You granted us the dual pistols, Is Energy / plasma rifle/carbines next?




I'm am thoroughly enjoying dual pistols which was something I and alot of people hoped to see someday. Now I'd love to see energy rifles, lasers, plasma, particle cannons, etc. Whatever paragon studios chooses to pursue at some point I'm thinking something similar to the orbs that rikti rifles / pistols shoot would be fun or maybe something similar to the energy attacks that the arachnos mace does.

Now to compile a lists of possible tier 1 - 9 powers...

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A Sci-Fi Laser Rifle powerset?
I would enjoy that.

While there's more than one way to build the set, here's a couple of thoughts.
Energy damage, with a few attacks having a fire component and a -Def (A "Piercing Beam burning through it's foes.."
At least one attack with a three-tick energy DoT and a chance to Stun ("obligatory pew-pew-pew")
Maybe one cone attack based on a spray of multiple shots or a scything beam.
Standard Aim and Snipe.



I have a thread somewhere in the depths of the suggestions and ideas that people have agreed with. Can't find it though. Regardless, /signed


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They already have some of the basics with the Robotics set, but I'd love to have a pulse rifle type blast set.

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I can't really see any other gun powerset being as showy as dual pistols. I would love to see what the nuke for the set would be though..

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Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
I can't really see any other gun powerset being as showy as dual pistols. I would love to see what the nuke for the set would be though..
Well it doesnt have to be showy heh. I just want lots of pew pew pew, laser light shows, etc.

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Originally Posted by Shuriken_BladeX View Post
I can't really see any other gun powerset being as showy as dual pistols. I would love to see what the nuke for the set would be though..
You twist some dials and knobs on the rifle. The rifle begins to start a high-pitched whine, which gets louder as you take careful aim. It starts top shake and maybe even glow a little through cracks where the individual pieces were screwed together. Then, KABLAMMO!!
Your entire energy pack is drained and will need replacing, but your target is destroyed.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
You twist some dials and knobs on the rifle. The rifle begins to start a high-pitched whine, which gets louder as you take careful aim. It starts top shake and maybe even glow a little through cracks where the individual pieces were screwed together. Then, KABLAMMO!!
Your entire energy pack is drained and will need replacing, but your target is destroyed.
I would like to see that or something about your dude overloading the power pack purposely making the gun spew energy blasts everywhere

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A narrow-cone (like Headsplitter) heavy hitter is what I was thinking, but a wider cone would make sense too.
Random shots fired from a PBAoE spin is just too scattered and reckless for my liking.



I'd like to see an AoE move that starts at the ground and shoots up into the sky like a reverse rain of fire, with a stun chance in it too.

and I love the idea of the crazy convulsing over 9000 blast mentioned above.

Something like full auto would be sweet too.

Maybe even a plasma bubble for a hold move?



I've always wanted to see a Pulse Rifle powerset, for the simple fact that the way that rifle shoots those beams makes me smile every time I see it. Not in the slightest "pewpewpew," but more of a heavy thump that sends a mean through your enemy and off into the countryside. LOVE IT! Too bad Mastermind personal attacks suck for damage. Would it KILL to give them Masterminds a reason to get their personal attacks?

As far as what a nuke would look like, I've always wanted to see a retread of Barret's Satellite Beam from Final Fantasy 7. Either that, or a smaller version of the Global Defence Initiative's Ion Cannon. I mean, come on! The game really, really needs this

As far as powers go, we can already put one together from what Pulse Rifle attacks we currently have and the rest we can borrow from the Arachnobots, filling in the gaps with new powers in the same vein. Let's say...

1. Pulse Rifle Blast
2. Pulse Rifle Burst
3. Photon Shot - Name stolen from Marvel Super Heroes Dr. Doom, functionality stolen from Arachnobot Blaster -> Sweep Area power.
4. Recalibrate Targeting - Basic Aim. Could possibly see "Paint Target" as alternative, to the tune of Surveillance, but on for YOUR fire. Could activate extra effects in the power ala Dual Pistols, but only on painted targets.
5. Disruptor Tesla - Basically, Tesla Cage by another name, stolen from Arachnobot Disruptor.
6. Photon Grenade
7. Pulse Rife Disruptor - Basically, a high-powered, short-ranged blast that hits like a horse, but doesn't travel off into the distance, ensuring full impact delivery.
8. Laser Blast - Either a basic long-ranged snipe, or a Piercing Rounds clone, whichever works.
9. Satellite Beam - Operated like Archery's Rain of Arrows but treated as a full-scale nuke with full endurance drain and 6-minute recharge. Not anaemic like Thunderous Blast, however. Should have a long animation time to include the risk of enemies running away from the blast area if used during mobile combat.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
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I like it, Sam.

