Looking to buy a Glad Def 3% IO

Bill Z Bubba






Hey I was happy I found a picture that would fit a post...

I know youre big on the photo replys and all..

if I had 1, id happy sell it to you.



Originally Posted by Cherry Cupcakes View Post

lolol I love those movies...



Still looking for one myself...




Why not just earn 1 with hero merits? At the markets its 2 billion, more than that on the forums. To me its worth the 2 months of tip missions. Currently i'm doing this with 5 toons so in about 2 weeks I'll have 5 of the valued Glad Armor +3% def



2 months? Get 1.5 a day by trading in reward merits and inf for 1 a day and farming tips for .5 a day.

30/1.5 = 20 days. Or was it 35 HV merits? 24 days. Still less than a month. And then farm with every character you have every night, zerging said tip missions and ouro arcs to get your 50 reward merits. You can get like 10 of em in less than a month. And make 20 billion on the market!!! MUUUAHHHHAHAHAHAHHHA

Well, if you hurry that is.

Be well, people of CoH.



Yes, but then you are still paying 20 million and 50 reward merits each, my suggested investment was just time. It is just 30 HM's tho.



I wish I had the time for that, Bill. I have a brute running the Villain Merit every other day but classes/work keep me from running TFs during the day to get the regular merits to speed things up.

I'm trying: hero merit run in the morning, Villain merit run at night. Hero side takes a bit longer (controller, so Carnies/Malta can be a little bit of an issue if I "MISS!"), so I'm debating a second villain.

13.5/30 on the villain, 3.5/30 on the hero.


And this may be the only thing using H/V Merits that is worth the time and money (past the 2 merit ones).

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
What's the going rate on these outside of the market these days? Over 150 bids and 0 for sale on the recipe and crafted, somehow I doubt putting in 2b bids is going to get me anywhere
prices off WW are between 3-5 billion. And if I may say this, anyone that pays those prices is truly insane.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's



Yea, I don't have the time nor the drive for it either. I know I can get the reward merits every day in about 2.5 hours. Can probably squeeze that down to 2. Then another hour for tip missions.

That's just one character. Looks like I'd be better off skipping the reward merit conversion and just run 3 characters a day through tips.

Be well, people of CoH.



Should have said somethin' earlier, I sold 2 this week. :/

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
Should have said somethin' earlier, I sold 2 this week. :/
Can I has a pony?



This thread makes me want to take the one off of my spines/wp!



I need a couple of these for the last IO in a few builds. But I've always dealt with either saving up for one or using the inf to completely IO one or two new characters. The latter has won all the time so far.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
But I've always dealt with either saving up for one or using the inf to completely IO one or two new characters. The latter has won all the time so far.
Same here. I could afford to buy one and money is easy to come by, but it seems to me an entire build is a far better investment than a single IO.


Also on Steam



With fitness going inherent, i find myself not needing them anymore. So if I happen to come across one I'll gladly sell them to ppl that need them.

Member of The Stoned Templars

"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes



Originally Posted by Demobot View Post
Same here. I could afford to buy one and money is easy to come by, but it seems to me an entire build is a far better investment than a single IO.
This, basically. I could buy one outright at whatever stupid price they're going for, it just seems wasteful.

I must come clean however. This IO, should I come by it, will not go to a Corruptor. Not even a Dominator.

No, this IO is for, *gulp*, my designated lolmelee character. A Scrapper, no less. The character I'll be using to write my How to Not Suck at Melee on Teams guide :O

Support Guides for all Corruptor secondaries and Fortunatas
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Aaaand I got one. Horus was kind enough to sell me one. He let me pay for it entirely in saying nice things about Scrappers
Somehow I think this is true.



Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
Somehow I think this is true.
He sung a song called "Ode to a Scrapper". It was full of awesome and attack chains and softcap.

I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"With great moustache comes great responsibility" - Zee Captain



Originally Posted by Horusaurus View Post
He sung a song called "Ode to a Scrapper". It was full of awesome and attack chains and softcap.
Did it make you cry tears of joy?