Glad Armor Proc (+3%Def/+TP Res) For Sale.
Anyone want to let them know the etiquette of buying something that costs over the 2 billion market cap? I mean, the general theory is that you trade for 999,999,999 a couple times, you both go to the market to get/drop off that 2 billion in trades on imaginary items, you trade for the rest... but at what point is the good actually exchanged for the cash?
I've never done such a deal before, myself.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I dunno, I've not done it myself either and the few trades I know of have been between friends.
Just comes down to trust I guess. Maybe half the money, trade the IO, get the second half? Still leaves you open to getting burned on half the agreed price but there's not much else you can do.
Or maybe an intermediary trusted party?
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
I generally take payment using 2 alts, trading the item on the last trade.
Example: Glad Proc I sold last week: 3.8 Billion
Trade 1 = 999,999,999 to me
Trade 2 = 999,999,999 to me
[send my new funds off Alt 1 and on to Alt 2]
Trade 3 = 999,999,999 to me
Trade 4 = 800,000,000 to me, Glad Proc to Buyer
Deal Complete
I also take several screenshots of the item before hand to show the buyer that it is in fact what they are looking for.
I also make a recording of the transaction via VidCam that shows the transactions and the completed deal. That way, someone can't go back and say I didn't live up to my word.
Completely unrelated to this thread, but Fury Flechette.. Your play journal for that Bane fascinates me..
Okay, so I had this sold.. But then the buyer fell through. They had misread the post and thought it was for blueside. Guess it's up for sale again. The highest bid at the point when it sold was 2.65b, so I'll take that or the best offer I guess.
I do have one of these blue side if the buyer who wanted his is still looking. TY.
Over the hills and through the woods.
Sold and gone. Thank you very much. <3
I have a level 50 [Gladiator's Armor: +Res (Teleportation), +3% Def (All)] villain side that I'm looking to sell. Thing is, there's 177 people bidding on them at the market, and none for sale. Thought I'd bring it to you guys, and hope we can both benefit. ;D
Highest bid in, say.. 48 hours gets it? 24 hours depending on the level of interest.
PM me offers, put them in this thread, send 'em to me in game at (@Jade Winz), whatever floats your boat.
Much love,
Jay-D. <3