



Would you go up to a complete stranger and say "Hey, you're coming with me!" and grab them by the hand? No. So why do you feel the need to ninjavite? I don't care if you need a partner, I don't care if you're lonely. If I'm not openly asking for a team, then hey, guess what? I DON'T WANT ONE!

Ninjaviting is not only irritating and lessens the enjoyment of my gaming experience. But, it gets you added to my list of rejects.

"It's easy enough to just hit 'decline' and go on your way."
Fine, I'm going to come find you and wave my hand in your face asking you to come play with me.

"It's an MMO, grouping with other people is the whole point."
I don't know you. I don't care who you are. You're just a bunch of pixels to me.

TLDR; Stop ninjaviting, idiot.



Interesting first post.

How about listing your toons here so we can be on look out for you.

@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn

24 - 50s
Too many ALTs



I hate blind invites too however irl I like to grab people by the hand and say "you coming with me".



It's not just that, you also get ninjavited to SG's.

I had this clown, whos name was "The man of steal" (yes wrong steel) ninjavite me over and over again, he said stuff like "but I'm Superman" (note, he was like a blaster) or "come hang with us in the hall of justice" so when I finally rejected him for the 10th time, he finally gave up and messaged me "Ok, I'll let Batman know your not joining"




Originally Posted by Robert_B View Post
It's not just that, you also get ninjavited to SG's.

I had this clown, whos name was "The man of steal" (yes wrong steel) ninjavite me over and over again, he said stuff like "but I'm Superman" (note, he was like a blaster) or "come hang with us in the hall of justice" so when I finally rejected him for the 10th time, he finally gave up and messaged me "Ok, I'll let Batman know your not joining"

The second invite he would have been on my ignore list. If you allow him to invite you more than you have invited this on yourself. The ignore button is there for a reason. Use it.



My whole reason for playing this game is for the social interactions, so I don't mind how an invite comes. I never start teams though, and the few times I've found myself with the star, I just go through the list, send a tell, or if I see someone in broadcast lft, I'll shoot them a blind invite.

I don't mind them, but like the OP says, "...They're just a bunch of pixels to me...", well the reverse is true for them as well. 99% of people aren't trying to tick people off with the blind invites, and I'd have to say that a good percentage of people in-game are like me, want to team and don't mind an invite whichever way it comes.

And on the rare occasion that I can't team for whatever reason, getting ready to log, buying at WW, etc I always reply by tell and let them know that I'm logging, buying, etc. Common courtesy.

I've never understood some of the rabid responses here about blind invites, it's not like they shot your dog and slapped your mother. As someone else pointed out, it's easy to hide yourself. I've only had one person send me more than one invite after I declined to join their team. After the 3rd one, I stopped clicking no, and moved the prompt to the corner of the screen. Kept more from getting through.

But, yeah I NEVER send blind invites, but I don't mind getting them...



I got a good one last night I was on my L50 MM running around Grandville when I get a tell and a blind invite.

The tell says something like

Nonamemoron: Interested in getting PLd 1-50 in 45minutes for 1Bil?
And I'm just like.... /ignorespamer

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



I dont mind a blind invite to a team, not a SG however, I usually decline one I didn't ask for. However, instead of blasting the people, on this forum they probably wont ever read, you could just set your status to "not accepting invites" and you won't get any. This is an MMO and it is part of the experience.

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



Originally Posted by metalhead300 View Post
I dont mind a blind invite to a team, not a SG however, I usually decline one I didn't ask for. However, instead of blasting the people, on this forum they probably wont ever read, you could just set your status to "not accepting invites" and you won't get any. This is an MMO and it is part of the experience.
HA, funny thing: I always "set as waypoint" the tank on teams so I know where to do AOE's, where to go, etc, and when R-click on character to get menu, then L-click to hit waypoint, sometimes I would accidentally click "invite to SG". Whenever I would see the message, "SG invite sent" or "so and so declined your SG invite", I would send a tell apologizing profusely and explain the situation. Most folks just laugh it off, but one teammate was apparently so ticked off, they didn't speak to me for the rest of the misson and left the team shortly after that.

Now I just L-click, and hit "W", cuts down on those types of errors...



To the shouldn't let it stress you out so much. It's only a game. /hide and /ignore are your best options in this situation.



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
I got a good one last night I was on my L50 MM running around Grandville when I get a tell and a blind invite.

The tell says something like

And I'm just like.... /ignorespamer
I've been seeing that one a lot myself recently. Looks like a new AE exploit. Another round of deleted toons plz?



Yes the other day i was waiting for an invite from some one in freedom TF.

Since i only knew the persons global was invited to wrong team rather annoying.

Only stayed 2 seconds in wrong team once i seen there levels.

Needless to say it all worked out though so no biggie.

Kittens Club Supergroup Leader@Savannah (Freedom)



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
No one who's blindviting you reads the forums. FYI in case you were expecting a sudden decrease in your problems.

/hide. Live it, learn it, love it.
so THATs why youre so hard to find...



Lots of people use the "you can just decline its not hard" reasoning.

you can just use the /t blah-blah, wanna team? command, its also easy and shows a certain level of considderation that will make you much more desireable to be teamed with.

last time I got a ninjavite I joined and started talking about the dangers of unprotected sex while cramming as many insults to the leader in there as possible.



Originally Posted by SkyRocker View Post
HA, funny thing: I always "set as waypoint" the tank on teams so I know where to do AOE's, where to go, etc, and when R-click on character to get menu, then L-click to hit waypoint, sometimes I would accidentally click "invite to SG". Whenever I would see the message, "SG invite sent" or "so and so declined your SG invite", I would send a tell apologizing profusely and explain the situation. Most folks just laugh it off, but one teammate was apparently so ticked off, they didn't speak to me for the rest of the misson and left the team shortly after that.

Now I just L-click, and hit "W", cuts down on those types of errors...
I need to try that waypoint thing that sounds like it would be a lot of help in missions

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



when team building it depends, if I am trying to fill a slot in between missions and they are close or in zone, in level range, and have their flag up they will get a blind invite. if I have time I will send tells particularly if I am trying to fill a slot I really need like a tank or support when we have nothing but blasters in the team. ( Thanks a LOT DP )

And if I have my flag up I will usually accept blind invites.
"cause I was asking for them" but I get asked to haul 3/4 of way through city for lame mission I will be gone in a flash.

Thankfully with new sk system almost no mission is lame anymore (WIN!)

Torque "There are people in this world who do not love their fellow man and I HATE people like that!" -- Tom Leher
Dr. Awe 50++ Sonic/Dark Corr
Intra Venus 50 Mind/Psi Dom
Storm Claud lvl 50+ Elec/Dark Brute



That's why there is the little thingie in your team window, that lets you decline all invites. You set that and don't have to look at them.

And guess what?

You can turn it off when you ARE ready to team with someone.




Originally Posted by Gearford
so THATs why youre so hard to find...
Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
It's a sad truth, but yes.
He has too!!! He iz famous!!! All the Catgurl groupies won't leave him alone!!!



I can't understand what the difference is really. Either way they're asking me for the same thing "Would you like to join our team." I guess the box is a bit more annoying because it pops up in your face, but I usually just move it to the side. In fact, I find the yellow text more annoying because it BEEPS at me. Screw you beepy noise.

Maybe I have a general lack of social skills, but I don't know why we need to partake in an uninteresting conversation before we join teams. I still DO it, because so many people perceive they have a problem with it, but it's never made any sense to me.