Sewer Teams - huh what?




As said, if you want a sewer team and all the existing leaders are being idiots, form your own and accept anyone. Show them how the game's meant to be played.

Besides, there's not much difference between the ATs at levels that low.



To the OP: Those people are morons.

Wanting specific ATs or powersets on a freakin' sewer run is the height of "You're playing the game wrong" n00bism.

Bet ya a dollar they came over from WoW and think you have to have specific things on your team to succeed.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



I'm not a frequent sewer team runner nor Atlas Park loiterer...
But... I've never heard of that happening for a sewer run!
I am failing to find the words to express the stupidity of being selective on a sewers team, haha...
Seriously... Wow...
Sorry you had that experience (More than once!).

This game... Is not that game. I love this game.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



To be honest, I'm not sure why anyone does these sewer teams anyway. By the time they get the team formed, everyone slowly trots to the sewer entrance and gets can EASILY be level 5 by that time.




I think in my five years I've only done two sewer teams, and one of those was last night. My roommates and I created new DP characters and when we were deciding where we wanted to start (I asked streetsweep or starting contact), one of them said sewers. I'm pretty sure they've never done sewers and I was quite surprised they mentioned it since they had always been somewhat against the concept. But it turned out to be a fair amount of fun as a group of three DP (2 blasters, one defender) characters. Ended up working our way over to Skyway and finishing when we hit 10.



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
So mostly after the 'meow times'?

I guess our anecdotal evidence differs. Which is why the plural of anecdote is not fact.

I also assume you're talking about the comments like 'need a tank to herd' unless the sewer selection thing is a lot more common that I've ever seen. What servers are people seeing this on?

The whole 'lets herd' thing I've only seen from older game time vets.

Certainly though complaints about people broadcasting for 'healers' etc are a lot longer than 6 months old.

I've seen it a lot on sub 50 missions, which pretty clearly rules it out from being from AEbabies PL'd to 50.

As said above, dumb players are dumb players. No need to single out one group for scorn when dumbness afflicts so many

I'll be honest and admit that I have no idea when the actual activation date was for those players accounts. I didn't ask. For all I know the accounts could have been activated in 2004 and lay dormant until this past weekend.

I'll also admit that it's only my opinion that most vets know an AP sewer run doesn't require a perfect team.

And I was on Virtue when I saw the broadcasts and checked badges.

Oh one more thing, I didn't scorn them. I said nothing to them in game and only voiced my opinion here away from the game. I let them to play the game the way they wanted.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
And I was on Virtue when I saw the broadcasts and checked badges.
Yeah, that's where I saw it also. Haven't run a low-level character on other servers in a long, long time, so I don't know if it happens elsewhere. I'm wondering if it happens mostly on big servers?

As for forming my own teams, yep, I often do - but if I'm not in the mood to make a team, I keep an eye out for "Sewers LFM" broadcasts anyway.

Maybe it's always been there, but it was new to me. Didn't know if it was a side-effect of MA, or if there was some other reason behind it.



If you're going down without a def or troller who can heal, then you're asking for a team sweep. Also a good idea to have at least two melee people if you're doing a group of 8.

It's true that all powersets are basically equal in terms of damage and hitpoints, but you still need a balance of general power types. Scrapper=Tank, Def=Troller, and Blasters make things go faster (because they have more attack powers at low levels).



Originally Posted by Blarg View Post
What they said. When I run sewer teams I will take anybody. Any level, any AT, any experience. Anybody who won't is being stupid.

Actually, I'll do that at higher levels, too. I once ran a wicked awesome Hollows team with six Defenders and a Scrapper.
This! (But without the anecdote since that was his story, not mine.)



The Thurs of 2xp weekend, as it turns out, we had two sewer teams forming at the same time. We decided to race - everyone fought together til we hit the junction where you could start booking it to another zone, and one team went one way, one team went the other. Great fun trying to see who could reach another zone first, and we were chatting when we met up in the hospital after death expressing out.

I echo the sentiment "if you don't like the teams forming, then form your own".


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Originally Posted by Berzerker_NA View Post
If you're going down without a def or troller who can heal, then you're asking for a team sweep. Also a good idea to have at least two melee people if you're doing a group of 8.

It's true that all powersets are basically equal in terms of damage and hitpoints, but you still need a balance of general power types. Scrapper=Tank, Def=Troller, and Blasters make things go faster (because they have more attack powers at low levels).
I'm assuming by team sweep you mean everyone dies which is patently false. The only team wipes I've seen were when the players went hairing off in all directions instead of sticking together in one group and concentrating their firepower.

All it takes for a successful sewer team is teamwork not a balance of archetypes. Anyone that claims otherwise has no idea what he or she is talking about. I've lost count of the number of times I've done sewer runs on concept teams. All dark/dark scrappers or all blasters for example and we mowed thru everything without a single player death we worked our way thru the sewers starting in Atlas Park and came out in Boomtown.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Ah, I see what your problem is.
You've been reading Atlas Park Broadcast. It's full of 100% of your FDA recommended daily allowance of Vitamin Dumb.
The piggy speaks truth.

Things like this are why I ALWAYS form my own teams anymore. Much less stupid is involved when I'm in charge.



I just laugh and go back to 2boxing.



Sounds like the leaders of those sewer teams were AE baby quality. R U HEALOR? AE GRUP LF BROOTS N KIN!

Sewer team group composition really doesn't matter much. Everyone is a weak kitten at level 1, and you should be about level 8 or 9 in a few minutes and you just kamikaze yourself back out to AP hosp and proceed directly to level up and hitting places where the mobs aren't all green and gray.

If the sewer groups are becoming that asinine just street sweep and then hop on over to KR to start with the scanners. Hey, the accolade you get for every safeguard doesn't do anything, but it's shiiiiiiiny and AP's is easy to miss.

Apparently some people had been doing a pretty funny thing and were anchoring themselves to a level 5 team leader with XP turned off and dungeon crawling through the sewers for phat xps during double xp weekend, though. I never woulda thought to do that. Maybe that's why they were being stupid.



To play devil's advocate, the sewer team leader could have been looking at a team roster of 7 trollers and thought they could sue some variety. Don't get me wrong, all troller teams can be a sight to behold, but the best sewer teams tend to have a nice variety. Tankers to take the alpha, scrappers to whale on bosses, blasters to whale on everybody, and defenders and controllers to make the whalling as smooth as effective as possible. All support sewer teams tend to make for safe but slow going.

That said, I still would have added him to my ignore list.

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