I tried several times to Respec my Fire/Kin (think it was my Fire/Kin, maybe it was something else) using Free Respecs and a Vet Respec and I repeatedly kept getting the message that it had failed. This was on blueside and I hadn't run any tip missions. I have also heard others say a similar thing so something is not working properly.
If you run paper missions you can get the contact but you will be unable to access the contact until you complete the journey to being a villian.
As a Vigilante you can travel back and forth from RI to Paragon freeely, but any missions you have up will be dropped. You can get the missions back by talking to the contact again.
Enjoy your day please.
Okay, so I'm playing this thing. I have my 43 Fire/Kin hero, I get him the tip missions, complete the Vigilante stuff and take him over there to Rogue Isles.
On the way, it tells me I cannot get missions there, which turned out to NOT be true...I get paper missions. Still working on the first round of them, so haven't done a bank mission yet to see if it gives me a contact, but my assumption is that it will not. So here are my questions... 1) My Vet Reward Respec does not seem to be useable on redside if I was originally a hero. Currently a Vigilante, will this change when I complete the Villain tips? 2) After I complete the villain Tips, will it start giving me contacts in the Rogue Isles? Because the whole idea of going over there is to enjoy the arcs on my fire kin (I love playing fire kins...they are good at soloing). 3) Since I had to go to Galaxy City to use my Vet Reward Respec, will I be able to go back to the Rogue Isles without doing the Tips again? |
1. The earned respec (which a VetSpec counts as) must need to be redeemed at the contact on your native side. Remember as a vigilante, you are only a tourist in the Rogue Isles.
2. Once you are fully a villain then you will be able to get Rogue Isle contacts just as any other villain would. ( Paper missions --> Mayhem Mission --> Contact ).
3. As long as you are a vigilante, you can move freely between the Red and Blue side. Just don't enter a PvP zone from the Tourist side. You are still flagged as a hero and you will get droned ( and any villains there will point and laugh).
Kyle Al'Mordu - Lvl 50 MA/SR Scrap
Fusion Force!

4) When I hit 20 on my Preatorian toon, it said Epic Archetype unlocked. But I already had both sides unlocked. Does that mean there's an Archetype for Preatorians coming?
The game sometimes loses the flag that says you've unlocked the Epic AT for your side, and then when you hit 20, it reflags you as if for the first time.
That being said, I would love to see the Praetorian Police ATs become EATs for us. Their powers look great, and I wants them.
I'd like the clockwork weaponry, the flamethrowers and the beam (plasma based?) weapons. The graphic effects are stunning.
Another Question:
5) How does switching sides affect the items stored in Wentworths? For example, if my blueside guy turns red completely, will he lose the items in his WW window?
Since the markets are the same, you lose nothing.
Guardian server is Life!
Founder and Leader and all around greatest member of the Solo-SG, The Charybdis Clan.

Another Question:
5) How does switching sides affect the items stored in Wentworths? For example, if my blueside guy turns red completely, will he lose the items in his WW window? |
Because the markets are merged.
From the GR/I18 Patch notes:
Merging Hero and Villain Economies

Many thanks
If you go from hero to villain and back to hero, will your old hero contacts be available to you, and in the same chapter of the story arc?

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Okay, so I'm playing this thing. I have my 43 Fire/Kin hero, I get him the tip missions, complete the Vigilante stuff and take him over there to Rogue Isles.
On the way, it tells me I cannot get missions there, which turned out to NOT be true...I get paper missions. Still working on the first round of them, so haven't done a bank mission yet to see if it gives me a contact, but my assumption is that it will not.
So here are my questions...
1) My Vet Reward Respec does not seem to be useable on redside if I was originally a hero. Currently a Vigilante, will this change when I complete the Villain tips?
2) After I complete the villain Tips, will it start giving me contacts in the Rogue Isles? Because the whole idea of going over there is to enjoy the arcs on my fire kin (I love playing fire kins...they are good at soloing).
3) Since I had to go to Galaxy City to use my Vet Reward Respec, will I be able to go back to the Rogue Isles without doing the Tips again?