When is it going up?
They said it would be up around 3:45.
Try going 40 minutes without city of heroes.
*Goes to watch CoH to keep the withdrawals at bay*
I was on the last mission of Posi when it went down. Luckily Posi isn't mind-numbingly long anymore or I'd be upset.
I was mid-MA.
And still isn't up. *Puts on his Dooom! t-shirt so he doesn't go hoarse*
I'm logged in.
qr to title: consult a doctor if it persists longer than 4 hours...especially a hot one.
When is it going up?
* 'Cause if it Ain't going up we're drawin' serious wife-aggro here!
* About four seconds after something else goes down...
* Not for much longer... the Devs put a power suppression field around the blimp.
* I think that comes right after the "...and away!" part.
* At sixth level but slowly.... much faster at 14th.
* Actually, the Devs must have ordered one of those Enhancement emails because after Issue 18 it goes up MUCH faster.
* The flight buff... get your mind out of the gutter... sicko.
* Midnight... New Years eve... you can stop staring at it Carl... you got time yet.
My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw
I am sick of waiting