AR/DEV. Why Not?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
Mostly Lethal damage/no buffs means you will rely on Trip Mine stacks to defeat tough Bosses.
Or you could immobilize them and use ignite. Melts most bosses pretty darn quickly.



Originally Posted by plainguy View Post

Traps is what Dev should have been.
This is truth.

Traps is sort of like CoV itself- they applied the lessons of CoH resulting in massive improvements across the board.

I do like my ar/dev (although I'll never make another one), but /traps is much better suited to the current gaming environment.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



The reason, I made an AR/DEV. was because of an old game KoR. The character, I played made heavy use of mines, in fact several stages of the game I had to use mines to win (there is something funny about a cut scene where a bad guy is threatening you and in the background you can see your mines and the bubbles showing their triggering radius all overlapping on him). So for theme reasons, I love him, and for soloing he can't be beat.

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
Dev: The trouble here is that there are several powers that are near-useless, but the ones that aren't absolutely kick ***. Cloaking Device is awesome! Caltrops is very handy. Targeting Drone is a boon. Gun Drone can be very useful in big fights.

I snipped some out here

Also, since you can skip so much of the secondary, adding Tough and Weave is never out of the question.
Call me crazy, but that's certainly not a very glowing recommendation of devices there. Really that's the big problem with the ar/dev combo, the devices powerset. Assault Rifle's honestly pretty spiffy a set for AoE, but devices has a couple spiffy spiffy and useful powers though even then a lot of them are either situational or just plain debatably useful.

Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
There may be some sets that do more damage, but fun is not all about DPS.
To be perfectly honest, this. As long as you're having fun play whatever you want. (Though I certainly wouldn't say no to a buff for /dev)

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
Or use inspirations. Or be on a team. But I guess if you can't solo everything, the combo must be horrible. (which, I guess, means Ill/Rad Controller must be a horrible combo since my L48 had to call in help to take out Tyrant last night)
There is nothing you can't defeat with enough Trip Mines, and the roleplay of AR/Dev is very good. It's just the implementation of Enhancement Diversification was not addressed sufficiently. Since ED, Blasters rely on a fast damage buff to not faceplant and at level 48 no one is going to wait for you to setup your Trip Mines, they just call in a couple of Controllers.


"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator



I've played the whole game {i.e. Lv50 while having completed every single mission} on an AR/Dev and I've found it just peachy.

There are a few powers in Devices that are a complete waste, I agree - time bomb, cloaking device and targeting drone, in my opinion - but on the whole, an AR/Dev can easily play as a hybrid of a blaster and a controller; between caltrops, toebombing, gun drone and ability to instastun a boss, properly used devices are a spectacular survivability tool, while the primary has a very nice selection of solid AoEs.



stealthed...... mobs partially blinded....... behind caltrops...... +tohit buff always on.......with enough recharge you can have the combo flamethrower/assault rifle in the start of every mob fighting (and that means a cloud of orange 2-digits numbers above mobs) .... sure, why not?... i'd say, hell yeah

defiant only

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Originally Posted by Quixotik View Post
There is nothing you can't defeat with enough Trip Mines, and the roleplay of AR/Dev is very good.
How many Trip Mines to take out Siege? I looked at the math with a Corruptor on Citadel a couple years ago. I don't remember the answer, just the sort of hollow laugh I made.

Edit: Yes, as an AV. I can take out EB's in about 30 seconds with a fire/elec blaster and four small purples, I don't consider that to prove much of anything.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.