Which salvage to store?
I basically don't store any salvage, as in long term
In my personal SG I drop the common salvage into bins for the field crafter to use, and she comes on a sweeps the bins clean maybe once a week or so.
I tend to store uncommons mid and high level. The Black market volatility is pretty bad on those.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Personally, I don't understand the rational of storing anything but Inf. Unless you think that the specific item you are storing will rise significantly in value I prefer to sell everything I find and keep huge piles of Inf around. I find it easy to turn Inf into any item on command. Occasionally, an obscure item at an obscure level will elude my desire to obtain the item instantly at some random point in time. Sadly, one would need to store close to every item at every level to avoid such situations. When I cannot quickly purchase an obscure item I usually come here, to the forums, and post about how I am offering an outrageous amount of Inf for said item. My needs are quickly satisfied.
Catwhoorg and Smurphy, thanks for answering.
Smurphy, when you sell the salvage, do you mostly just do a quick sell at stores, or do you check WW first to see what's selling hot?
Or after a while, will I just know what's "hot selling" and what should be sold at stores (for ease and speed)?
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.

Personally, white and yellow salvage isn't worth my time. I usually delete the white/yellow and post the rare for sale. Sometimes I post all the white/yellow for 1. If I was starting out I'd drop every salvage on the market and before posting it for sale, hit "more" real quick and check the last 5 and confirm that the item frequently sells above vendor prices. Any salvage that does not sell above vendor I'd simply get back from the market and cart to the vendor to sell. I'd post the remaining items for sale around 10% below the going rate to get a decent balance of profit and patience.
I have no idea what is "hot" or not. I, personally, don't care.
Thanks for the details, Smurphy.
![]() I always seem to forget what vendor prices are... thus my dilemna. Your strategy makes sense to me and I appreciate your taking the time to respond. |
250 common
1000 uncommon
5000 rare
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Great...thanks, SwellGuy. I realized after I posted my question there must be an easy way to remember.
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There's a formular on www.paragonwiki.com that has the way recipe prices for vendors is calculated also but I never memorized it.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Personally, white and yellow salvage isn't worth my time. I usually delete the white/yellow and post the rare for sale. Sometimes I post all the white/yellow for 1. If I was starting out I'd drop every salvage on the market and before posting it for sale, hit "more" real quick and check the last 5 and confirm that the item frequently sells above vendor prices. Any salvage that does not sell above vendor I'd simply get back from the market and cart to the vendor to sell. I'd post the remaining items for sale around 10% below the going rate to get a decent balance of profit and patience.
I have no idea what is "hot" or not. I, personally, don't care. |
When my salvage fills up, I just go sell it for the most part. Typically, I go with the Median price to make sure it turns over.
If you feel so inclined, just start writing down the quotes you see along with the day of the week. You'll proably finde that the weekends prices tend to be cheaper with a peak hitting Thursday/Friday...Thats my impression of how price moves anyway.
It'd be interesting to datamine salvage prices.
To each their own. But I see common salvage (Luck Charms for example) sell for 300K+. While seeing some rare salvage sell for <1000. The recipe situation is similar.
When my salvage fills up, I just go sell it for the most part. Typically, I go with the Median price to make sure it turns over. If you feel so inclined, just start writing down the quotes you see along with the day of the week. You'll proably finde that the weekends prices tend to be cheaper with a peak hitting Thursday/Friday...Thats my impression of how price moves anyway. It'd be interesting to datamine salvage prices. |

