how would you revamp the entire economy and reward structure?




Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I would cap my market not by an artifical number stopping you listing it higher, but by WW propping up the supply with unlimited IO's already available at that set price.

So assume I wanted to cap those 3% IO's at 1 billion, then anyone who bid 1 bil would get one instantly. Queue a drop in price. You would then also see a fall in demand, and I honestly wouldn't think the WW dude would be selling his own IO's for very long as I seriously suspect most of those bids on them IO's are people wanting to sell off market.

As for too much inf, in real life I might agree because you have family etc to pass it onto when you are gone, but in a game if you aren't going to be spending it, then no matter how easy the market is to play, every 5 mins spent earning more than you will spend is surely a wasted 5 mins? (Unless that is where you get your fun however, in which case it doesn't say much for the rest of the game!).
I agree with this. I would also remove all the merit vendors placing a buy-now merit option in the WW/BM GUI. I don't really like the over-abundance of those poor-looking merit vendors. Also, TO/DO/SO's and insp's would have a buy-it-now price a bit higher than those found at the actual stores as a convenience for shopping at the WW/BM superstores.

This would allow the developers more control over I/Os, rather than just drop-rates. Especially during times of really slow gaming activity, rewarding the faithful customers with half-off holidays would be a huge bonus! This would be great even if you have to cap how many of whatever I/O an account can buy during said days so as to prevent an overabundance of the I/O in circulation. Prices would definitely fall to below dev-determined price limits and pricing for common drops would likely rise very little if there are thousands already in stock and people are limited to the amount of WW/BM slots that they have.

I'm not sure if it would change the economy much, but I'd also create a base item that would allow WW/BM interface from the base. Private channels for the powerbuyers/sellers/preferred!



lots of interesting ideas and food for thought. keep those gears grinding people!

A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.

Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
So, why are there over 170 bids for respec recipes?
they're tremendously useful things and people want them.
That there are *only* 170 bids can be attributed to the recent freespec handout.

Why do you insist on ignoring common sense explanations for market events in favor of weird conspiracy theories?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Actually, you overestimate people's abilities. That IS a trick only marketers use, b virtue of the fact that if someone is doing that, they deserve the title, for better or worse. ...

Just because YOU don't bid-creep doesn't mean other people don't. But you're right, they do liek to bid what the last few people did. However, in an instance where they can SEE one just sold for 151511515 or whatever, don't you think they would have tried a bid closer to that before going up to 175M? Also, you've contradicted yourself. First you say "Tons" of people are smart enough to bid uneven amounts, but now you're calling them sheep? make up your mind!
On the other hand, *you're* the one implying that people aren't smart enough to bid odd numbers, but they're still smart enough to bid creep, when we've already seen that a sizable number of items sell for much higher than listed. Who's contradicting whom?

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
And while you're right in that there could be a few extra people putting in respecs for sale at a high price, what, pray-tell, do you think someone is doing making multiple bids of 151etcetcetc for? Or are you going to tell me that over a hundred different people are making bids at that price point? Are you that dense to pick a fight that you're going to start trolling with an illogical conclusion such as that?
There have been numerous times when I've stocked up on multiple high-value items to store or distribute to SG members. That probably means I've got a stack or two of bids up at an odd, lowball price point. This is all stuff that's being used (or going to be soon), not stuff that's being put back up for sale. Not everything is the EBIL FLIPPING CONSPIRACY you seem to think it is.



Originally Posted by Selina_H View Post
Not everything is the EBIL FLIPPING CONSPIRACY you seem to think it is.
Just what a member of the EBIL FLIPPING CONSPIRACY would say!



Originally Posted by Jetpack View Post
Just what a member of the EBIL FLIPPING CONSPIRACY would say!
These aren't the respecs you're looking for...

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
My beef isn't with higher prices or even flippers, but everyone's flippant attitude that the flippers somehow make everything better for everyone.
Flippers don't make things better for everyone. They make things worse for the impatient and the entitled. I don't think that's such a bad thing.



I'm not actually sure they make things worse for the impatient. They just change what the problem is. I am not sure that "I can't BUY IT NAO because there aren't any" is really any better than "I can't BUY IT NAO without paying more than I would pay if I placed a lower bid and walked away for a day or so".