Because the devs are nice like that.
Also, just about every toon can have a reason to need a freespec because of new APP/Patron pools to use. Tanks now have a reason to slot their first attack (bruising).

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
Freespecs are gifts, often given out with new releases, especially if powers have been changed, so players can respec without any issue.
Looks like I am going to have to replan all my flyers soon then and recover the unneeded slots they have in Fly.
I think they first gave out Free Respec when the Global Defense Reduction was imposed on us. Then again with Enhancement Diversification. Then again with the Controller Pet Reduction. Etc. Now it's a tradition.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Indeed, there's been one with every issue... I can't remember for sure if we had one with issue 4 but we have since issue 5
At this point it's an expected part of each new issue.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
I think they first gave out Free Respec when the Global Defense Reduction was imposed on us. Then again with Enhancement Diversification. Then again with the Controller Pet Reduction. Etc. Now it's a tradition.
First Freespec was, as I recall, issued during the original 2004 Holiday event and/or Issue 3 release (they were about the same time).
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I think the main purpose of Freespecs is to rescue players with seriously gimped builds and no other way to get a respec except the Reactor Trial (or villain version.) I went 1-4 on one character before I could complete it, and THAT was due to many factors, including someone that actually GRIEFED the trial by sneaking to the Reactor Room while the main group was still clearing the hallway, triggering the Skyraider attack and watching them take the reactor down. (The only time I ever petitioned someone in-game for griefing.)
1-4, and that was with my build being reasonably good. (Persistent cuss, wasn't I?) Of course, some of my teammates may have had gimped builds, leading to the loss. If my brother-in-law had been forced to run it with his multi-slotted Brawl and Run, etc., he would have been at a disadvantage, and hurt his team in the clench as a result.
Nowadays, between Vetspecs, the Market and Second Builds, it is much, MUCH easier to fix problems than it was. And it does not take much before you can realize that something was an Oops and needs fixing, either.
For the Newbie player, Freespecs can really save the day when they mess up. It is a tough game in many respecs; the Devs are kind to grant them.
"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"
"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."
Katie is right. They do it because of changes to existing powers. This time it was because of changes to fiery auras, 1st tier tanker attacks, brute changes, and martial arts. I don't think I've ever seen an issue release that didn't include at least one change to either a power, an AT, or an IO set bonus that wouldn't invalidate a few builds somewhere.
Rather than give them only to the characters that might need them they give them to everyone which I think is a nice gesture.
It's mostly for newbies at this point. Veterans have so many respecs stacked up just from their vet rewards that there really is no need to use a freespec. They've almost made it as if you could change your powers at will if you're been playing long enough. I'm only at 36 months and I have so many respecs I don't know what to do with them all. Then again I'm not changing my builds all that often.
My main's build hs been through so many respecs it's not even funny.
My 3 vetspecs, all 3 earned respecs, a couple respec recipes that dropped for me, and every freespec since issue 8.
That's a LOT of respecs. And each time it was for a minor tweak to something or to shuffle a few slots around. I haven't done any major changes to his build in a while.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
why do we get freespecs?
A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.