Will Controllers ever see...




Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Erm, the cast time is 1.83 seconds, which is right on par with all the other controller ST holds except mind's and fire's. Perhaps you haven't tried it since the most recent set of animation time reductions? And while it does no damage, does that really matter? It's not like your ST hold is a real damage powerhouse for you either way. It does have a shorter duration, but it's not *that* bad, especially given the power's most likely uses.

Mind you, trick arrow *does* have several problems that could use looking at, but freezing arrow isn't one of them.

I understand we all have our opinions, but to me Freezing Arrow is probably the worst single target hold in the game. 18 second recharge and a base duration of ~14 seconds ensure you have to sink enhancers into the power to make it functional. It might be ok on an archetype with no other holds, but even Defenders get better holds in their APPs. Most Controller builds are much too slot hungry to sacrifice 5 or 6 slots just to hold one extra boss every 10 or so seconds, when they could have just waited for their primary hold to recharge.



Originally Posted by StabBot View Post
First off I'm skeptical about the animation time of the ability, when was the change made? I believe I leveled up my Ill/TA character during i15 and I got very little mileage out of TA.
Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly. I don't think it was *that* recent, but I'm not sure it was long enough ago to be pre-i15. One could try digging through the patch notes, but, well, I'm lazy.

As far as the activation time goes, it *is* possible that the animation time is set incorrectly and is rooting you longer than the activation time, but it never felt *that* slow to me post-buff.

Second off, sorry to nitpick, but Blind also has a 1.67s activation time.
Yeah, I saw that, which is why I changed 'faster than' to 'on par with' in my statement. I meant 'on par with' mostly in the sense of 'some are a bit slower or faster, some about the same, but they're all in the same general area'. Blind is slightly faster, I just didn't think the amount was that significant.

Fourth, the duration and recharge really are quite bad. At 50 you're looking at an 18 second recharge on a 15 second hold, vs. a 9 second cooldown on an 18 second hold... The thing is when Hasten, your set bonuses, and your hold enhancements are running the amount of time it takes to just recast your primary hold is so small that I felt I was better off just casting some other ability to wait out the cooldown than firing off an Ice Arrow that's going to be overkill a second later when my primary hold comes back up.
I think the difference here is that I tend to come from the perspective of a non-decked out character. My /ta controller is just frankenslotted and doesn't have hasten, so her main hold is coming back in more like 5 seconds instead of 2.5. Once I've fired off my alpha controls and debuff arrows, I usually spend most of my time spreading around my ST holds. What ice arrow does for me is ensure that I almost always have a second hold available immediately to hit another target or stack on the boss I just hit, instead of having to wait. If I had 100% or more global recharge factoring in hasten, it certainly wouldn't be nearly as useful, but I don't.

Perhaps that's becaues as Ill/TA I can just alternate between Deceive and Blind anyway, but I still feel that really any controller is going to get more mileage out of picking up a different power than they would from Freezing Arrow.

I'd be curious about what builds actually do take FA, because I would wager that I could find a different ability swap out for it.

I don't necessarily feel that TA is underpowered when my damn Oil Slick Arrow actually works correctly, I just don't feel that Freezing Arrow is especially useful for a Controller in the long run.
Well, my /ta is an earth/TA, and I've got freezing arrow. I specifically took this combo for maximum mezzing goodness, so of course I took every mez power I could get. I don't particularly see anything in particular I'd want to swap out for it - the powers I skipped were salt crystals, flash arrow, and stone prison, and I don't see any of those being more useful. I don't have hasten yet, but it's only a few levels off at 49. Even if I don't end up using it much while hasten's up, I still see it being useful when it isn't, as well as for exemplaring. It's always been quite useful for me on the way up.

Also I'm curious about what sort of changes you would make to TA. Personally I find the debuff procedure tedious.
It does take a while to fire off all those arrows, but I'm not sure there's anything to be done about that at this late stage in the game. The animations can certainly be trimmed as much as possible, but ultimately the powerset is just structured around tossing a bunch of different debuffs from a bunch of different arrows.

That said, there are some changes I'd make - although more in terms of its utility as a defender primary than anything, as I think that's where TA really needs the most help. /TA on controllers isn't actually *that* bad, as you noted, mostly because the controller's primary can take over the defensive role that TA isn't very good at by itself.

TA's real problem as I see it is a lack of defensive ability when it's the characters sole mitigation. It's got decent offensive buffing, but it's bad at keeping people alive against large spawns, at least when OSA and EMP aren't up. I would personally tweak several of the lower level arrows - double the tohit debuff in flash so it's actually noticable, increase the -recharge in glue arrow to ~40%ish, give PGA 100% chance to sleep (although still only mag 2), and add a mag 1 stun to disruption arrow for stacking purposes with the defender secondaries that don't have holds. (And of course fix OSA, but that's a given).

