Teaser Trailer for "I Am Number Four"




Here's the link where I embedded the trailer.

It's a science fiction film based on a novel of the same name. Here's the movie synopsis:

An extraordinary young man, John Smith, is a fugitive on the run from ruthless enemies sent to destroy him. Changing his identity, moving from town to town with his guardian Henri, John is always the new kid with no ties to his past. In the small Ohio town he now calls home, John encounters unexpected, life-changing events — his first love, powerful new abilities and a connection to the others who share his incredible destiny.
I've never read nor heard of the book, but I checked it out online and found out there's more to the premise than what's been revealed in the teaser. I might give this one a try.



Hmm. Looking at Wikipedia (so grain of salt) Dreamworks bought the rights in '09, filming began mid May ... and the book was released on August 3rd? Oh, and the book's author is a pseudonym for James Frey (The Million Little Pieces author) and someone named Jobie Hughes.

I'm a big dubious, but the trailer's nicely done if nothing else.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



TK rules.



I can't check out the trailer at work, but I bought the book from the Science Fiction Book Club recently, based on the little blurb they give in their catalog.... and WOW was I disappointed. Arguably one of the worst books I've ever, EVER read.

In its defense, I am reasonably sure it's a "teen" novel, so I'm a generation (or two) beyond the intended audience. But, I mean, it hit ALL the boring tired cliches. I could predict EVERYTHING that was going to happen, and I was -right-.

When I found out it was going to be made into a movie (or HAD been, by the time I actually got the book)... I just knew it would be a Twilight-wanna-be movie... tragically misunderstood lone newbie student with secret superpowers meets local girl and falls in love.... black trenchcoated, razor-teeth bad guys hunting him and his father figure... mandatory cute pet with surprise twist....


I'll try to remember to check out the trailer when I get home --- always possible that the movie could be BETTER than the book...



Haven't read the book, but the movie looks fairly fun..



Originally Posted by Brachaesnethar View Post
I can't check out the trailer at work, but I bought the book from the Science Fiction Book Club recently, based on the little blurb they give in their catalog.... and WOW was I disappointed. Arguably one of the worst books I've ever, EVER read.

In its defense, I am reasonably sure it's a "teen" novel, so I'm a generation (or two) beyond the intended audience. But, I mean, it hit ALL the boring tired cliches. I could predict EVERYTHING that was going to happen, and I was -right-.

When I found out it was going to be made into a movie (or HAD been, by the time I actually got the book)... I just knew it would be a Twilight-wanna-be movie... tragically misunderstood lone newbie student with secret superpowers meets local girl and falls in love.... black trenchcoated, razor-teeth bad guys hunting him and his father figure... mandatory cute pet with surprise twist....


I'll try to remember to check out the trailer when I get home --- always possible that the movie could be BETTER than the book...
Well, the general rule of thumb IS "bad book, good movie," so you never know.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Hmm. Looking at Wikipedia (so grain of salt) Dreamworks bought the rights in '09, filming began mid May ... and the book was released on August 3rd? Oh, and the book's author is a pseudonym for James Frey (The Million Little Pieces author) and someone named Jobie Hughes.
After Frey's spectacular self-destruction in the legitimate book world, he reinvented himself as a publishing entrepreneur, promising unknown would-be authors a contract and chance for fame and fortune in exchange for the copyright and all other associated intellectual property. It's the most exploitative literary enterprise since the old days of Grub Street and pulp magazines. The goal, as their I Am Number Four project makes clear, is to manufacture potential blockbusters that can be pitched to Hollywood as tentpole franchises a la Twilight or Harry Potter.



Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
After Frey's spectacular self-destruction in the legitimate book world, he reinvented himself as a publishing entrepreneur, promising unknown would-be authors a contract and chance for fame and fortune in exchange for the copyright and all other associated intellectual property. It's the most exploitative literary enterprise since the old days of Grub Street and pulp magazines. The goal, as their I Am Number Four project makes clear, is to manufacture potential blockbusters that can be pitched to Hollywood as tentpole franchises a la Twilight or Harry Potter.
Wow, I wasn't invested in the Million Little Pieces thing, (it all seemed kind of fakey overblown to be honest) and I wasn't surprised when it turned out he made a bunch of the book up, but even then I kind of thought he was a lousy human being.

He's actually managed to get me to lower my opinion of him with that. Truly an impressive feat.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Well, the general rule of thumb IS "bad book, good movie," so you never know.
Then you get thumb-breakers like "Eragon".

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Well, the general rule of thumb IS "bad book, good movie," so you never know.
I gather you never saw Battlefield Earth.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I gather you never saw Battlefield Earth.

I did. *SOB!*

And despite what daddy L. Ron tells me, I'm still in therapy to this day because of it...

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Teaser trailer looks a lot better than the Twilight-ish full trailer.

They have my attention, but I doubt I'll catch it in theatres. Can't be any worse than Push anyway, which at least had the best TK fight scene in a live action movie I've ever seen.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.