Champions Vent
Im a member of several VENT servers but spend more time in PON recently, seems like there is always someone new in there and beleive it or not hardly any drama; Likewise for HOJ.
But im sure other ppl disagree.
Artic and the Chillz - Champion PvP League
Exile - Champion PvPEC 3v3-5v5 League
Exile - Freedom 5v5 PvP League 2012
Exile - Freedumb PvP League 2011
Exile - CAPE PvP League
It is true that our Vent has been public for a bit now, but I agree the more open Vent servers the better; gratz bud.
Cheers Bud, more vents = more better. Much appreciated.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
At this point there is a multitude of vent servers available to people. Everyone who vent's regularly probably already has their dedicated "home" vent such as myself. However for those that don't it is a nice jesture to open up a vent to the community.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Bumping this up to let EVERYONE know, this VENT will remain open after the game shuts down.
Everyone and anyone are welcome here. passwords have been removed.
Hope to continue to see CoX people stopping by whenever they like!

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Hey Champs, a while back P.o.N and Elite Legends decided to open our ventrilo up to anyone that needed it. Its turned out to be a fantastic idea. Tons of people just hanging out having fun, and the teaming is never an issue.
So for those of you not aware, the vent is open for your use anytime.
Its simple to use, it makes the game experience tons more fun, and its FREE!!
Go to TYPEFRAG.COM, download the program, install, run, and insert the following settings:
User name: (Your toons name)
Server: new / P.o.N hostname / port / 18967
The great thing is, you dont HAVE to talk, but to be able to at least hear whats going on with certain events, tf's, missions, pvp, whatever is just awesome.
Come on out and give it a try. Look forward to seeing you there!!
DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's