How many of those changes would get ported over to the controller/MM versions of the set would be up to the devs, but it probably wouldn't be all of them.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Agreed. I was in a debate with someone a few months back in which he called Trick Arrow "nearly overpowered" on a Controller because of this power. It left me somewhat mystified. I once did take Ice Arrow with the idea of holding bosses, but quickly specced out of it after realizing how little value it added.
Really? I agree with Muon_Neutrino. I have two or three /TA controllers, and find Ice Arrow very useful to deal with bosses; it makes Hold stacking much faster and easier. As well as making it easier to Hold two enemies, helping with control-light primaries (low level Gravity, say), and makes a nice backup when your primary hold misses.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I haven't thought it out especially well, but if I had my way I would probably move the damage reduction from PGA and put it on DA, increase the cooldown and duration of AA, and then bump PGA up to 100%, likely with a CD increase which would be more dramatic on the controller version. Also I'd probably make the -health regen on EMPA last at least 30 seconds.

That's just off the top of my head though, it's quite possible there's some glaring problems with those suggestions, I haven't really thought them through.



I have different definitions of what makes a skill good. I would describe this:

As well as making it easier to Hold two enemies, helping with control-light primaries (low level Gravity, say), and makes a nice backup when your primary hold misses
As "useful," rather than good. I'm unhappy with an ability if it doesn't scale well from the level I receive it up to level 50, even with full enhancements. That's the difference to me between a primary hold and FA. The primary hold is useful from start to finish, and the latter is useful in a window, or at least hits a peak in that window and then drops off too dramatically.

I think something simple like a decent recharge reduction attached to Freezing Arrow or some other cold-themed debuff would go a long way towards fixing the ability I probably still wouldn't take it (bear in mind I have Deceive on my /TA so I already have a second singtle-target mez debatably more powerful than the first), but I could at least appreciate its permanent utility against EBs, AVs, and Bosses before you get the second hold up or after it expires.



Trollers are better than defenders. I find them more powerful even with reduced debuffs.

As for controls, damages, pets....

Storm gets a Stun, heal and two very damaging pets that work better on a troller with immobs than a def/corr.

Rad gets the best AoE hold in the game, rez, heal, all kinds of buffs and debuffs. Fire/Rads and Ill/Rads solo GMs, scrappers can't do that.

TA I find a weak set, except on trollers because of the extra hold and EMP Arrow. And Glue Arrow stacks already with things like Ice's Shiver and A. Air for example. You can stack immobs too if you take your primary st immob on most troller pairings.

/Dark MMs get Dark Servant too, so what's the issue? Stacking fears? Only Mind and Ill can do that with /dark.

It's not about balancing, but about someone said that they want to make Dark powersets for 'everything'.



Originally Posted by Neg_Let View Post
While this seems to be a common thing as of late I'm curious about something. While powers left and right have been pass along to other ATs, is there ever the possibility of having Dark Miasma as a secondary for Controllers? I haven't been here long enough (both as a poster and player) to see any other topics on this subject.

I have a /dark MM and love it tremendously; the versatility of the powerset is just wonderful and I would love to have my resurrected hero-zombie running about with fiery imps!

Seriously though, why has this not happened? Is it a dev thing or are there other reasons? I hope it's a Soon(tm) rather than a never sort of thing!
Id have to say that Containment would make Dark Miasma too powerful on a Controller AT.Not to mention the massive amounts of -toHit it provides can really make a mess of things.

I can solo on a +2/8 w/bosses difficulty with my level 39 Dark/Dark Defender.What hell do you think a Dark Miasma Controller would bring?

Handing a Controller another set like Traps would be too much control as well.

I have ran Sewers on a Ice/Cold Controller at level 4, from start to finish at lvl 12 before, and all I used was my Ice primary teir 1-3 powers.If I had Tar Patch and the Twighlights Grasp, and Spammed my Teir 1 and teir 3 AoE power.It would have been a even bigger joke then it was in the first place.Youd never need a team.

Id imagine just about any combonation of Dark Miasma Controller would be a bit too much.It really wouldnt matter what the Primary was.It would amp it up too much for a Controller.



I don't really see the need for a dark controller, frankly. It'd be cool, but miasma is practically a controller primary already. It just replaces the moderately useful aoe hold with the fantastically useful darkest night.

I'm as much on the power proliferation bandwagon as anyone, but I also think it's sort of neat if classes have a unique powerset or two.

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
I can solo on a +2/8 w/bosses difficulty with my level 39 Dark/Dark Defender.What hell do you think a Dark Miasma Controller would bring?
A little less than a Dark Miasma Mastermind does.