these days. However, and this is what people always miss, it seems like it would be useful for Hover. I know that's pretty much half the reason I use Power Boost on my Energy/Energy Blaster. Hit Power Boost and you have amazing flight speed with Hover's tight control. Excellent for in-battle.
I actually think you can keep this power. I don't know what stats you have for it, but twice the Hover speed for, say, 30 seconds every two minutes would be worth the pick, at least for me.
I'm not sure you want to put in a Placate, at least not one that initiates Hide for Stalkers. It's not overpowering for other people, but it becomes "mandatory" for Stalkers if you leave the Hidden status in, and no pool power should be mandatory for any AT. However, if I were designing this, I'd design it as Smoke Flash. It slaps people with an AoE placate, but it doesn't hide you and I believe it breaks for EVERYONE if you attack anyone from the spawn. Basically, I'd design this more as a "Get me out of here!" power, but that's just me.
When it comes to teleport, I want to go off the rails here for a bit. We all know how powers like Lightning Rod and Shield Charge work - you summon a pet at your reticle and it hits things as you teleport to it. So what if Teleport summoned an invisible pseudo-pet that would grant base Hover speed flight to you and only you in an AoE of a 4-foot radius around where you appeared? The pet's flight power would be unlimited, but I'd make the pet itself time out after 20-30 seconds. That way, you could get a long Hover period, but one you could break just by hovering away from the pet. In fact, this could come with a new graphic, a kind of "dimensional distortion" that you can fly as long as you're in it, because the thing would linger after you left it, and you could potentially return to it.
I can definitely see the need to have only one of these active at a time, which could be achieved by whatever system it is that kills your Forcefield Generator when you summon a new one.
That's all I have.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
A few things I want to comment on:
Your defence-giving power in Leaping is EXCESSIVE! 9% defence is just 2% short of what both Deflection AND Battle Agility provide to a Shield Scrapper, and you're suggesting an auto power. 5% is what defence-giving Pool powers were before the GDN. If you're looking at defence now, especially in a pool toggle, the most you can look forward to is 1.5% to 2%. I'd swap it out for something else entirely anyway, since we don't really need Weave Again. |

The power is giving resistance (5-9%) depending on AT, 9% S/L if you were a tank. The defense in the power is Melee only and its value is equal to Combat Jumping. So IF, you took CJ, and Elusive, you would have 3.75% defense Melee, 1.88% defense(everything else) and 6%(approx) resistance S/L if you were a scrapper. This requires 2 picks and of course gets better with slotting. 6% Defense Melee 3%(everything else)(with 3 def in both powers) and 10% resist S/L if you 3 slot resist in the auto (which is now 6-slotted). Sorry if you thought the 5-9% was defense.
Also, your flight speed boosting power would be useless for the actual power Fly, which seems to cap itself with just its default slot these days. However, and this is what people always miss, it seems like it would be useful for Hover. I know that's pretty much half the reason I use Power Boost on my Energy/Energy Blaster. Hit Power Boost and you have amazing flight speed with Hover's tight control. Excellent for in-battle.
I actually think you can keep this power. I don't know what stats you have for it, but twice the Hover speed for, say, 30 seconds every two minutes would be worth the pick, at least for me. |
Do you have any thoughts on how this power pool could be improved ?
I'm not sure you want to put in a Placate, at least not one that initiates Hide for Stalkers. It's not overpowering for other people, but it becomes "mandatory" for Stalkers if you leave the Hidden status in, and no pool power should be mandatory for any AT. However, if I were designing this, I'd design it as Smoke Flash. It slaps people with an AoE placate, but it doesn't hide you and I believe it breaks for EVERYONE if you attack anyone from the spawn. Basically, I'd design this more as a "Get me out of here!" power, but that's just me.
When it comes to teleport, I want to go off the rails here for a bit. We all know how powers like Lightning Rod and Shield Charge work - you summon a pet at your reticle and it hits things as you teleport to it. So what if Teleport summoned an invisible pseudo-pet that would grant base Hover speed flight to you and only you in an AoE of a 4-foot radius around where you appeared? The pet's flight power would be unlimited, but I'd make the pet itself time out after 20-30 seconds. That way, you could get a long Hover period, but one you could break just by hovering away from the pet. In fact, this could come with a new graphic, a kind of "dimensional distortion" that you can fly as long as you're in it, because the thing would linger after you left it, and you could potentially return to it.