When I was thinking of ideas for it the malta sapper move came to mind, even though it would be more of a secondary-style move, but that satellite beam would be pimp.

there should be a short-range, high damage move as well, like blaze or cosmic burst or executioner's shot, that would be your pulse rifle disruptor, right?



Count me in as another one who's wanted an energy rifle blast set ever since the first bots MM I saw. My own version of it, as an alternate suggestion:

1) Pulse Burst (Ranged, Moderate energy damage)
Your basic 4 second recharge tier 1 blast. Animation should be the same as the equivalent power in Robotics.

1) Pulse Blast (Ranged, High energy damage, Chance for knockback)
Again, basic tier 2 eight second recharge blast. Animation is again taken from Robotics.

2) Sweeping Beam (Ranged(Cone), moderate energy damage)
Fairly basic cone attack, 40 ft range and 45 degree arc. Three ticks of damage, like fire breath does but lower total damage since it's a wider arc. Animation would be, oddly enough, the character firing a constant beam for a couple of seconds, sweeping it from side to side with an animation similar to Assault Rifle's flamethrower. Could probably use that animation (the movements, at least, the FX would need to be different obviously) to save some effort if needed.

6) Photon Grenade (Ranged(AoE), Moderate energy/smash damage, small chance for stun)
Oh look, a third power ripped from robotics.

8) Aim (Click, +accuracy, +damage)
Damage/accuracy buff. It's Aim, everyone with half a clue should know what this does and looks like.

12) Death Ray (Snipe, High energy/smash damage, knockback)
What's an energy rifle set without a Death Ray. In this case, a sniper power. Standard sniper damage, range, interrupt, etc. Animation would be similar to Assault Rifle's sniper power, with a beam something like fire's Blazing Bolt. Also for added awesome, a charge-up sound effect similar to what the battle drones do when firing their heavy lasers (The ones they get from the first upgrade), but longer to match the full interrupt time.

18) Heavy Pulse Burst (Ranged, High energy/smash damage, knockback)
Your basic tier 3 blast, I'm thinking 12 or maybe 14 second recharge with damage, end cost, etc as appropriate. Animation ideally would use something similar to Assault Rifle's burst power, with the FX being something like the protector bots' heavy burst (Again, the ones they get with the first upgrade) Three shots, hence using the burst animation. I think it should have full 80 ft range rather than the 40 most tier 3s have, since the protectors can shoot it that far. Don't see why players shouldn't be able to as well.

26) Concussive Pulse (Ranged, Minor energy damage, stun)
Fairly basic mez, 20 sec recharge/11.9 sec duration mag 3 stun. Could also be made a knockback power akin to energy's Power Push and still fit the name, but to really fit the theme you just have to have an option to set it to stun. Could possibly even have the animation include the character jabbing a button on the side of the gun to change firing modes, or some such.

Alternately, as Sam suggested above you could have the sapper rifle power here instead, stolen from Malta.

32) Overcharge (Ranged(Cone), Superior energy damage, chance for knockback)
Seems to be all the weapon sets get the 60 second recharge mini-nukes, so why not give this set one too. Essentially this would be full auto, but with lasers.


Now, I don't mind in the slightest if any set they eventually add ends up vastly different to both of the suggested sets here, but one single thing I really REALLY want for an energy rifle set.... The malta sapper rifle as an unlockable weapon. Preferrably with the awesome blue glow on the front still intact - even if having it would mean I can't have an aura on my costume (If that ends up being the case, give a second option with no glow for people who want auras.)

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Originally Posted by Rebel_Scum View Post
Now, I don't mind in the slightest if any set they eventually add ends up vastly different to both of the suggested sets here, but one single thing I really REALLY want for an energy rifle set.... The malta sapper rifle as an unlockable weapon. Preferrably with the awesome blue glow on the front still intact - even if having it would mean I can't have an aura on my costume (If that ends up being the case, give a second option with no glow for people who want auras.)
Agreed. I think it would be a nice mixture of ST/AoE where some primaries tend to lean more towards one or the other. and the unlockable malta sapper gun would be awesome. I can just picture all the alien chars running around already. Might just roll a petless mm tonight just to play with it again lol.



