new AH oddity question
I know this has been brought up in a couple of other posts, but I wanted to post it here in player questions to get a direct yes or no.
When I click "recipes" and then type a recipe name, it displays recipes AND enhancements. Am i doing something wrong? |
When you type something in the search field it replaces your first search, which was "recipes", which occured when you clicked on the recipes.
You can't search within a category like we used to be able to, anymore.
Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522
You aren't doing anything wrong, this particular 'improvement' is just dumb.
I had the same thing happen last night. I don't think it is a bug so much as massive lag on the market server. I frequently had to do the same thing 2 or 3 times before it would "take" and actually do what I wanted it to do.
Also i encountered a bug this morning, i wonder if it has been happening to others. I posted an item for sale and it didnt post, it just sat in stored. I posted it again and it sat in stored. I posted something else and it immediately went to selling. I closed the interface and waited a minute and reopened the interface and it was still stored. I posted it again and it still sat in stored. Has this happened to anyone else? I gave up and logged off, dont know what to see later tonight. thank you in advance |
I had this happen when trying to sell an item, move an item (recipe, enhancement, salvage) from my character to the market storage area, or trying to get the proceeds from a sale. it would appear to make the move but would then reverse itself.
if you don't already have market messages set up to display in an open chat window, I suggest you do that, at least for now. I could tell by watching for the messages whether something completed or if it was going to come back to its original state.
I had the same thing happen last night. I don't think it is a bug so much as massive lag on the market server. I frequently had to do the same thing 2 or 3 times before it would "take" and actually do what I wanted it to do.
I had this happen when trying to sell an item, move an item (recipe, enhancement, salvage) from my character to the market storage area, or trying to get the proceeds from a sale. it would appear to make the move but would then reverse itself. if you don't already have market messages set up to display in an open chat window, I suggest you do that, at least for now. I could tell by watching for the messages whether something completed or if it was going to come back to its original state. |
Ah, that explains it.
I thought I was being unfeasibly thick that I couldn't manage to post some things up yesterday.
I'd say it's a combination of both. The root cause of the problem is surely lag, but... With the old interface, if something didn't take, you'd know it straight away. With this one, it always LOOKS like it takes.
It's not as clean as it was before, but if you add ' (receipe)' [space, open paren, the word receipe, close paren] to the end of the search it will only show the receipes and filter out the crafted IOs
6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.
I know this has been brought up in a couple of other posts, but I wanted to post it here in player questions to get a direct yes or no.
When I click "recipes" and then type a recipe name, it displays recipes AND enhancements. Am i doing something wrong? If this is WAI, it is dumb. Dumb Dumb.
Also i encountered a bug this morning, i wonder if it has been happening to others. I posted an item for sale and it didnt post, it just sat in stored. I posted it again and it sat in stored. I posted something else and it immediately went to selling. I closed the interface and waited a minute and reopened the interface and it was still stored. I posted it again and it still sat in stored. Has this happened to anyone else? I gave up and logged off, dont know what to see later tonight.
thank you in advance