I can definitely see the need to have only one of these active at a time, which could be achieved by whatever system it is that kills your Forcefield Generator when you summon a new one. That's all I have. |
It reminds me of another Idea that I read about where you open a portal and fly thru.
The portal stays open as long as you leave the toggle on and the portal appears right next to you. Once you fly thru the portal, you become phased and invisible but can fly thru your current map at flight speed. All enemies would be invisible to you, but you could see the whole map. Once you reached the spot that you wanted to port to, you switch off the toggle and "POP" you are right at the spot you have flown to on the map.
Personally, I would rather just click a spot on the map not covered by the "fog of war" and land at ground level on that point. This makes exploring an important factor of Teleport, which is very "thematic" to me. Thats kinda why I suggested that for the Team Teleport power. To see what kind of responses it would engender.
Another TP idea that I had for "Dimension Walk" was a toggle like combat jumping, which gave some small defense/resist bonuses, or even stealth, but when you hit the space bar, you would teleport "X distance" in a direct line from your current heading. If any obstacle was between you and that "endpoint" you would show up just before that obstacle. It would look so cool to jump-port, but I can only imagine the headaches the Devs would have trying to "unstick" players whose characters got ported inside walls and such.
As best as I can recall the Devs have said the system can't differenciate between a buff and a debuff so to allow you to remove Buffs they would have to allow you to remove debuffs. Which they won't obviously.
Maybe COH2 will consider this.
Hello Sam, thanks for joining in the discussion
![]() The power is giving resistance (5-9%) depending on AT, 9% S/L if you were a tank. The defense in the power is Melee only and its value is equal to Combat Jumping. So IF, you took CJ, and Elusive, you would have 3.75% defense Melee, 1.88% defense(everything else) and 6%(approx) resistance S/L if you were a scrapper. This requires 2 picks and of course gets better with slotting. 6% Defense Melee (3 def in both powers) and 10% resist S/L if you 3 slot resist in the auto (which is now 6-slotted). Sorry if you thought the 5-9% was defense. |
Kind of unfair to typed defense sets that this power adds melee defense and no typed defense. Pools should be equally beneficial to these types of things.

Hello Sam, thanks for joining in the discussion
![]() The power is giving resistance (5-9%) depending on AT, 9% S/L if you were a tank. The defense in the power is Melee only and its value is equal to Combat Jumping. So IF, you took CJ, and Elusive, you would have 3.75% defense Melee, 1.88% defense(everything else) and 6%(approx) resistance S/L if you were a scrapper. This requires 2 picks and of course gets better with slotting. 6% Defense Melee (3 def in both powers) and 10% resist S/L if you 3 slot resist in the auto (which is now 6-slotted). Sorry if you thought the 5-9% was defense. |
Normally when you're web-grenaded, you run slowly and can't jump up a street curb. With this, you'd be able to jump at least a couple of feet up under any circumstances. And, yes, this includes under the effects of Caltrops, Rooter or Granite Armour, as well. How's that for an esoteric power?

Yeah, I did not realize the flight cap was so low. My concept was that by taking this toggle and using it in conjunction with Hover or Fly is that you would gain some minor amount of specialized defense (Ranged, Fire, Cold etc..) but that you could fly at normal fly speed if combined with Hover and at a "super" flight speed if used with Fly. Sounds like they would need to increase the Fly speed "cap" to allow this concept to work right. Do you have any thoughts on how this power pool could be improved ? |
Hmmm interesting Idea. One of the quandries with presence was finding an effect that was "thematic" enough to fit, but not overpowered. My first thought was actually a single target confuse, as I mentioned in Memphis_Bill's thread, but alot of responses seemed to make that even more OP'd. And I actually agree, a Confuse would be more powerful than a placate. How about an AoE immobilize? Kind of a "everybody freeze" effect. I would hate this set to have so many AoE powers though. |
Howe about for Leadership, you get a "protective" aura that saves people from the more insidious of side effects like -perception, confusion, fear and probably gives them resistance to... Either endurance drain effects or slows, whichever is more feasible. It's the idea that people who are around you are less prone to give up to exhaustion because they don't want to let you down.