I can just picture all the alien chars running around already.
Amusingly, half of the reason I want that as an unlockable is because I HAVE an alien character already, who ingame uses an assault rifle but conceptually should use a gun that looks very similar to the sapper rifle.

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/signed. Love the idea



I'd like some sort of laser rifle set. I'd like for it to have a targetted toggle attack, possibly taking the place of the snipe. Or some other way to shoot something with a solid beam of energy for several seconds, preferably with the ability to move around and cause damage to any targets between you and the targetted enemy.

I'd like to see other interesting abilities in the set, too. Like perhaps instead of a single target hold it might have a single target sleep - let's call it Protonic Destabilisation -and when the sleep is interrupted the energy disperses in a damaging AoE.

If it has a snipe, I'd like to see it have a very small chance to disintegrate minions or lieutenants. Like, say, a 1 in 100 chance.

And whatever else they do, it's imperative that the colour of the beams be customizable.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by beyeajus View Post
When I was thinking of ideas for it the malta sapper move came to mind, even though it would be more of a secondary-style move, but that satellite beam would be pimp.
Well, that could always be a the token utility power. I grabbed Disruptor Tesla for the simple fact that Arachnobot Disruptors had it, but a single-target heavy endurance drain would be sweet, too. The only problem with that is NPCs recover too fast and their attacks don't cost too much. So unless you want to turn this into a Power Push replica where it's less fire-and-forget and more something you have to reapply all the time, but get good uptime on for it, then it'll be hard to balance, and possibly step on the toes of Electrical Blast.

Not against the idea, mind you. Just curious about how it could be balanced.

there should be a short-range, high damage move as well, like blaze or cosmic burst or executioner's shot, that would be your pulse rifle disruptor, right?
That would be that, yes. See, both Pulse Rifle Blast and Pulse Rifle Burst have that cool effect which causes them to extend past the target and shoot off into the distance, which just wouldn't look right for a 40-foot blast. It'd just make people ask why they can't shoot farther than 40 feet if the blast shoots farther anyway. I actually envision this more like the Mace Blast power, in that it would look less like a narrow beam and more like an energy fireball that hits with a bang, rather than a stab. Actually, a lot like the odd kinetic weapons they had in Minority Report.

I REALLY do think there's room for a Pulse Rifle powerset in the game, though. It's actually more comic-booky than the actual Assault Rifle powerset, because this could fit all the wacky space aliens, all the zany mad scientists and all the zeerust retro-futuristic robots and so on. Rifles as we have them basically fit soldiers, mercenaries and a VERY loose interpretation of gadgeteers, whereas a Pulse Rifle would fit rather a lot more. And I'm saying this as someone who loves the concept of Assault Rifle.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Branching out on the pulse rifle would be a great fun set, honestly.

My own suggested set included a Sapper Ray. It'd be a great unique draw and utility power, provided it restores a decent amount of end, and most weapon sets seem to ditch Aim anyway.

And the Tier 9 must be a wave motion gun that goes like a non-DoT, energy version of Full Auto.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
My own suggested set included a Sapper Ray. It'd be a great unique draw and utility power, provided it restores a decent amount of end, and most weapon sets seem to ditch Aim anyway.
Wait, what? The only weapon sets that ditch Aim are Assault Rifle and Dual Pistols, but things like Archery, Broadsword, even Dual Blades and so forth, very much retain their Build Up/Aim variants. Dual Pistols barely squeezes by on performance because its attack deal, on average, more damage than their balance would suggest (they were upped in late Beta), but gimmick was played out even before them.

I don't mind a Sapper ray, but you have to recognise the potential problems with such a power. The only real way endurance drain works is if you drain an NPC and keep it drained, at which point you've basically castrated it. Anything less and the NPC will almost always recover enough endurance to keep attacking anyway. It's a dangerous prospect for balance, and it WILL make Electrical Blasters cry foul right on the spot.

Again, I don't dislike the idea behind the power, I just question its feasibility in terms of balance and niche over-saturation.

