To any Villains that played Dean MacArthur's arc (SPOILERS!)




Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Mine was a Crab spider with dual pistols and pain domination. I now demand that my Crab Spider be able to pack heat alongside his back lasers.

You can.

Get yourself to The Market or go pull a job for Dubrowski, Petrovich, Renault, or Terrence Dobbs



Well, that one was interesting. My Claw/Nin stalker's double - a Trick Arrow/Fotunata Training ... whatever it would be. Lots of debuffing, no damage, and a nice dose of Mind Link.



Mine was a Bots Mastermind/Thugs Mastermind. I basically needed to do nothing, and my clone beat the crap out of Ajax and all the longbow reinforcements by herself. Well, by herself including a small army of summons! Wish she'd come with me on all my missions



Just got an Ice Control/Dark Armor clone last night. It didn't do much damage, but the thing was effective as hell at keeping Ajax and Wyvern from bothering me, thanks to spamming Shiver and immobilizes on everything, then using Dark Regen to heal itself back up.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



When I ran it with my Earth/Fire Dominator, my flawed clone was Rad Blast/Devices I think. Had the little targeting drone flying around. It didn't survive the mission, but kept Ajax busy. Go to good, poor, brain damaged Flawed Clone. I will miss you.

You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age



My ice/ice dom got a bots/energy blast clone, she was actually relatively useful. Didn't have to worry too much about her surviving ajax as I just kept him held the whole time, but she contributed quite well against the ambushes and helped me beat ajax down once he was vulnerable.

Fighting 8 of me was.... interesting. I've never seen so much -recharge and -movement in my life! 8 arctic airs is not fun at all. Thankfully I had my dom/PB/aoe hold ace up my sleeve. That and demonic saw me through.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Col. Blitzkrieger's (Elec/Elec Brute) flawed clone was Earth Control/Sonic Resonance. He kept Ajax perma-immobilized and buffed me to immortality. Fun stuff.

Lord Crow's (Bots/Traps Mastermind) flawed clone was Dual Blades/Martial Arts. I was somewhat surprised at how well the costume worked for swords and kicks, although the clone died pretty pathetically due to its somewhat lackluster powerset combination.

Isshintou's (Broadsword/Ninjitsu Stalker) flawed clone was Claws/Something. I can't remember the secondary. It kept Ajax on his backside pretty well and oneshotted the Wyvern ambushers with Focus. Damn.



Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
Yeah but he can Brawl people to death like nobody's business.

Incoming Damage = 80 + 100 + 50

Outgoing damage = 1

repeat until they give up and go away out of sheer disgust or collapse in heap of futile rage.
*I tanked the entire Freedom Phalanx for 37-1/2 hours straight. And all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!*

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Did this earlier tonight on my Spines/Energy Stalker on test. My Flawed Clone had dual pistols, since it kept giving me messages about certain kinds of ammo being equipped. Not sure what its other power set was, as I was too busy trying to take down the projectors and the Wyvern ambushers to pay much mind to it. He managed to hold off Ajax on his own fairly well, though, lasting through the first three projectors. He probably could've survived the fourth if I'd realized there was a fourth (I though there were only three for some reason) and gone after it instead of attacking Ajax after the third, only see "nope, still invulnerable." Also probably would've made it through the projectors faster if I'd just ignored the Wyvern guys and spammed attacks instead of trying to one-shot them with my Assassin strike.

Didn't face eight of myself due to not knowing you'd get a badge for facing down eight of yourself. Otherwise I'd've gone for it.

"You guys do whatever you want... I have more misplaced anger to work off." - The Thing, Ultimate Fantastic Four



Bots/traps mm and the flawed clone was a mercs/ff mm...

which ironically was my first red 50... and utterly useless like said 50...



I can't for the life of me remember which character I brought through ended up with it — possibly my Fire/Earth Dominator — but they ended up with a Sonic buff/thermal clone. In one fell swoop, I had capped resists, and a heal to back me up if my health twitched at all. Plus the fun -res effects to cut down the enemies on top of that.

I'd never want to play it, but damned if it wouldn't be fun to have one on call to back me up on the tough missions.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I have no idea what my clone's powerset was because all she did was stand there!



My Robotic/FF MM got a flawed clone that was a dual blades/poison thing. managed to tank Ajax while i got the glowies, and had him down to 1/3 health by the time I turned around from getting rid of the last one. He also healed me the whole time (the wyvern goons decided that i looked like tasty target practice). Also never saw my clone at less the full health. Never felt so useless.