Personally, I would rather just click a spot on the map not covered by the "fog of war" and land at ground level on that point. This make exploring an important factor of Teleport, which is very "thematic" to me. |
Personally, for a fifth teleport power, I want to see combat teleport - a power which teleports you INSTANTLY with no animation whatsoever, with very little cost, with no Hover time at all, but is limited to about 30-40 feet and is on a recharge of, say, 2-4 seconds. Teleport itself is far too sluggish and far too costly, to say nothing of far too ugly to use in battle.
Also on Fighting - I would love it if Kick turned into an AoE or was otherwise made "better" to differentiate it from a copy of Boxing, such that it can be moves a tier lower. I really don't like Pools that have copies of the same power in different slots. What would also help is either if they make Fighting powers work without putting your weapon away or otherwise if BABs gets around to removing weapon draw like he said he would when he had time.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
From the time of the game's inception I have always felt that the Power Pools were an excellent opportunity to not only flesh out your Heroic characters, but also to blur the lines between ATs and powersets to a limited degree. And for 6+ years these powers have accomplished a great deal of both. That being the case, there are, however, powers which are under-valued and rarely used, as well as powers which are highly valued and found in a large proportion of player builds. On the heels of I19 and the fitness pool changes, I propose that we consider some future Issue to "polish" up the oldest pool powers and (possibly) extend them to include a 5th power.

What follows is a very rough draft of my thoughts on the power pools.
Feel free to offer thoughts on other ways to help these power sets out.
And as always, these are just ideas so let's enjoy sharing and discussing yours as well as mine.
(T1) HOVER: (Toggle), +Fly, +Def ---> no change
(T1) AIR SUPERIORITY: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, Knockdown ---> no change
(T2) FLY: (Toggle), +Fly ---> no change
(T2) GRANT FLIGHT: (Click::Ally), 4+min Flying buff ---> new power
(T3) AIR MASTERY: (Toggle) Fly speed boost, +def (Ranged, Fire, Cold, Toxic)
---> new power can be run simultaneously with Hover or Fly which will boost fly speed of either power. Hover/Fly still remain mutually exclusive. +Def on par with Hover
(T1) COMBAT JUMPING: (Toggle), +Jump, +Def, +res(immob) ---> no change
(T1) JUMP KICK: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, Knockup ---> new animation, increase KU chance
(T2) SUPERJUMP: (Toggle), +Jump ---> no change
(T2) ELUSIVE: (Auto), +Def(Melee), +Res(S/L) ---> new power, +def par with CJ, +res(5-9%)
(T3) ACROBATICS: (Toggle), Protect(Mag4(Hold, KB)) ---> changed protection strengths
(T1) DIMENSION WALK: (Toggle), +Def, +Fly ---> new power, Hover Clone, mutually exclusive to Hover/Fly. Improves usability of Teleport
(T1) RECALL FRIEND: (Click::Ally), Ally summon ---> no change
(T2) TELEPORT: (Click), +Teleport(self) ---> remove -speed, reduce endurance cost per port
(T2) TELEPORT FOE: (Click::Foe), remove foe fear at end of port so that they stay and fight, add delay before spawn "alert" to simulate confusion
(T3) TEAM TELEPORT: (Click::Team), Change targeting method to allow caster to target any area on current map not hidden by "fog of war". TP all allies on map to point clicked on map. Cost increased to 10 end per ally.
(T1) FLURRY: (Click::Melee Cone), Minor Dmg, Chance to Stun ---> increase chance to stun
(T1) QUICK REACTIONS: (Auto), +25% rech, +movement ---> Hasten seperated into two powers
(T2) SUPERSPEED: (Toggle), +Run, +stealth ---> no change
(T2) HASTEN: (Click), +45% recharge, +res (slow, immob) ---> similar to current hasten, but reduced recharge due to splitting power.
