Oh, hi. My name is Runo.




Hello Virtue! I don't usually care to post "HI IM BAK GUISE" threads, because it makes me feel like a pompous, arrogant tool... but let's face it, I AM a pompous, arrogant tool. In other words, yes, I am back. Probably to stay for a while before I skip off to do more RL-ness. Anyway, the point of the thread was to pop my head in, say hi, and see if anyone recognizes me. Just wondering if there's any old friends I might've missed while I was Going Rogue! ;>
- Runo

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive



As a person who has recently been able to return myself, I'd say it's a nice change of pace to what I remember the game flowing like. Especially if you take a Hero to villain side or vise versa. I like GR.



Honestly, I agree. It's probably one of the best features in the ex-pack; the ability to switch sides as a villain (or hero... but for me, redsiders), and actively try content I never really went through heroside is really nifty.

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive



Oh hai Runo. I met you in the D the other day. Psych Physician, bald lab coat guy with Hyperdrive. Welcome back!

(V)Thomas Peterson -- The Plain Walker(H)



z0mg, whitecoatman AND Kai AND Stryph! It's a party!

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive



Welcome back!

Don't say I'm out of touch with this rampant chaos your reality

Evilly Yours, Fey Bot/Trap MM



Go away traitor!

Oh but don't take that seriously, I was joking. And apparently if I don't say I'm joking I'm automatically labeled an enemy. So yeah, the whole traitor thing, about you going to CO? That was a big joke, so don't take it personally. Unless you want to. That's fine, too.



Originally Posted by Runchbox View Post
Go away traitor!

Oh but don't take that seriously, I was joking. And apparently if I don't say I'm joking I'm automatically labeled an enemy. So yeah, the whole traitor thing, about you going to CO? That was a big joke, so don't take it personally. Unless you want to. That's fine, too.
I'm not a big baby. I still <3 you and will lolz at your jokes. ;P

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive



((Hi! ))



Originally Posted by runothered View Post
I'm not a big baby. I still <3 you and will lolz at your jokes. ;P
Oh, good. Maybe you should talk some sense into Harper and Dread. They're a little... let's just say, they're kind of cry babies over nothing.



O crap, it's a Runo. *hides*



Originally Posted by Kant_Lavar View Post
O crap, it's a Runo. *hides*
((That's what my main used to say. Back in the Gemini Park days, Roy "HEROID" Kirby was in love with a lady that Runo had a crush on. Every time Roy tried to make a move with her, Runo would show up, get jealous and upset and... well... he would explode. Gablooey! Runo bits all over the place and then the bits would slowly start to come back together. Not romantic at all.

Good times. ))



Well, I guess I should officially say hi in this thread even though I've been pestering you in game the last couple days. So.. *clears throat*

Haaaaaaaaai~ I'm back toooo!

@Psyrius, player of: Solborne, Seer Dezya, and Evanescent

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
-Orison Swett Marden



Runo is a bad person.

Don't trust a thing he says. You can see it in his eeeeyeeeees.

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
-dances with the space marine-



Oh, by the way Stryph. Hi! It's Codie.

@Psyrius, player of: Solborne, Seer Dezya, and Evanescent

Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.
-Orison Swett Marden



Codie as in Codie Sohl of TR? In that case, hello.



I am familiar with the Runo.

But not from CoX.

From another game altogether.

And I realise...

We really had some wierd fetishists in our old WAR guild, didn't we?

Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!



@Heroid: HEEEEROOOOOIIIIIDDDD! *Forms HERRUNOTRON* Runo is substantially less annoying IC and OOC nowadays. ..I think. >.>

@Kant: Holy crap, I see you!

@Psyrius: Welcome back as well! I should have just IMed you for all the time I've been gone, but I forgot to contact... Several people, actually. Ahaha. >.>;

@Magpie: :< But I <3! I <3 so much!

@Flea: If I am thinking of who I think we're thinking about thinking of, yes, they were great people but I dared not venture into the R-rated sectors of UR/AK's forums. <.<

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive






Originally Posted by Rick Astley View Post

Will you sign my YouTube link?

<[V]>IRTUE Player
Active 50s: Malevolency: (50+3 SS/WP Brute) / Sky-Scar (50+1 Robots/Dark MM) / Venomvein: (50+1 Crab) / Warlocked (50+1 BS/Shield Scrapper) / Some 50s Inactive



OH NO NOT YO-- I mean hi.