Now, if you want to bill this less as an endurance drain and more as an endurance recovery power, then... Huh. I actually like the idea, but... Well, you have to give something up for this, and I don't want to lose Aim. I do NOT want to give up my T3 Blast, we really don't want to ditch a second AoE, you kind of need your T1 and T2 blasts and your nuke... Basically, the only two things we can ditch are either the Snipe or the Utility power, and I don't think sets without a utility power do TOO well. Fire Blast sort of ekes out in front on the strength of its Blaze and its Fire Breath, but those are kind of outliers.

I suppose we could ditch the Snipe, but that's becoming less and less of a gimmick the more Blast sets we get. In fact, of the ones we have, Dark, Rad, Energy, Fire, Electric and Assault Rifle have a snipe, but Ice, Sonic, Dual Pistols and potentially This don't, which by my calculations makes the no-snipe powersets 4 out of 10. Either we need to abandon Snipes as a default build member, or think of something else. Enemy drain and self refill powers tend to be in secondaries, which is what makes me cautious of suggesting this.

And the Tier 9 must be a wave motion gun that goes like a non-DoT, energy version of Full Auto.
I'm still sticking with my Satellite Beam (even if it has to be renamed) for the simple fact that I think orbital laser bombardment is just too cool to pass up. I agree that a large energy blast would also be cool, but here's my problem - conical blasts that widen rapidly just DO NOT look good. A conical energy blast looks like a spray, and as such just doesn't have the same feeling of punch on delivery as a concentrated beam. In fact, even an energy fireball which explodes violently upon contact has more punch than an energy spray.

Now, you could go with a concentrated beam with a massive shockwave around it, and that would be cool, but such a beam WILL NOT look good unless it travels off far into the distance. Father than Piercing Rounds, in fact. As far as your typical Pulse Rifle Blast, if not farther. It's the kind of beam that's too awesome to STOP at a Rikti monkey. I could conceivably see it stopping at building, or maybe an Arachnos minisub, but not on anything on two legs that isn't GM class. A beam coming down from the sky doesn't face the same problem, because it stops at the ground, and that doesn't look odd since you don't see it go down anyway. And even if you CAN see it go down, such as if you're standing on a catwalk, there's nothing to stop it from going as far down as you need it to go graphically, just the same way Broadsword's Pillar of Pain extends about 200 feet down from where your actual enemy is.

I could, conceivably this as kind of a variant of the Egg Cannonball from Sonic X, which is basically one relatively small glowing energy sphere which, upon contact, erupts in an absurdly large explosion. And it'd have to be larger than Atomic Blast, because that power is just embarrassing. Lots of screen shake and a 3D explosion shockwave (as opposed to a cloud of sprites) would be practically mandatory. I still prefer a beam from space, though, because that could still have the kickass explosion to it AND it could conceivably punch through hard fortifications to strike inside buildings and underground.

OK, I was wrong. After like half an hour of searching, I did find footage of the actual Egg Beam Cannonball, and it's basically a beam that explodes on contact, and comes down vertically, to boot. If I'd known, I'd have used it as another example of a satellite beam. Oh, that reminds me. Time to run off and track down footage of the orbital laser satellite in Akira

Ah, there we go! The SOL 740 Defence Satellite! Again, my memory of it was rotten, as it seems to less explode in energy blasts and more just either rip things apart kinetically or just lift stuff into the air. It does explode, but it's less spectacular than I remember. Kanida ripping the giant metal ball out of the ground was more impressive.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
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I think Propel Blast powerset will be next. Several, more specific, but still random, propel-like powers in a set.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I think Propel Blast powerset will be next. Several, more specific, but still random, propel-like powers in a set.
That's actually something I've suggested before. Either Gravity Blast or Kinetic Blast as you describe, which would feature basically attacks where you hurl things at people, drop things at people, possibly from out of the sky, hurl people at things, hurling people into the air, possibly pulling people towards specific locations ala negative knockback and I'm out of ideas on a practical nuke. It doesn't seem sufficient to just have a large kinetic shockwave that knocks everyone back, as that's basically Nova. Something like a large field distortion that throws everyone UP about 50 feet would be sweet, though

Not the right threat for construction mock powersets on this theme, though, so I'll sit on an actual presentation for a while more.

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It'd just make people ask why they can't shoot farther than 40 feet if the blast shoots farther anyway
The beam keeps going, but past that distance it lacks enough power to do notable damage? Just a random idea.

Actually come to think of it they could make that this set's gimmick - the powers all have really long range, but fired at something further away than the normal range of standard blast sets, they do way less damage. Dunno if that's even possible though, so meh.

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