(T3) WHIRLWIND: (Toggle), +KB, +resist(special) ---> remove per target end cost, caster takes half damage from any melee attack, toggle is considered offensive in regards to toggle drop
*** recommend same change to similar toggles like Repel, Repulsion Field, etc...
(T1) STEALTH: (Toggle), +Def(All), +Stealth ---> lower toggle cost or remove movement penalty, remove suppression of Defense in combat
(T1) GRANT INVISIBILITY: (Click::Ally), +Def, +Stealth, long duration buff ---> no change
(T2) INVISIBILITY: (Toggle), +Def, +Stealth ---> remove inability to combat, suppression of defense(75% reduced) while in combat, lower toggle cost
(T2) KEEN INSIGHT: (Auto), +Def(AoE), +Perception, +Acc ---> new power, Def on par with CJ
(T3) PHASE SHIFT: (Toggle), +Res(all but Psi), +Def(All) ---> PFF clone, but with 90% resistance, 15% defense while active, may remain toggled, but caster can only affect self
(T1) BOXING: (Click::Melee), Minor Dmg, chance to stun ---> use barrage animation, increase stun chance on par with Air Superiority
(T1) HARDINESS: (Auto), +Res(E/N/F/C/Tox) ---> new power, resist dmg 5-9%
(T2) TOUGH: (Toggle), +Res(S/L), +Res(Stun,Fear) ---> added Stun/Fear resistance
(T2) KICK: (Click::Melee), Med Dmg, chance to Knockdown ---> new animations, increase dmg and Knockdown chance
(T3) WEAVE: (Toggle), +Def(All), +res(Immob) ---> no change
(T1) ASSAULT: (Toggle::AoE), +Dmg, +res(debuffs 10-20% max) ---> added ability to slot IO sets(Resist)
(T1) MANEUVERS: (Toggle::AoE), +Def(All) ---> no change
(T2) TACTICS: (Toggle::AoE), +ToHit, +perception ---> no change
(T2) COMMANDING SHOUT: (PBAoE), Team +Res(hold, disorient, immob, sleep, fear, confuse) ---> short duration buff (30 secs min) on long cooldown (180sec min)
(T3) VENGEANCE: (PBAoE::Special), +Def, +Dmg, +ToHit ---> removed status effect for new T2 power, otherwise unchanged
(T1) INTIMIDATE: (Click::Foe), Ranged single target fear ---> no change from current T2 power
(T1) PROVOKE: (AoE), Ranged AoE Taunt ---> no change
(T2) INVOKE PANIC: (PBAoE), Foe Fear(Mag 2) ---> no change from current T3 power
(T2) PLACATE: (Click), Single Target De-Taunt (Mag 3) ---> new power
(T3) BATTLE CRY: (PBAoE), Foe Debuff, -tohit -Dmg -Def for 30sec, 180sec recharge ---> new power
(T1) STIMULANT: (Click::Ally), +res(stun, hold, immob, sleep, fear, confuse) ---> global removal of interrupt, effect of power unchanged, all medicine powers cast at 3.93sec
(T1) AID OTHER: (Click::Ally), +heal ---> global removal of interrupt, Heals ally 15-20%
(T2) AID SELF: (Click::Self), +heal ---> global removal of interrupt, heal reduced to 11%
(T2) VITALITY BOOST: (Click::Ally), +End(10-15%), Cast 3.93 ---> new power
(T3) RESCUSCITATE: (Click::Ally), Resurrection ---> no interrupt, shorter cast time
You will notice some common themes throughout my suggestions.
A) improving the melee attacks to better approach the usefullness of Air Superiority (which is a power I consider as the "ideal" for establishing an attack that may appeal to ALL ATs, even melee-based)
B) Changing many powers so that they will accept IO sets. Something which I feel would greatly enhance these powers.
C) Removal of Interrupt on all powers. As I have expressed in another thread, this "effect" seems un-needed considering the activation times on the powers which suffer interrupt.
D) Adding more resistance effects across the spectrum of powers.
E) Addition of many "new" concept powers, which could prove very usefull to teams and players soloing.