mercs builds




Hi fellas.

I've been wanting to make another mercs build for a while here, but I'm not coming up with any good ideas. I'm looking for something that can nicely mitigate some of their weaknesses... I've got a lot of experience with my mercs/ poison build, but in truth poison doesn't work at all for mercs imo.

I know mercs aren't very popular, but I like them anyway

I'm thinking traps would work OK, but dark is feeling good too... I hate Ff, it bores me to death and thermal isn't a favorite of mine either (no way I'm spending so much time buffing my troops).

I have, aside from my mercs/poison, thugs/storm, bots/traps, necro/dark MMs at 50. So I am pretty good at figuring out how to work a build but mercs are just eluding me for some reason.

anyone had any good success with a mercs build have any good advice?




I've got a Mercs / Storm at 42 currently, and recommend the combo highly. Storm has a lot of anti-melee powers, as well as general chaos-causing powers, both of which complement the Mercs' long range. Also, Storm has Freezing Rain, Tornado, and Lightning Storm to support the Mercs' overall low-ish damage. Thunder-Clap will work alongside the Spec Ops' stun powers to stun lieutenants and bosses, and you've got a single-target heal (albeit a lousy one!) on top of everything. I'd vote /Storm as one of the most synergistic secondaries for Mercs.



I know you already have a necro/dark but I find mercs/dark to be very good combo. Tar patch really helps with the damage and Dark Servant is amazing at close in heals. I handle the heals around me and with my darkest night, fearsome stare and fluffies mittigation powers you can easily solo all EB's and some AV's too.



Originally Posted by The Chimbley Sweep View Post
I've got a Mercs / Storm at 42 currently, and recommend the combo highly. Storm has a lot of anti-melee powers, as well as general chaos-causing powers, both of which complement the Mercs' long range. Also, Storm has Freezing Rain, Tornado, and Lightning Storm to support the Mercs' overall low-ish damage. Thunder-Clap will work alongside the Spec Ops' stun powers to stun lieutenants and bosses, and you've got a single-target heal (albeit a lousy one!) on top of everything. I'd vote /Storm as one of the most synergistic secondaries for Mercs.
Seconded. And with hurricane and gale you can knock the spawns back whenever your soldiers run into melee range (or, in the case of kb resistant bosses and EB's you can run in and debuff their tohit with hurricane )

Nothing compliments the chaos of /storm like the mercs' range attacks. Steamy mist gives you a bit of group stealth, some resists and defense as well for your guys. Mix that with Maneuvers and you've got some... okay... defense.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Could always go with traps, but you'd want to take Medicine with it.



yeah, the problem with mercs is that they have absolutely no defences and no way to improve their resists. poor mercs always suffer as a result. their advantage of wicked debuffs is over shadowed by their inability to absorb damage. even with something beefy like pff their fairly squishy. I'll run some of the numbers on storm but I'd wager its still fairly weak wish the devs would revisit mercs and tool them up a bit!



Originally Posted by Lewisite View Post
yeah, the problem with mercs is that they have absolutely no defences and no way to improve their resists. poor mercs always suffer as a result. their advantage of wicked debuffs is over shadowed by their inability to absorb damage. even with something beefy like pff their fairly squishy. I'll run some of the numbers on storm but I'd wager its still fairly weak wish the devs would revisit mercs and tool them up a bit!

Huh? my Mercs have a 43% resist with their natural + Sovereign and a 15% def with Edict, Maneuvers + Shadowfall. Add to that Darkest Nigh 17% -tohit , Fearsome Stare 17% -to hit ( all modified ) and all of Dark Servants Debuffs stacked on that and EB can't hit my pets on a regular basis. I have watched Flamethrowers miss 3 or 4 times in a row while I stand there and giggle ( in a Archvillain way of course ( evil giggles ))



My Mercs/Traps is now lvl 34 and rolling along nicely. It's a fun combination, and it fits, thematically. Mine is a small military force fighting in the Rogue Isles (and now Paragon City, too!). I took Triage Beacon, which many people don't like, but it does help. Of course, the Force Field should be up at all times.

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Put me down in the traps column too (I'm in love with traps, rolled a thugs/traps MM with a Destroyers theme in Praetoria, good times).

Really though, I don't think you can go wrong with storm, dark, or traps. Only secondary I don't really recommend is poison. I rolled a ninja/poison and hated the single target focus on it. Mercs aren't all that sturdier than ninjas either.



Here's mine. Mercs/Traps. You don't need medicine :P

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



hmmm, some pretty good ideas in here actually. I forgot that dark has stuff that works with resists. might be worth playing around with the numbers to see what I can come up with. too bad mids won't show you the totals on your pets, lol.

I'll muck around tomorrow and see if I get anything I can dig.

cheers fellas



Originally Posted by Red Pirate Boggarts View Post
Put me down in the traps column too (I'm in love with traps, rolled a thugs/traps MM with a Destroyers theme in Praetoria, good times).

Really though, I don't think you can go wrong with storm, dark, or traps. Only secondary I don't really recommend is poison. I rolled a ninja/poison and hated the single target focus on it. Mercs aren't all that sturdier than ninjas either.
Actually, yes. Poison as an entire secondary is totally crap. Ugh, bunch of annoying expensive single target rubbish. I know, I've had my Mercs poison since the first day CoV came out. I kept thinking he was gonna be good at any second, but he never did.

Well, really, I took him into some PvP and he did pretty well --anyone that came up to him ended up running away in pretty short order. But, being an MM, they got away most of the time Mercs/Poison is a good PvP build in my mind, but its hopeless for PvE content.



Trick Arrow... go head laugh... but its good..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



[QUOTE=The_Coming_Storm;3148130]Here's mine. Mercs/Traps. You don't need medicine :P

I see we like our Mercs builds to be fairly similar -- we both like to take personal attacks (I don't with every MM primary, but with Mercs I sure do, more dakka dakka!), we both think Invisibility on an MM is less than useless and we like Provoke.

Interesting build, looks good in some ways. OMG, you took Serum, and slotted brawl Here is what I would do to... I'd drop Serum, I'd rather replace Dark Embrace with Charged Armor, I prefer its straight up SLE resists. I'd replace all the flying stuff, I find that enemy groups with lots of control tend to make MM's very pwnt fast, especially Malta. Combat Jumping + Acrobatics handles that nicely. Nothing more annoying then watching your MM get widdled away while you are helpless.

Some neat stuff in there, worth integrating into my own bias's




Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Here's mine. Mercs/Traps. You don't need medicine :P

I see we like our Mercs builds to be fairly similar -- we both like to take personal attacks (I don't with every MM primary, but with Mercs I sure do, more dakka dakka!), we both think Invisibility on an MM is less than useless and we like Provoke.

Interesting build, looks good in some ways. OMG, you took Serum, and slotted brawl Here is what I would do to... I'd drop Serum, I'd rather replace Dark Embrace with Charged Armor, I prefer its straight up SLE resists. I'd replace all the flying stuff, I find that enemy groups with lots of control tend to make MM's very pwnt fast, especially Malta. Combat Jumping + Acrobatics handles that nicely. Nothing more annoying then watching your MM get widdled away while you are helpless.

Some neat stuff in there, worth integrating into my own bias's
I fly in RV though! <_< Group Fly also can get your pets unstuck from Caltrops. That said, caltrops is rare redside; only seen in the rare KoA missions, Silver Mantis fights, and against my clones(? Haven't fought one yet.) Equalizer AoE web slows, too, but I got the power too late for those pests.