Cathedral of Pain Sign Up




My main is the DM/SR, so I'd love the badges. Just need to know projected time.
Eskreema - @Iron Smoke

Unfortunatly, all of my toons are melee.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



@Crackback mentioned in game he would like to join.



It seems like there is quite a bit of interest in this trial. I've been asked when the next one will be, and at the moment I'm not looking at posting a regular schedule of any kind. Most of these will be held impromptu, with the occasional one posted. I just wanted a list of people interested that I could refer to when filling spots.

We've held a few so far and contacted people in this thread. If you are one of those people, I kindly ask you to edit your post stating you've gotten the badge so I know who to give priority to for the next CoP. Much appreciated.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



I have the badge, and open to help when needed.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



Put me down as interested with my Claws/Inv Scrapper, Sainty Claws. I'm currently redside.





Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
It seems like there is quite a bit of interest in this trial. I've been asked when the next one will be, and at the moment I'm not looking at posting a regular schedule of any kind. Most of these will be held impromptu, with the occasional one posted. I just wanted a list of people interested that I could refer to when filling spots.

We've held a few so far and contacted people in this thread. If you are one of those people, I kindly ask you to edit your post stating you've gotten the badge so I know who to give priority to for the next CoP. Much appreciated.
Have the badges on my badger - ty again, willing to help with notice. Mostly redside.



Still looking to get the badge on Stray, but she's redside right now so as far as blueside raids are concerned, just ask if you need help, otherwise I'll defer to the next person.



To update I still need the badge on my ninja/dark MM badger (currently blue side) although I'm still always willing to run my fire/cold (or whatever happens to be needed).



Shoot me a tell next time you run one. Chances are I'll be online and doing nothing



I still need the badge, Amy!

1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY



Ive done it successfully a few times, don't care about badges but still looking to do more runs for the fun aspect when you have room.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
Ive done it successfully a few times, don't care about badges but still looking to do more runs for the fun aspect when you have room.
Fun is extra



You know how to get ahold of me>



Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.



Me too.

1396 Badges... here's hoping this won't be the end! SAVE PARAGON CITY



I still need this badge on my main and I want it on 2 other toons as well. If I don't get it by next thursday(Veteran's Day), i would like to organize a couple attempts at this trial. I know it can be done fairly quickly with good coordination. the 2 other times i tried this trial, the group failed.




I need the badges for Emperon & Mentu so I'm game. I'll either be on as @Emperon or @Twisted Humor.

Founder of The King's Army

@Emperon, @Twisted Humor (Shared Account)




Would love to come along time zones permiting, (in australia). I can bring the following if needed.

Invul/ERGY Tank
Kat/DA Scrapper
DM/Shield Scrapper

Looking forward to it





Originally Posted by ElysanWhyte View Post

Would love to come along time zones permiting, (in australia). I can bring the following if needed.

Invul/ERGY Tank
Kat/DA Scrapper
DM/Shield Scrapper

Looking forward to it


Hi Elly. Welcome back to the game!

If you wouldn't mind posting your global name, I would appreciate it. I will likely be contacting you in game when a CoP is forming up. IIRC you said you were available on Saturdays at around 7pm Eastern. We have a weekly server Hami raid at 7:30pm Eastern, so what I'll probably do is try to form one up after that is done.

Also, I will need to know what side you are on or anticipate being on (blueside/redside). Only heroes and vigilantes can enter SG bases, and only rogues and villains can enter VG bases. I know SovereignSavior is looking for it on redside. Emperon, if you could let me know which side you are on, that would be great.


Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial



I would love to help out.
@Tommy Truestar
@Rebel Dog Cool

Redside I mostly have melee types Widow & Brute
Blueside I am much more flexible

Best regards,

Tommy Truestar



Hit me up when you are running these if you need players if I'm on - @Cyber-naut.



Thx for the invite amy and kahlan, great run!



Sexy as usual, Solid job to those in attendance.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...