Hero/Villain that catches your eye.




I've been playing CoH off and on since it was released, and every time I take a hiatus and return, I am still blown away by some of the creativity of the players. So, in this thread, post a hero/villain that caught your eye. It could be the backstory, or the costume or even how well everything 'clicked' on their character.

Note: This is not a "Well I teamed with X, and they were mighty skilled at Y." And this is not a plug for your OWN character.

So here is mine:

There has been a blaster bouncing around the past couple days by the name of Vanguard Flame. I've seen her in SC and TI, and every time I have seen her, I think "Wow, that is an awesome costume, it's simple, but still looks like a decent amount of time was put into it."

If/When I see her around I'll ask if I can't get a screenshot to show you guys.

And now, it's your turn! Who has recently caught your eye?



Vanguard Flame is a recent returnee and part of our Coalition. I'll be sure to point her to this post.



Originally Posted by AlwaysAPrice View Post
Then this one time I saw Clown of Cthulhu.
Wow, I think Clown of Cthulhu actually intimidates me. I'd probably give him my wallet and try to flee.



I make it a point to stop and send an eloquent complimenty tell to anyone I see whose costume is just incredible. It really makes their day, and that, in turn, encourages them to compliment others, and it just chain-reacts until everyone dies from happiness.

In theory, at least.

Either way, I'd like to point out one awesome dude, but I forget his name. All I know is that I was in Icon showing my friends some of my favorite costumes I had, and I saw this golden-age hero guy outfit, electric in black and fluorecent orange. It looked FANTASTIC and I had to stop what I was doing to praise him. Normally golden/silver-age hero outfits bore me to death.



Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
I make it a point to stop and send an eloquent complimenty tell to anyone I see whose costume is just incredible. It really makes their day, and that, in turn, encourages them to compliment others, and it just chain-reacts until everyone dies from happiness.
Same here, but I'm not trying to kill anyone.

I'll keep my eyes open for posting in this thread, though.



Normally i don't remember things, or keep track of stuff. However i did randomly catch a picture of this guy in Brickstown, and i thought he looked rather spiffy. I know nothing of his backstory though. D:

Huh. Apparently there is no easy mode to insert hyperlinks anymore. x,x




Blue wombat from the palladium sentry's outfit really catches my eye.

It's ridiculously simple but very cohesive and well put together.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Here's a character that I've seen around, and always enjoyed very much:

His costume and bio are both extremely well done in my opinion.



One that always amuses me (And terrifies my character) in the 'D is Seethers. I don't know how many of you are familiar with him, but he's comedy gold.

ETA: Yes, it's relevant- the concept and creativity of the character are the source of the hilarity.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Originally Posted by The_Wildcard View Post
Here's a character that I've seen around, and always enjoyed very much:

His costume and bio are both extremely well done in my opinion.
I'd love to know how you changed the font in the game client. Send me a PM because I'm positive things like that are frowned upon... Thanks

[url=http://justicecorps.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=337077&TabID=2821537]Justice Corps[/url] on Virtue Server! ... @Strongwall



I saw a few tonight, Mack Steel, simple but looked great, Gorilla, Mazorati, or something like that, looked awesome, all in Atlas. Should have snapped some pics, but don't remember how to anyways, lol.



I think my favorite outfit so far was a blingin pimp daddy tanker.

and he made the stone power set look like diamonds.

...forgot the guys name though..