Force Feedback Chance for + Recharge AE Problem
Just a guess here but are you running a mission at a lower level than the proc's level? Try running a level 50 AE arc and see if it procs.
It might help in narrowing down the problem.
Level 50 IO, level 50 mission.
And procs work no matter what level you may exemp down or up to.
True, I should have said procs are SUPPOSED to work no matter what level. Glad to see I'm not the only one noticing that this proc doesn't work right. I can see it not working when exemped down simply because a +100% recharge, even for a few seconds, is insane at low levels, but not working at all in AE just annoys me. Ah well, time to take it out and replace it with the PvP -20% Res proc.
Log a bug for it. I'll confirm this after work today. And go you being able to afford a PVP IO! Can I have your hand-me-downs?
Heh, not all PvP IO's cost a ton, plus I wouldn't waste a respec just to get a 500k FF IO out.
That said, I've bugged the proc problem before, I was mostly seeing if anyone else had run into problems here, and taking a chance that a redname would pop in and explain what was up.
Heh, not all PvP IO's cost a ton, plus I wouldn't waste a respec just to get a 500k FF IO out. |
That being said, I've never noticed the +rech proc not working in AE. I used to have it in Repel on one of my Kins (Repel being taken as a "just in case" power) and I have turned it on just for kicks while herding and while it didn't go off often, I would see the results every once in a while. FYI its a 50 IO and I generally run 45-50 AE missions, if I run any at all. I recently respec'd out of Repel and swapped a few other things around on that toon or I would run some more to see if I notice any difference.
EDIT: Just took a peek at the Wiki entry for the +Rech proc and noticed the bit about how it self-suppresses. Maybe the problem you're having stems from this self-suppression? Just a thought...
I have this proc slotted in Shield Charge, and outside of AE it works quite often due to having the chance to proc for each target of the charge. However, in an AE mission this will NEVER proc. Ever. It doesn't show up in the combat log, it doesn't show up in the monitored recharge rate, nothing. Outside AE it shows up no problem. Is this meant to be the way it works? At least one of my Performance Shifter Chance for +End works in AE because it shows up in the combat log(though I don't know whether the one in Health or the one in Physical Perfection is proccing), so it seems odd the FF proc doesn't work.
I'd love to be proved wrong.
The FF +Rech proc works just fine in AE in Dragon's Tail, Footstomp, and Thunder Strike, just from my personal observation. I wouldn't slot that proc in SC or LR simply because the power doesn't come up often enough to make it worthwhile in my opinion, even if it did work there.
*Edited for typo
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
It works in SC out of AE is my point. I monitor recharge and the +100 shows up when it procs outside AE. In AE it never procs is the problem. Maybe it's just some weird issue with procs and pseudo-pets in AE. Ah well.
I had it slotted in SC for my SD/EM tanker, and in two weeks of play never saw it go off in or out of AE so I replaced it when I respec'd him. *shrugs* You seem to have had better luck with it than I did.
Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank)) Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.> Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds)) |
It worked fine in Thunderstrike for me tonight. Got it to go off 4 times.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Just reiterating what others have goes off all the time for me in Footstomp during AE arcs.
I'm really glad it goes off in Footstomp, I really am. Now if Footstomp was Shield Charge, in which the proc works outside of AE and not in, then it'd relate to my problem. Still, I'm happy you can use it in a non pseudo-pet power
Some months ago I tested the FF proc in regular (non AE) missions for well over an hour on a mission spawn at +8.
Unfortunately, I can't recall whether I tested in Lightning Rod or Shield Charge but my results were the same as Demon Hunter described the proc never once fired.
Whereas in Thunderstrike both in and outside of AE the proc regularly fires.
My understanding was that SC and LR are psuedo pets so the FF proc won't work....
Are you sure you've gotten the proc to fire in SC? Do you possibly have the proc also slotted in another power....etc...
Can anyone else confirm that they have ever gotten the proc to work in SC?
I slotted this enhancement into the Repel (toggle) power of the Kinetics pool expecting that on every knockback done with Repel there would be a chance for +recharge.
So to test it I've been harassing somewhat lower level mobs so I could easily do 50+ knockbacks in a short time.
But I found out that the recharge effect is only applied once after switching Repel on then never again. Sometimes it didn't even occur at all.
I tested this in Grandville, outside AE.
I slotted this enhancement into the Repel (toggle) power of the Kinetics pool expecting that on every knockback done with Repel there would be a chance for +recharge.
So to test it I've been harassing somewhat lower level mobs so I could easily do 50+ knockbacks in a short time. But I found out that the recharge effect is only applied once after switching Repel on then never again. Sometimes it didn't even occur at all. I tested this in Grandville, outside AE. |
Toggles with procs in them (mainly Stamina with PS: +End) have a CHANCE to proc every 10 seconds.
I would suggest turning repel on and just sitting there watching it, it might take a little while considering you're looking at a 10% chance every 10 seconds..
What I'm not sure on is whether or not it will proc off the actual repel..
If it procs off the actual repel, it's likely it won't act as a toggle proc and will not have a chance to proc every 10 seconds..
Some things to consider, I hope I helped..
Hopefully you get a chance to read this before/if it gets locked for being necro'd..
But at the same time it is similar to your problem, so that's ultimately up to the Devs.
My understanding was that SC and LR are psuedo pets so the FF proc won't work....
Are you sure you've gotten the proc to fire in SC? Do you possibly have the proc also slotted in another power....etc... Can anyone else confirm that they have ever gotten the proc to work in SC? |
FWIW it's working just fine on AE on Footstomp, it works in Thunderstrike like it always has, it works in Fault in AE or not, but I never put it in my Stalker's L. Rod (while he has it in thunderstrike) because I was always told it'd never work on a pseudo pet power.
I have this proc slotted in Shield Charge, and outside of AE it works quite often due to having the chance to proc for each target of the charge. However, in an AE mission this will NEVER proc. Ever. It doesn't show up in the combat log, it doesn't show up in the monitored recharge rate, nothing. Outside AE it shows up no problem. Is this meant to be the way it works? At least one of my Performance Shifter Chance for +End works in AE because it shows up in the combat log(though I don't know whether the one in Health or the one in Physical Perfection is proccing), so it seems odd the FF proc doesn't work.