What's the incentive to run CoP?




Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I got in on a CoP run last night, and although there were some difficulties we ended up finishing in a reasonable time frame. (Thanks FMP!)

My question is this: once you have the badges, why run this? Maybe mathematically, 15 minutes is a good time for 10 merits, but for the number of people and level of coordination you need to have for this, I don't see how it's worth it over the long haul. Or maybe the buff reward is a lot better than I'm aware of.

You get no XP, no inf, no drops; I can see the reasons for doing this, but the end result is that I feel my time is better spent in any other Trial/TF/SF/mission/whatever.

It's fun enough... but not for me to run it on a weekly basis.

What am I missing here?
Unless something changed from beta, you get your inf and XP/debt repayment upon completion of the trial. The mobs aren't worth anything, but you do get the "normal" rewards when finished - at least some at any rate.

See here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=221022&page=2

Or here:



Originally Posted by TehHippeh View Post
Unless something changed from beta, you get your inf and XP/debt repayment upon completion of the trial. The mobs aren't worth anything, but you do get the "normal" rewards when finished - at least some at any rate.
Thanks for the tip. I'll have to look at that the next time I run this.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
How about an all emp defender CoP run?
Beej reporting for duty!

...providing I get out of this summer family stuff...



I ran it a couple times for the fun. But since there are no significant rewards I probably won't do it much again. In my opinion they made the same mistake with this as with determining the merit value for the LRSF - completion time and difficulty/prep-time are not the same thing.



It's essentially the Abandoned Sewer Trial...IN SPACE so the majority of the difficulty comes from your own team's lack of coordination. Though intriguingly the AST has over twice the merit reward. I think the main reward benefit will be the IoP buff. Pending on what you get, it could make other content easier. So run a CoP then do a LRSF, Reichsman, or Hami raid.



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Second time, no one could get into the second part, because nobody could see the other players' progress on the obelisks.
This sounds like an issue we ran into as well. You may have had teams on different instances of the outdoor map. I've seen this happen with missions in AE before. I 'think' might be a bug where if someone on to the team enters prior to the team lead (all the team leaders have to be in the same sg) then it may create 2 instances one for the Raid SG and maybe(?) one for the sg that the teammate who clicked in early belongs too(??).

We restarted the trial and let the team leaders enter 1st and had no issues on the restart.

One other interesting note: The CoP trial appears to still follow the rules of Base Raids. If you start one you can not quit it (we had to switch sg bases on the restart) and you may not join another raid (CoP trial) until the timer on the initial Raid is over.

Honestly, people think this is an easy trial, it is not. The two speed(ish) runs that were done were run by some really good players who have spent a lot of time and effort in prepping for this to make sure each team had buffs/debuffs/heals/tanks/damage.

I think it is like anything else in this game:

A)You can have a well built team crush a Masters of XXXX tf/sf, and it may actually seem almost boring or inane to those on the team.

B)You can have a non min/maxed team struggle (or not) through the same tf/sf.

I just would not judge the CoP trial by the people who have run it in a speedy fashion, as I do not think that will not be the norm. I also would hesitate to suggest that just because a team has temps (Heavies/nukes/shivans) that they are going to auto-win the trial.



Master of CoP? Enemies buffed, players debuffed? No enhancements or inspriations?

We could make this hard.

@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)



[QUOTE=The_Masque;3129837]Back in my day we ran things because they were fun not because we were going to get rewarded for it! I mean pre-IOs didn't you ever play a level 50, you weren't getting xp, influence at that point was a joke, I guess people may have played for prestige but for the most part it was for the fun.

Hey, you forgot the /em canewave

Leader Rank in NightShift SG and Shifted Night VG

"I'm too scatterbrained to come up with a snappy catchphrase."