Eletric control Dom
Not all that effective. By the time you would get them drained, they would be dead, or you would be dead. Conductive Aura is an *incredibly* important tool for Electric, as it drains by far the most endurance.
For secondaries, many work good. Stone and Psi are two very popular ones, since Electric is pretty melee based due to Conductive Aura. Psi also has the advantage of never needing to take Stamina with Static Field+Conductive Aura+Drain Psyche.
The endurance cost for conductive aura is too high...

Liliaceae's Dominator Powers Guide - I18
Sarcasm went ---> thatta way
Bah, haven't had my coffee so can't tell sarcasm from not yet
lol elec/earth and never look back. oh and not using Conductive would be like not using enhancements.
How effective it is as an end drainer if an electric control dom does not rely on Conductive Aura that much?
Also, which secondary goes well with electric control?