Cant Play after NVidia driver update



Hmm...okay it isn't SLI like I thought. Was going through the Citadel TF and I started crashing at least once a mission - just a black screen with "no signal". I mean over the last 5 years or so I'd get the occasional crash, but it has gotten really bad recently. Hopefully they can find a fix.



After some searching, I was able to find them too--but they made no difference.

I don't believe heat is really an issue on mine, although I get kicked out of CoH too quickly for that to be a problem there. Still waiting for those official updates.



FWIW, I started having very similar issues on my system. I'll wait a few more days before trying to downgrade the drivers.

Many toons on CoV and CoH. On-line 80+ months
AMD Phenom-II X6 1090T | Corsair H50 Cooler | ASUS M3N78-EM | 4096 MB | EVGA GTX-560ti Classified (w/1.2GB DDR5) | Microsoft Windows 8 Professional x86 | SAMSUNG SyncMaster 245BW



Apparently there will be a new official version soon, but it's going to be released through Microsoft rather than Nvidia. It's already on their servers, but has not been released, so soon I hope.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
I already tried those dirvers, and they didn't work.

My pesonal problem seems to be the card overheating. Good luck for the rest of you, though!!
Someone somewhere mentioned using EVGA's precision software to control fan speeds (it's meant for overclocking but part of its functionality is controlling the fan). I installed it about a week ago and, for only when I play CoH, I put the fan on manual control and turn it up on my 8800gt -- haven't seen my "display driver stopped working" message since, so things look promising at least.




Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
Apparently there will be a new official version soon, but it's going to be released through Microsoft rather than Nvidia. It's already on their servers, but has not been released, so soon I hope.
Just curious, what do you mean released through Microsoft? Like a security update?



Wow..I am loving the new Nvidia drivers. (258.96) Wish I could add something to help others. My older putersaurus runs like a top with these drivers.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by HeroDon View Post
Just curious, what do you mean released through Microsoft? Like a security update?
Through Microsoft's update site and possibly the automated Windows updates as well.

It turns out, it's already released, and it's only for Windows 7. To bad for us XP folk.



okay, I grabbed the ones that are up on MS, but the appear to be just 258.96. No change in behavior for me. I've rolled all the way back to 191.03, still can't get the game to play. Really sucks.