Why doesn't "Hide X Warning" hide the warning?
Seriously, why?
I've been selling things at the auction house for a long time now. I know that posting a high price makes for a large fee. And just because I have am IO in my inventory doesn't mean I want to craft it, so I don't need anybody reminding me that the Ceramic Armor Plate I'm trying to sell is a component in the IO I'm going to sell at the store. When I click "Hide Useful Salvage Warning," I MEAN IT! When I click "Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning," I MEAN IT! What I do NOT mean is, "Warn me again, every time I try to sell anything forever, because nothing makes me happier than unnecessary mouse clicks and focus interrupts." No, that is not what HIDE means. HIDE means HIDE. As in, go the hell away. This is a bug whether you know it or not. I hope you do. |
Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm ...
I only have it pop up once per session. If I totally quit CoH back to the Desktop, the next time I log in, it'll pop up again.
I wish it would stay disabled, like all other prompts, but it's not too bad.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I too am having it pop up all the time, and yep I did /bug it.
If you switch alts frequently (as I do), you get it for those also. It's currently
in the top 3 of my most irritating I-17 pet peeves...
It will be a pleasant day when they fix that pop-up...
Just like pop-ups on browsers, pop-up dialog boxes are equally annoying
here in-game, too... I'd have thought the devs would have learned that by now?
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Well, that's interesting. I feel sorry for those of you that it won't go away for. I hope the bug is fix'd soon, 'cause I know it can be annoying.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

It's appalling. The setting won't even stick during a single session. I'll sell stuff, play some more, go to sell again and get the message AGAIN. This is while staying logged into one toon - no switching toons, no log-outs, nothing.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Since my Main now has all the Day Jobs, I've been keeping her in the Talos WW to earn Crafting Discounts, and to sell.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

No one else finds this annoying?
I've been finding it annoying for a while now. I bugged it way back during Beta (might've even been CB) but I guess it never rose high enough on the bug list to warrant it being changed. And I think I bugged it once since i17 went Live, but I'm not totally sure.
This is somewhat annoying for people who play multiple field crafters. Every white salvage is potentially useful for them. The feature is a neat idea, but it's a little too zealous and needs to be added to options.
I18 Hamidon raiding guide
Yes, very annoying =/ Also, if you don't click to hide the warning it pops up for every item in a stack.
When I click "Hide Useful Salvage Warning," I MEAN IT!
When I click "Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning," I MEAN IT! What I do NOT mean is, "Warn me again, every time I try to sell anything forever, because nothing makes me happier than unnecessary mouse clicks and focus interrupts." No, that is not what HIDE means. HIDE means HIDE. As in, go the hell away. |
I hate to dredge up old posts, but there doesn't seem to have been any change/progress on this since its inception. On all my toons I have under Menu -> Options for both the 'Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning' and the 'Hide Useful Salvage Warning' set to Enabled. Regardless, every time I post something for a large fee, I get asked for confirmation. Every time I drop in salvage, I get asked for confirmation.
One of the Menu -> Options doesn't even stick; reloading my options from file changes the Useful Salvage to Enabled every time. Yes, I do hit apply. It will only stop bugging me if I hit the radio button on the confirmation window, and even then, when I end that session I'll have to do it again on the next one.
The behavior is consistent amoung all my toons; new, old, any alignment.
And yes, I've /bugged it in game many times over the past handful of months. I know it's not a game-breaking bug but it's terribly obnoxious and got old real fast.
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Same. I bugged the "hide useful salvage warning" setting months ago.
I hate that dialog with a searing intensity, but it isn't exactly a game-breaking issue.
Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.
Well, now that the option is listed, I have hope that it will actually work at some time in the future. Still, we should bug it (and the devs) to make sure.
Seriously, why?
I've been selling things at the auction house for a long time now. I know that posting a high price makes for a large fee. And just because I have am IO in my inventory doesn't mean I want to craft it, so I don't need anybody reminding me that the Ceramic Armor Plate I'm trying to sell is a component in the IO I'm going to sell at the store.
When I click "Hide Useful Salvage Warning," I MEAN IT!
When I click "Hide Large Auction House Fee Warning," I MEAN IT!
What I do NOT mean is, "Warn me again, every time I try to sell anything forever, because nothing makes me happier than unnecessary mouse clicks and focus interrupts." No, that is not what HIDE means. HIDE means HIDE. As in, go the hell away.
This is a bug whether you know it or not. I hope you do.