Kinetic Melee - why so much Willpower?

Bullet Barrage



I've been noticing that lots and lots of Kinetic Melee characters are KM/Willpower. Is there some reason for this, or is Willpower just so good that no one uses anything else? I haven't made a KM character at all yet. I was considering KM/Energy Armor, simply because the powers look alike and it would fit the theme of the character. I freely admit I know almost nothing about the melee defense sets, other than that I've been told Brutes can gain Fury faster with a Resist set than defense. Apparently it has something to do with getting hit more often.



Your wrong about defense, it's being attacked, not being hit.

Also, there's quick recovery, for one, and I don't know about others, but I see WP as a "fallback" if your concept doesn't involve the secondary. It's also a pretty decent set.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
Your wrong about defense, it's being attacked, not being hit.
As I said, I know almost nothing about the "defensive" powersets. Most of the characters I actually play are Controllers, Masterminds, and Dominators. I've tried looking through some of the guides, but quite a few of them are out of date, or only describe the defensive powers in relation to the melee powers. (IE, this power is redundant with Dark Melee, or power X and power Y work to cancel each other out, so don't take Y.)



Because WP is easy mode. With a new primary, a very easy way to test it out is on a strong secondary that is not expensive to make decent. WP is probably the most fitting for that task.



Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
As I said, I know almost nothing about the "defensive" powersets. Most of the characters I actually play are Controllers, Masterminds, and Dominators. I've tried looking through some of the guides, but quite a few of them are out of date, or only describe the defensive powers in relation to the melee powers. (IE, this power is redundant with Dark Melee, or power X and power Y work to cancel each other out, so don't take Y.)
Basically, you gain some fury when an enemy attacks you. How you handle that attack, whether through dodging, or resisting a portion of the damage, doesn't really matter. So long as he attacks you, you get fury.

The same is true for you as well. If you miss the enemy, you still build furry. If he resists some of the damage, you still build fury.

Powers which slow the enemy, or hold the enemy, or turn the enemy from attacking you in anyway will HURT your fury generation in that the enemy can't attack you as easily anymore.



Originally Posted by Terminal Velocity View Post
Your wrong about defense, it's being attacked, not being hit.

Also, there's quick recovery, for one, and I don't know about others, but I see WP as a "fallback" if your concept doesn't involve the secondary. It's also a pretty decent set.
I wouldn't call it a "fallback" but for many of my more natural/mutant characters it's the most fitting. As their primary is why they are a hero/villain/praetorian.

And I like the set. Don't know about numbers or whether it's easy mode or not, I play for concepts, not numbers.

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Well, there are several reasons for this.

  • Willpower is nondescript. It is the "Generic" Defense set. Willpower, Regen, Invul, and even SR and Shields are easy to just "slot in" to a character. Other defense sets, like Fire, Dark, or Stone, require you to explain exactly why you can light yourself on fire. Willpower, with it's good blend of Regen, Defense, and Resistance, is easy enough to just explain away.
  • I play a Telekinetic who uses Kinetic Melee to represent telekinetic strikes. Willpower synergizes perfectly with this concept, as it represents him focusing his psychic powers inward. Auto-hypnosis and Psychosomatics and all that.
  • Willpower is an easy fall back set. It's the Mario of defense sets. Each set has a hole built in, like so:
  • Firey Aura: Minimal Cold Resistance, No Psionic defenses, No KB protection.
  • Invincibility: Pure Resistance, No Psionic Defense. Taunt Aura comes later than normal.
  • Stone Armor: Granite and Rooted. Enough Said.
  • Shield Defense: Pure Defense. Sometimes, you're invincible. Then you run into something with -Def or +To Hit (or worst of all... the ability to ignore defense).
  • Willpower: You allegedly can't take Alphas as well as some of the other sets, and your taunt aura isn't very taunty.
Willpower is not only good at what it does, but it's weakness isn't exactly crippling. WP Tankers and Brutes can (and have) taken Alphas with ease. It's a very strong set, and when it comes to testing a new set like KM, it's a safe bet.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Well, there are several reasons for this.

  • Willpower is nondescript. It is the "Generic" Defense set. Willpower, Regen, Invul, and even SR and Shields are easy to just "slot in" to a character. Other defense sets, like Fire, Dark, or Stone, require you to explain exactly why you can light yourself on fire. Willpower, with it's good blend of Regen, Defense, and Resistance, is easy enough to just explain away.
  • I play a Telekinetic who uses Kinetic Melee to represent telekinetic strikes. Willpower synergizes perfectly with this concept, as it represents him focusing his psychic powers inward. Auto-hypnosis and Psychosomatics and all that.
  • Willpower is an easy fall back set. It's the Mario of defense sets. Each set has a hole built in, like so:
  • Firey Aura: Minimal Cold Resistance, No Psionic defenses, No KB protection.
  • Invincibility: Pure Resistance, No Psionic Defense. Taunt Aura comes later than normal.
  • Stone Armor: Granite and Rooted. Enough Said.
  • Shield Defense: Pure Defense. Sometimes, you're invincible. Then you run into something with -Def or +To Hit (or worst of all... the ability to ignore defense).
  • Willpower: You allegedly can't take Alphas as well as some of the other sets, and your taunt aura isn't very taunty.
Willpower is not only good at what it does, but it's weakness isn't exactly crippling. WP Tankers and Brutes can (and have) taken Alphas with ease. It's a very strong set, and when it comes to testing a new set like KM, it's a safe bet.
You are wrong on some of your technical data- Invulnerability (not invincibility) is a hybrid set. It is primarily resistance, but defense is abundant if you are near enemies and take Invincibility.

Shield defense is primarily defense, but you have a bit of predictable resistance as well.

I agree on why wp matches up well with Km though.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



the -dam from Kinetic synergizes pretty well with the resists and regen of WP. It works well with Regen for scrappers/stalkers, too. the -dam is somewhat meaningless for defense sets (at the high end, anyway), because if you're not getting hit, you take no damage....



Willpower is an excellent layered defense set, with low downtime, and no need to pay attention to the set once you turn on your toggles. That makes it ideal to pair with a set you actually want to pay attention to, like a brand new flashy looking melee offensive set. By contrast, a set with lots of click abilities you need to manage to make it perform properly, like Fiery Aura or Regen (hey, I can dream can't I?) will distract from the shiny new melee offensive set.

Willpower is a lot like not having a secondary at all, except for the part where you die because you don't have a secondary.




Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
[*]Willpower: You allegedly can't take Alphas as well as some of the other sets, and your taunt aura isn't very taunty.
It's also vulnerable to -Regen and endurance drains. Interestingly there's a fair amount of -Regen in Praetoria; some of the PPD blasts and Clockwork plasma do -Regen.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth