PvPEC Presents: All Server Dueling Championships




Date: June 19th, 2010, Saturday
Time: 930PM EST
Location: Pocket D Arena
Host: @JKwervo

Format: 1v1
Weight: SHW (47-50)
Match Duration: 10 Minutes
Match Options: Travel Suppression Off, Heal Decay Off, Diminishing Returns On.
Maps: Random. All maps will be in play.
Additional: Tier 1 Inspirations and Arena temps are permitted. One reset is permitted within the first 60 seconds of the match if a player disconnects. Sudden Death Mode does not count.

  • This event will be a double elimination bracketed tournament.
  • Brackets will be random draw with the losers and winners being separated into winner/loser brackets.
  • In the event of a tie, players will rematch with Heal Decay. If another draw occurs, players will rematch at Cruiserweight level with Heal Decay On. Further ties-breakers will be at the host’s discretion.
  • Winners of the winner and loser brackets will move on to the Final Round.
  • In the event of odd numbers, one player will have a bye round. No player may have more than one bye round.

  • Winners of each individual server will compete on the test server (when available) for the title of All-Server Champion.
  • Test Server final round will be in best 2 out of 3 format.
  • The Final Tournament will be held on Sunday, June 27th at 6PM PST.
  • A player may not represent more than one server in the finals. Players may only compete in more than one live server tournament if they have lost in their previous attempts.

  • Individual server winners will receive a costume code (which one TBD by NCsoft), 100 Million Influence or Infamy and a custom signature banner detailing the event that was won!
  • Test Server winner will receive one of each of the following: Gladiator's Javelin: Chance for Toxic Damage, Gladiator's Strike: Chance for Smashing Damage and Panacea: Chance for +Hit Points/Endurance. Prizes available on both Villain and Hero sides. This is in addition to the individual server prizes.
  • All participants will also be entered into a game-wide raffle with a 1 Billion Influence or Infamy prize! Everyone has a chance to win!



So how many people from each server go on to the finals?



Originally Posted by Garent View Post
So how many people from each server go on to the finals?



I'm most likely in.



The post says winnerS though. Here's the line that's confusing me here.

Originally Posted by JKwervo View Post
Winners of the winner and loser brackets will move on to the Final Round.



It means, after the initial matches, there will be two pools created. Winners from each pool will duke it out as best of the server. Whoever wins that, will represent the server in TEST for the Battle of the Servers.






Is this by toon or global?

Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.



I think it's global.



Tempting...so very tempting...



At the start of the event, well, right before, you register. When you reg, it's a specific character. Not a handle. You bring one toon in, and that's all you can use, just FYI. You can't just swap each round. That'd make things take forever, and also be unfair. There's a shot, obviously of someone having the rock to your scissors, but at least it's not planned by the individual. Random's calling the shots.

Then again, I bet I'm just trolling.




Due to Jkwervo having RL issues i stepped in to host. Guess there was some miscommunication about how to register, but we had a nice little 6 person tourney.

round 1

@cloud surge def @dark omega 8-0
@lite of paragon def @dark angel ace 2-0
@targutmunkey def @jon solo 5-0

Winners and loser move to seperate brackets with the winners of each fighting in the finals

Winners bracket
@lite of paragon def @cloud surge 1-0
@Targutmunkey receives a bye

@lite of paragon Def @targutmunkey 5-0

Winner of the winners bracket = @lite of paragon

Losers bracket
After 3 ties, @dark angel ace Def @dark omega via forfeit
@jon solo receives a bye.

@jon solo def @dark angel ace 1-0

Winner of the losers bracker = @jon solo

Finals for the Pinnacle dueling championship

@lite of paragon Def @ jon solo 6-0

Winner = @lite of paragon

Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG

Join my fan club today!



Good fights everyone. We had some exciting battles. Congratz to @Lite of Paragon for the win. Have fun on test!

And thank you to XFUNK for stepping in last minute and running the tournment. Hopefully you didn't tear all your hair out from that fun.

@Dark Omega anytime you want to another tie, I am more than happy to 1v1 ZOMG :-)



Originally Posted by XFUNK View Post
@lite of paragon Def @targutmunkey 5-0
3100 HP... I think using harsh language and name calling would have been about as effective as the crap I was throwing at him

Targutmunky Kin/Rad Def
Negative Fallout Rad/Dark Def
Abyss Hunter DM/Regen Scrap
Super Bug Spines/Regen Scrap
Karnage EM/WP Brute

and many. many more

*This post printed on recycled electrons



Wish I had been there. I've never heard of the person who won and I'd like to see how I stack up. And I was looking forward to the next 1v1 tournament too.



Originally Posted by TargMunky View Post
3100 HP... I think using harsh language and name calling would have been about as effective as the crap I was throwing at him
Yeah I felt like I was hitting him with pillows.

"Take that you bully!"



Finals for this are on test tomorrow night!



After a grueling 4+ hours, a winner of the All-Server Dueling Tournament was decided. @Lite of Paragon from the Pinnacle server took home the crown playing a WP/SS Tanker.

Congratulations on winning the title of All-Server Dueling Champion!

The raffle winner of 1 Billion Inf was @Energy Torch of Virtue Server. Congrats on your prize!



Originally Posted by perilX View Post
After a grueling 4+ hours, a winner of the All-Server Dueling Tournament was decided. @Lite of Paragon from the Pinnacle server took home the crown playing a WP/SS Tanker.

Congratulations on winning the title of All-Server Dueling Champion!

The raffle winner of 1 Billion Inf was @Energy Torch of Virtue Server. Congrats on your prize!
nice, thanks for keeping us updated on the results. That is one sick tank.

Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG

Join my fan club today!



Congrats on that win Light. I knew that was a destructive tank but didnt know it was that bad. Awesome!



Originally Posted by perilX View Post
After a grueling 4+ hours, a winner of the All-Server Dueling Tournament was decided. @Lite of Paragon from the Pinnacle server took home the crown playing a WP/SS Tanker.

Congratulations on winning the title of All-Server Dueling Champion!

The raffle winner of 1 Billion Inf was @Energy Torch of Virtue Server. Congrats on your prize!
Congratz Lite - you are one tough tank! You're easy going attitude was also a fine example of why people CAN have fun in PVP. Great job!