Real-life/cosplay costumes?
Someday, I will be Ghost Widow.
Well for the pants I'd look at some football(Amercian not that other stuff hehe) pants I know you can special order them online with your colors and I KNOW I've seen them available with the stripe down them like that.
The gloves should be fairly easy. Those are the in-game rubber gloves. I'd figure out a way to rig the claws and then slide the gloves over them with a hole cut into the top part of the hand.
In-game those are the boxer boots, so maybe look for some boxing boots? I'd guess wrestling boots would probably be more accurate though.
All in all I think this is definitely one of the more doable costumes! Good luck! I agree the jacket is probably the hardest thing.

I tried looking for a jacket like that for you but somehow ended up looking at a site about the Mad Max costumes.
I would rig up the blades so they pop out and lock. You'd have to have safe way to do it though, even with a prop blade.
That belt might be a challenge too. Football pants might be the way to go. Here is one place:
I also had a friend that did a Super Hero costume using wet suit pants. Just a thought.
Wrestling boots are also a great idea:
Make sure you post a picture when you are done putting it all together.
You might be able to build your belt by going to a military surplus store. You can certainly get some pouches.
Make sure to pick up a P38 while you're there too.
The leather jacket is easy, as any number of places can make that for you, including the color. The pants might be a little trickier to come by if you aren't using spandex, although the football apparel route might work. It'll cost moolah, though.
This site apparently does colors.
For the blades, there must be a fairly simple way to use a button to activate a push-pull solenoid set-up to extend and retract them. Put the button on the outside knuckle of your index finger so you're not accidentally springing them out all the time -- combine that with a flex movement to distract people from seeing the semi-awkward thumb-activation and you're good to go.
The red dot is just to show where the button would go. You'd want it to blend in so as to be as unobtrusive as possible.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I've looked into some stuff like this before. namely in the area of building a set of stormtrooper armor. For the boots a lot of guys buy large womens boots...many others, paint a pair. I think if you get the right paints you could get a pair of mickey's from an army surplus and get them to be the color you want. I would think that a latex based paint would work but i've never done anything like that before so i couldn't tell you what kind of paint to use and i can't recall what the guys generally use to paint their ST boots. It might be a lot cheaper than getting a pair of wrestling or boxing boots. You may also be able to stain the mickeys, but again no idea how you'd go about something like that.
Roxy On DA...Finally!
The leather jacket is easy, as any number of places can make that for you, including the color. The pants might be a little trickier to come by if you aren't using spandex, although the football apparel route might work. It'll cost moolah, though.
This site apparently does colors. For the blades, there must be a fairly simple way to use a button to activate a push-pull solenoid set-up to extend and retract them. Put the button on the outside knuckle of your index finger so you're not accidentally springing them out all the time -- combine that with a flex movement to distract people from seeing the semi-awkward thumb-activation and you're good to go. The red dot is just to show where the button would go. You'd want it to blend in so as to be as unobtrusive as possible. ![]() |
I figured the belt could be an Army Surplus item and just die the pouches to match.
And yes you must provide pics when done!

I definitely will update people on this project as I go along; there's been some great ideas already and I'll be shopping around on the cheaper parts such as the mask and belt and checking out boots as I go!
I think the hardest parts are the most customised like the jacket, particularly....but it's a great start. Thanks again, folks! Will update ASAP.
Oh, I should say that unlike my character there, I'm lacking in the hair department so might be going a hoodie instead (as much as I don't want to).
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse
Once you're all done here, I need to locate a Fusionette costume wearable by a 6'1" male.

I'm kind of hoping I'm in the right forum here for this, but I've had a challenge thrown down to me that I might be able to pull off; namely that of recreating one of my new favorite characters from the game. Here's a draft of a commission piece (the style I'd be aiming for is on the left):
The obvious challenge is the coloring, especially with any leather items. I believe I can get the gloves, and could probably pay a tailor (I have no sewing skills to speak of) to do the 'Rocketeer' style jacket. I found a replica jacket online, but only the CoH style has the one-sided panel with buttons that I can find. Wrestling boots seem to be the right thing to get, now I just have to find some second-hand ones. New ones are 250 bucks!
I'd really appreciate any input, links or feedback from folks on this, and apologies if I've posted in the wrong forum.
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse