Hami last night
Congrats to one of the lesser servers! *thumbs up*
Was it a villain one?
Lesser servers?
We've been raiding the "New" Hami since the week it came out!
Also, grats on the raid LSK.
Had I known you were planning one I would have made sure it made it the the JFA MoTD...
... or if I was told about to and forgot I'm sorry I did the forgetting.
Mari ignore storm he is something your not supposed to feed...if you get my meaning...(see some of his posts)
Also I think it was somewhat unplanned so you didn't do the forgetting
Gratz again LSK sorry I couldn't be there.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I had a late night at work and, thus, couldn't make it, but I'm sure you did a great job, LSK. You are a fantastic team leader and so I'm not surprised that the Hami went well with you at the helm.
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
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-Off the Cape is CURRENTLY RECORDING NEW CONTENT! Once edits, templates, and the new site are up we'll be back to bi-weekly podcasts complete with rampant, wild, unfounded CoH speculation!
A What?
A Scottish rock band?
errrmmm.... no...
Gremlins begins with inventor Rand Peltzer trying to find a quick gift for his son Billy before returning home from a New York trip. He settles on a unique pet in a Chinatown curio shop--a cute, furry creature known as a Mogwai. Before he leaves, he is warned by the shop's owner that three rules must be obeyed by a Mogwai owner: 1) Keep it away from bright light, 2) Don't get any water on it, and 3) Never, never ever feed it after midnight. Rand takes note of these rules and returns home with the Mogwai to his idyllic small-town home of Kingston Falls. Rand's gift is an instant hit: Billy loves his adorable new pet, naming it Gizmo and taking it everywhere he goes. Unfortunately, he and his friends also begin breaking the rules of Mogwai care. When water is accidentally spilled on Gizmo, it causes him to multiply and produce a number of mischievous little brothers. Among these is the mean-tempered Stripe. Soon enough, the new Mogwai get hold of some food after midnight and this causes them to change from cute fur-balls into nasty, scaly monsters dubbed 'Gremlins.' Written by Monster |
Mogwai - cute!

Post-food Mogwai - errrmm... not so cute

Gawd I'm old...

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

He is not anything like a Mogwai. I am thoroughly disappointed and offended that you could even think he was like one. He is a cheap imitation if anything.
Now, back to the OP... congrats on "leading" your 1st hamidon raid!
I would also like to take this opportunity to open discussion on something that happened during that raid. LSK repeatedly instructed people to dismiss Phantom Army. Both myself and a few others, continuously told LSK and the rest of the Hive that there is nothing wrong with having Phantom Army out at a raid.
LSK then said in request (and i quote):
Personally I am of the belief that if you are the Lead Hamidon Aggro Tank and you have your taunt slotted, and you know how to use it and you use it, then Phantom Army will never steal aggro from you.
I welcome discussion on the issue.
The Google failed me!?
How is this possible?!
He is not anything like a Mogwai. I am thoroughly disappointed and offended that you could even think he was like one. He is a cheap imitation if anything.
Now, back to the OP... congrats on "leading" your 1st hamidon raid! I would also like to take this opportunity to open discussion on something that happened during that raid. LSK repeatedly instructed people to dismiss Phantom Army. Both myself and a few others, continuously told LSK and the rest of the Hive that there is nothing wrong with having Phantom Army out at a raid. LSK then said in request (and i quote): [Request] Sir Hell: TURN OFF PHANTOM ARMY [Request] Sir Hell: THEY STEAL AGGRO FROM ME Personally I am of the belief that if you are the Lead Hamidon Aggro Tank and you have your taunt slotted, and you know how to use it and you use it, then Phantom Army will never steal aggro from you. I welcome discussion on the issue. |
Also, I made a bad mistake in saying what I did. I meant lesser as in "less-populated" as I read that every server besides Virtue and Freedom has trouble with Hami raids due to population issues.
I apologize. *Logs onto his Ninja MM and /em bows and /petsayall <e bow>s*
Also, I made a bad mistake in saying what I did. I meant lesser as in "less-populated" as I read that every server besides Virtue and Freedom has trouble with Hami raids due to population issues. |
Not to say that they didn't raid without Justice people. But their success rate jumped and their drama dropped after a few of us went over and taught them how we do it here.
Justice has been hammering Hamidon since shortly after he first made his appearance. And we were one of the first if not THE first to take down his new I9 incarnation.
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
You must be kidding. We taught Freedom how to raid consistently and easily.
Proof. Not to say that they didn't raid without Justice people. But their success rate jumped and their drama dropped after a few of us went over and taught them how we do it here. Justice has been hammering Hamidon since shortly after he first made his appearance. And we were one of the first if not THE first to take down his new I9 incarnation. |
I think pets in melee range automatically get hami aggro? Dunno, people are always QQing about MM pets and hami aggro for some reason.
1. Only pets in MELEE range get hamidon aggro
2. They AUTOMATICALLY get hamidon aggo
3. Phantom Army are a MM pet
Thanks for everyone who showed up at the last minute hami raid last night/this morning. Was nice and smooth although it took hami forever to show up.
Also, I made a bad mistake in saying what I did. I meant lesser as in "less-populated" as I read that every server besides Virtue and Freedom has trouble with Hami raids due to population issues.
Judgin' from recent experience and dialogue between us and another server, the problem seems to stem from lack o' experience in the raid strategy. People will almost always come out for a raid if they know about it, they usually just don't know what to bring or how to go about it.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Not entirely correct. Those o' us on Champion raid Hami nearly every Sunday, unless conflictin' with an in-game event such as Double XP or the like. I also wouldn't go as far as to say that it's directly due to population issues (i.e. not enough people showin' up). As it's stated in the Wiki, Champion led a sixteen-person raid, which just goes to show that you don't honestly need the fifty-ish people to pull it off. Sure, it'll go faster with more, but it still can be done with a lesser population o' raiders.
Judgin' from recent experience and dialogue between us and another server, the problem seems to stem from lack o' experience in the raid strategy. People will almost always come out for a raid if they know about it, they usually just don't know what to bring or how to go about it. |
To The Coming Storm: I wouldn't assume that less populated servers have any more trouble kicking Hami in the jewels on a regular basis than servers with higher populations.

Also, congrats to LSK!

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
True story.
To The Coming Storm: I wouldn't assume that less populated servers have any more trouble kicking Hami in the jewels on a regular basis than servers with higher populations. ![]() Also, congrats to LSK! ![]() |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Where are all the people coming from?!
I would like to thank all who helped to make my first Hami lead a great raid. And thanks to all the leaders who lead the teams.