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Last night I was buying up some red side common for 200k because I wanted to craft and sell a purple I had just purchased.
See that's the thing. You're comparing your self made, ultra-rich self to his working class being. I'm assuming that since the OP is asking, he's either not yet in the position to casually toss Inf around or just has a frugal personality.
As for me, I store Rares, of course. Not the low level Rares, though. Sometimes, I'll even put out fishing bids to see if I can snag more on the cheap. I'm a hoarder.
As for the Common and Uncommon salvages, you need to be aware of which are used by the Common IO crafters. Typically the 30-40 range stuff. There are times when their supply will dip. For example: a couple of competitive field crafters working the same IO, or a bunch of people making inventory in preparation for a double XP weekend, etc.
For myself, I keep a few of these around:
- Alchemical Silver
- Ancient Bones
- Demonic Blood Samples
- Inert Gas
- Mastwork Weapons
- Rune
- Scientific Theory
- Spell Ink
- Stabilized Mutant Genome
I may go for a while not needing to use them, but inevitiably, when I do need one, they'll have been run up in the Market. And I'm cheapskate. So to avoid the hassle, I like to have 1-5 of each on hand.
I don't store Luck Charms past 25+. I haven't encountered any of the higher level Set IOs I use require them.
Of course, you should keep an eye out for some of the other stuff that have occasional activity. For example: Chaos Theroems and Thorn Tree Vines ranged in the 60-150K range for half a year (I think), but have come back down. Lately, I've noticed Tremporal Tracers holding steady at 50K+, so I if pick one up from a drop, I'll toss it into the storage bin just in case.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
See that's the thing. You're comparing your self made, ultra-rich self to his working class being. I'm assuming that since the OP is asking, he's either not yet in the position to casually toss Inf around or just has a frugal personality.
I posted my response with strong use of the word "personally": a word which I clearly and distinctly added (counting) three times in two posts. I also used "I" 15 times in those two posts.
*EDIT* I went back and read my first and second posts. I even added a "if I was starting out section"... wow. I was on the ball.
I stock my base with 10 of each tier 3 (41-50) rare salvage and 30 Access Bypasses. I also have one rack with 5 each of the more expensive tier 2 rare salvage.
The original post asks "Just wanted to gauge what you all consider "store-worthy" and what you dispose of and/or sell?"
I posted my response with strong use of the word "personally": a word which I clearly and distinctly added (counting) three times in two posts. I also used "I" 15 times in those two posts. |
As for me and salvage, Blueside I toss in the rare salvage and luck charms into the base for SG members (which of late tend to only be my new alts) to sell to get a quick start. Everything else I sell now figuring to buy it back later.
Redside I save a couple of each uncommon and rare in the base for dryspells. I keep a supply of MA tickets to quick roll commons if they aren't available now too. But I don't care how much I spend to buy stuff in the Black Market as long as I can buy it soon or now.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
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The original post asks "Just wanted to gauge what you all consider "store-worthy" and what you dispose of and/or sell?"
I posted my response with strong use of the word "personally": a word which I clearly and distinctly added (counting) three times in two posts. I also used "I" 15 times in those two posts. *EDIT* I went back and read my first and second posts. I even added a "if I was starting out section"... wow. I was on the ball. |
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
For myself, I keep a few of these around:
- Alchemical Silver - Ancient Bones - Demonic Blood Samples - Inert Gas - Mastwork Weapons - Rune - Scientific Theory - Spell Ink - Stabilized Mutant Genome I may go for a while not needing to use them, but inevitiably, when I do need one, they'll have been run up in the Market. And I'm cheapskate. So to avoid the hassle, I like to have 1-5 of each on hand. Of course, you should keep an eye out for some of the other stuff that have occasional activity. For example: Chaos Theroems and Thorn Tree Vines ranged in the 60-150K range for half a year (I think), but have come back down. Lately, I've noticed Tremporal Tracers holding steady at 50K+, so I if pick one up from a drop, I'll toss it into the storage bin just in case. |
My own strategy is to keep a few of the most useful commons, a good bit of uncommons and every rare that drops in bins. Makes it convenient. sometimes between what I have in inventory and in the bins I don't even need to hit the market, I just grab, craft, equip or drop into storage, and am back to the mission. If I'm in a group and I fill up, instead of hitting the market or a store, I self-destruct, go to base, drop all into storage and mission port back to the group. this works for me pretty well.
My list matches yours very closely Serial =)
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
I have a pretty poor memory so I do this:
If I am going to craft anything, I will take the recipe(s) and look in the bins for the salvage I need. If it's there, I take it. If it is not there or there is not enough, I buy it and then one or two extra. These go into the bin when I head back to base for crafting.
But, if the missing salvage is crap. I don't buy it.
I usually will not put salvage into the bins unprompted unless I know something is worth something. And that's usually the case if I have it around, as I delete salvage during missions as I get full. I think I can remember what's what.
I do feel the SG's bins are a little polluted with crap, but I don't feel I have the authority to delete stacks of Chemical Formula. Who know's if someone wants that? [actually, I believe we only have one]
For me, it's more about convenience than value.
I never store salvage and I never sell it to a vendor unless it happens to be more convenient then clicking the delete button.
After I am finished playing for an evening, I head into WW and go through my drops.
Salvage: if it has zero bids then I delete it. If it has some bids, then I sell it for 1 inf. If I don't have many drops and I have lots of market slots, which is uncommon for me, then I'll list it for a little above the lowest price in the last 5, unless I'm not planning to play that character again for a while in which case I'll list it for a little above the highest in the last 5.
Set Recipes: if it has zero bids then I delete it. If it has some bids but low prices, then I sell it for 1 inf. If there are significant bids and prices, then I check the cost of the crafted enhancement and the salvage to cost it. Then it's a judgment call. Sometimes I sell the recipe a little below the going rate, sometimes above. Sometimes I'll put in bids and craft it and sell the enhancement.
After that I usually head by an NPC and sell all of my regular enhancement drops, common recipes, and any salvage or set recipes that I still have in my pockets.
If I'm in a hurry, then I just stash all of the potentially valuable set recipes and worry about them later. Those take the most time by far.
Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie
Normally I don't store much salvage, but since I've been on a crafting binge lately I'll pick up blocks of 10 of whatever I think I'll need and storing it in base rather than on my toon as my recipe orders fill. The exception is mid-level commons, which are so volatile that I try to keep a few on hand (I'm a cheapskate and cannot stand to pay buy it now prices).
For recipes, I vendor commons. For sets I check last 5 prices and if it's worth less than 100k, I'll usually delete it. If it's worth more, then I'll check the crafted price and see what turnover looks like. I used to craft everything "valuable" but if the turnover on the crafted is much lower than on the recipe, I'll just sell the recipe in order to clear up the market slot more quickly.
Generally, when I need something, I'll bid on ten of them at what I think is a "sell it now" price and play another toon for awhile. Generally, by the time I get back, I've bought a few of the items, I use the one I need and post the others at a "buy it now" price. Usually buying three and selling two breaks me even.
Ooh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a *real* useful invention. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technolog...t-sarcasm.html
Hello all,

Although I just recently got my 60 month Vet badge, I'm still relatively new to all this crafting/inventions/market. But I'm having some fun learning about it.
I have about 7 or 8 salvage storage racks in my one-man SG base. They're organized alphabetically and it's quite easy for me to find what I need to find.
I'm just wondering is there any "rule-of-thumb" when it comes to knowing WHAT to store? I don't want to use up the precious space storing salvage I will probably never use. To date, I've been storing mostly any salvage that is NOT white...but I do have some white (that I think may be useful for common IOs, etc.)
Just wanted to gauge what you all consider "store-worthy" and what you dispose of and/or sell?
I'm still learning and thankful for your patience.
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.