Puzzled about choice
Hope theres not a problem with ati cards and CoX cos I intend on getting a machine that has a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB next month...
@MrMac & @MrMac2
using an ati 4850 here, and not had any issue since the ultramode beta click-accept-get-0.5-fps bug.
I'm also running Vista, which according to a friend (with her constantly blue screening windows 7 computer) means my PC should be spontaniously combusting at POST, but hasnt had a major error in over a year. go figure.
Your mileage may vary, however, and you should also look at other factors of the two, like which card generation both are from.
This is by far the most important question. What are the cards? It's a common tactic by manufacturers to 'big up' older or slower cards by giving them more memory and thus making them look better.
Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief
This is by far the most important question. What are the cards? It's a common tactic by manufacturers to 'big up' older or slower cards by giving them more memory and thus making them look better.
The ATI is a Mobility Radeon HD 5470
Another option is a brand new Dell with a Mobility Radeon 4330
My lappy running Win-7 has an nVidia G240M, and handles CoX utterly fine, even with some (low-end) ultra-mode active. I suspect (but have no direct knowledge) that a 210M will also run the game fine, just don't expect all the bells and whistles. I have no working knowledge of the ATI mobility cards, so can't really help there, I'm afraid.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

From my experience, ATI cards run pretty great now, running a 5770 HD here.
Here's a recent update to the Graphics Card Hierarchy Chart at Tom's Hardware.
You'll need to use your browser's Find (on page) to search for your cards.
Based on the chart, the ATI 5470 appears to be "better" than the nVidia G 210. However, note their disclaimer:
At the request of readers, I have added mobile graphics and integrated chipsets to the hierarchy chart. I want to make it clear that there is very little performance data available for these graphics solutions. While the discrete video cards in the chart are placed in tiers based on a lot of information, many of the mobile and integrated devices in the chart are guesstimates based on their specifications. At worst, I dont think theyre more than one tier away from their actual performance, but this is something to keep in mind when considering mobile graphics chipsets. |
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
Well i've ordered the 1GB ATI laptop
and its no longer 5470, it's a 5650 now
Hope theres not a problem with ati cards and CoX cos I intend on getting a machine that has a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 1GB next month...

Only problem is in the few weeks since I got it I'm working too much with little time to play and enjoy...

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my toons
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well the laptop came today and it works a lot better then i thought
running ultra mode in ultra settings
So i'm planning to buy a new laptop this week but i'm currently undecided between two refurbs.
One has a 1GB ATI graphics card
The other has a 512mb NVidia
I'm just wondering how bad the problem is with CoH and ATI cards as I really want the one with the ATI card as the whole system is a higher spec then the other