Stupid d6 question?
Silit just hasn't updated the original posting yet.
Division 6 match format may increase depending on sign-ups, i.e. 7v7 and 8v8. |
They will be 8v8 and after tomorrows matches we will be dividing up the extra signups to teams that need them.
You could make a rule change proposal but being no other team seems to be having d6 problems not sure if you would get a majority vote in support of it.
Hmmmmmm we where expecting 6v6
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I make the rule (not) change proposal then to keep it as originally written.
dUmb (of course) votes yes.
I have no issue of 8v8s but we seem to average 4 d6s showing up at any given time. All have been contacted. I nor anyone else have the time to hunt them down.
Having said that I'll probably (ironically) have 15 show up tonight.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I make the rule (not) change proposal then to keep it as originally written.
dUmb (of course) votes yes. I have no issue of 8v8s but we seem to average 4 d6s showing up at any given time. All have been contacted. I nor anyone else have the time to hunt them down. Having said that I'll probably (ironically) have 15 show up tonight. |
technically any changes to the league rules requires that the 5 captains agree to it. might as well just take this rule out since we're wiping our ***** with it.
I personally think we should keep it 6v6, sure there were a lot of D6 sign ups but a lot of them don't show up. Wait till the night comes when someone's team doesn't have enough D6 players online to play an 8v8 (at least 6 D6 players) then everyone will be complaining that their team had to forfeit because the rules were changed... I say keep it 6v6 and if there really are that many people either make up new teams with them or there is always next year...
P.S. Not a stupid question and definitely an issue that needed to be brought up.
I personally think we should keep it 6v6, sure there were a lot of D6 sign ups but a lot of them don't show up. Wait till the night comes when someone's team doesn't have enough D6 players online to play an 8v8 (at least 6 D6 players) then everyone will be complaining that their team had to forfeit because the rules were changed... I say keep it 6v6 and if there really are that many people either make up new teams with them or there is always next year...
P.S. Not a stupid question and definitely an issue that needed to be brought up. |
Hmm...we have a ton of d6 members. If we do 6v6 there will be a lot hurt feelings...I think the two teams facing each other should have the captains decide ultimately.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
it's sort of funny that the OP is getting changed over and over and over to clear things up without discussing "intent" with the captains.
technically any changes to the league rules requires that the 5 captains agree to it. might as well just take this rule out since we're wiping our ***** with it. |
I make the rule (not) change proposal then to keep it as originally written.
dUmb (of course) votes yes. I have no issue of 8v8s but we seem to average 4 d6s showing up at any given time. All have been contacted. I nor anyone else have the time to hunt them down. Having said that I'll probably (ironically) have 15 show up tonight. |
Its in the rules that the size would be determined based on signups ********.
have you ever read contract in your life, kat? just because it says "to be determined" doesn't mean you or peril get to play "decider" without asking for a vote from the captains (which should have been done, well, yesterday).
same thing happened when the whole "hey guys, i didn't say 5 minutes before match" line-up submission thing happened. even though i warned you guys the day after the rules were posted and asked for a vote on a few line-up submission ammendments. peril pulled a rewrite out of his *** and pushed it into the rules to make the OP more like the original intent of the behalf of the pvpec (without casting an actual vote amongst captains to make the change).
guess what, the 5 or 6 captains thing is there too.
have you ever read contract in your life, kat? just because it says "to be determined" doesn't mean you or peril get to play "decider" without asking for a vote from the captains (which should have been done, well, yesterday). same thing happened when the whole "hey guys, i didn't say 5 minutes before match" line-up submission thing happened. even though i warned you guys the day after the rules were posted and asked for a vote on a few line-up submission ammendments. peril pulled a rewrite out of his *** and pushed it into the rules to make the OP more like the original intent of the behalf of the pvpec (without casting an actual vote amongst captains to make the change). |
Secondly "to be determined" does not mean by Captain vote. What it means is that at the time that the rules were written we had absolutely no idea how many people were going to sign up or how many teams were going to sign up to know what sized matches the D6 teams would be able to support. "Prizes to be determined" did not mean Captains would get to vote on what prizes would be given, it meant we would announce the specifics at a later time. Just like team size "to be determined" does not mean by Captain vote but that it would be announced at a later time.
If a Captain wants a rule change all they have to do is do exactly what I suggested be done, make a motion. However the PVPEC made the original rules and yes we will enforce the rules based on our intent when we made them until Captains make motions for changes. We are not going to put every tiny little issue up to a vote when no one really wants to be bothered with the small little ******** rules. When they do care, they will ask for a vote.
If a Captain wants a rule change all they have to do is do exactly what I suggested be done, make a motion. However the PVPEC made the original rules and yes we will enforce the rules based on our intent when we made them until Captains make motions for changes. We are not going to put every tiny little issue up to a vote when no one really wants to be bothered with the small little ******** rules. When they do care, they will ask for a vote.
Trying to get Captain votes now but I just remembered that even if I get enough votes to switch it to 6v6 the new rule change wont go in to effect until next week matches. So dUmb, sadly either way you will be fighting 8v8 tonight. Good news is you are fighting my team and we might not have 8 either, lol.
I like this thread so much.
Silit just hasn't updated the original posting yet.
We had a significant number of signups to warrant the 8v8's. Sadly my team and your team seem to be in a bind of fielding that at this moment but the rest of the teams seem to be doing great. They will be 8v8 and after tomorrows matches we will be dividing up the extra signups to teams that need them. You could make a rule change proposal but being no other team seems to be having d6 problems not sure if you would get a majority vote in support of it. |
I'm confused 50% of the league (3 teams at least) don't have enough to do 8v8 so how was it warented? I get that the number of draft entries did maybe, but draft entries =/= to actual team members. Why not leave it 6v6 until the late entries are given to the low population D6 teams to fill them out? Is someone absolutly pushing for 8v8, seems you are just punishing teams who lost members in the D6. If you put inexperienced PvP'rs in a stacked and unfair match you will just push them away from PvP rather than encourage it. I thought the D6 team idea was to give people new to PvP a positive enviorment to get invoved in organized PvP.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
I'm confused 50% of the league (3 teams at least) don't have enough to do 8v8 so how was it warented? I get that the number of draft entries did maybe, but draft entries =/= to actual team members. Why not leave it 6v6 until the late entries are given to the low population D6 teams to fill them out? Is someone absolutly pushing for 8v8, seems you are just punishing teams who lost members in the D6. If you put inexperienced PvP'rs in a stacked and unfair match you will just push them away from PvP rather than encourage it. I thought the D6 team idea was to give people new to PvP a positive enviorment to get invoved in organized PvP.
Agreed we should stick to the original setup of a 6v6 D6 team.. For tonight as well there is no reason to have one D6 match a 8v8 and then change it to 6v6 after that would be unfair because certain teams might do better as a 6v6 rather then an 8v8.
The rule is going to stay as posted as 6v6 this week. Once the rest of the drafts are divvied up a Captain may make a motion to move it up to 8v8 at that time.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Are all d6 matches 8v8, regardless of the rules stating that they are 6v6 or more?
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit