Malta Sappers




Nuke them from orbit... its the only way to be sure.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I haven't ever heard of one, but is there a way to target by enemy rank? Something that would let you quickly target a boss, EB or AV in a group of minions?
There is not. It has been asked for forever. You just have to know what the names of the bosses/lts are for the enemy you are fighting.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Most blasters have some single target Hold/Stun move they can apply, else a good Build Up+Aim + Whatever tends to do the trick.

For my main, BS/Regen, I usually hit MoG, Build Up, and then chop them in half. If MoG isn't ready then I just fly above them and drop down. They usually take a moment to react, which is plenty enough time.

My Stalker assassinates them. Every time. Unless he's def based, in which case I might just ignore them entirely.

Ultimately just remember that, while their Sapper beam is deadly, it's still being wielded by a wet piece of toilet paper. Simply slicing them in half works wonders.

Everything else usually has a hold of some kind. Other than that, the macro listed already is a good tool.



Scrappers, my anti-sapper

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Farmer View Post
I still say they need to buff Sappers.

Malta are the only real challenge left at the moment, may as well make 'em a bit tougher!

Oh, did I mention my main is an Illusion controller with a fondness for confuse?
While I realize I'm inviting being flamed, I think sappers are still OP'd. I try hard to avoid any Malta mission strictly because of the existance of this mob.



This is what I use.

/macro KMF targetname Immunes Surgeon

KMF means Kill Me First, multi-word names are fine, and I just edit the target depending on what needs to go first on any given mission/arc. The difference is that it just targets the closest body, dead or alive, that you have set. So it will target a corpse if its closer. Doesn't take much to click once or twice more though, heh.



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
While I realize I'm inviting being flamed, I think sappers are still OP'd. I try hard to avoid any Malta mission strictly because of the existance of this mob.
No need for flames. Malta in general tend to be a bit OP'ed compared to most enemy groups, and i can understand why many players avoid them, especially when playing squishy archetypes. They can be pretty frustrating.

That's not to say that i feel the same as you do about Sappers. i take missions against Malta, Arachnos, Carnies and Thorns preferentially because i find them more appealing, and i don't really consider Sappers overpowered at all, but that's a matter of personal taste. i find Freakshow and Council among my least favorite groups to fight. Meat Doctors make Freakshow very slightly more interesting when present, but overall both groups tend to bore me.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
One that's a favorite of one of my friends is Deceive/Confuse on the Sapper so he drains his buddies instead of you.
Deceive/Confuse for effortless reverse-Sappage +1.



If I was in the driving seat, I'd modify Sappers a little bit.

1) Get rid of the 50% Energy resistance
2) Get rid of the 100% resistance to End Drain

I first ran across them as an Elec/Elec Blaster, and was not happy about these two stats. Sure, I had Tesla Cage, but being unable to end drain a Sapper was just frustrating from a poetic justice standpoint.



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
While I realize I'm inviting being flamed, I think sappers are still OP'd. I try hard to avoid any Malta mission strictly because of the existance of this mob.
*shrug* you are free to detest any mob you want. Personally, I hate Hellion bosses. Solo, I almost never have enough tricks in my bag at that low a level to deal with them (and the small inspiration tray doesn't help).

At least spawning rules for Malta now tend to avoid spawning more than 1 sapper per group; find it, target it, and eliminate it. The only two characters I have that don't consider sappers a #1 threat are my /elec and /SR scrappers. On the SR, an unlucky streak will have me running for the 'vaters if I prioritized a gunslinger over a sapper (but by the same token, If I went after the sapper first, and a hold got through in the 2 seconds before my mez protection went back up... It's really quite remarkable how often that small window is taken advantage of).

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



It takes all kinds. I liked the Malta and finished all of Indigo and Crimson's missions specifically because they represented a challenge that required thought beyond "Smash anyone who isn't me."

Which isn't to say they were difficult for every character I engaged them with. My Mind/Storm quite gleefully turned them against their friends. My Ar/Dev had them nuked from orbit before anyone even knew he was firing at them.

my BS/Regen, however, had a fun little go with the bastards, and I'm glad he was my first character who encountered them.

Ultimately I would want the devs to release content aimed at varying degrees of player skill/masochism. Some days, even I, the paragon of awesome tactical genius, want to just steam roll through freakshow.



Originally Posted by Substrate View Post
Nuke them from orbit... its the only way to be sure.
He can't make that kind of a decision, he's just a grunt!

No offense ...



I hate the Mu and whichever CoT dude that can turn my defense upside down. Oh, and Shamen. I'd chop them into bits and feed them to their own stupid masks if I could. Grrr.

Sappers are fine with me if I manage to see them before we engage.

[I need to make a bind /bind alt+numpad0 "Blasters, please target through me as I try to kill this $target."]