how good is AR really and what 2ndary?

Adeon Hawkwood



Side note; dont ever take AR into PvP.
Ever. Its not worth the pain you will endure.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



A poster mentiond Full Auto every 30 sec' build does it every 6 secs.
You ARE aware that's impossible right Filcher? The recharge cap of 500% means that the best you could get it to (not possible without outside buffs btw) is 12 seconds.

Realistically, on your own, 70% from hasten, 95% from slotting, and 91.25 from bonuses = 60/2.5025 = 23.98 seconds.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



You ARE aware that's (6 sec recharge time for Auto Fire) impossible right Filcher?
Actually the build as posted has a recharge time of 19.7 sec's. With a Recharge IO in place of the Damage Proc it gets down to 17.3. Sorry for the hyperbole...I got all excited about how quick it "seems" in actual play. I have seen it recharge in about 12 secs on a Hami raid with all the stacked buffs.

Still shootin' Romy on an ITF every 20 sec's or so w/Auto Fire from relative safety outside of the Healing Nic's range is pretty awesome!



Yes silly me I forgot to add the 100% base. However my initial post still holds true, you'll never reach a 6 second recharge on it, its impossible. And yes during hami raids at the recharge cap from all the AMs 12 seconds is the limit.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Also as mentioned in this post, I wouldn't bother with Ignite on an EM. I'd suggest switching it to either Beanbag or Sniper rifle, or even repulsion bomb. That way you'd still keep your 6.25% recharge bonus with beanbag or repulsion bomb, or even gain a little more in sniper rifle. Sniper rifle with boost range for random fun, repulsion bomb to start your aoe attacks to knock the enemies down and deal damage as well, or beanbag for a ST control that'll stack with total focus/bone smasher for bosses, still granting great bonuses in the stupefy set as well.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Oh Ignite...How I love Thee. Even after the Nerf it's sick. Before the Nerf I only needed to use three powers...Flamethrower,Ignite and Full Auto...Yum!



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Oh Ignite...How I love Thee. Even after the Nerf it's sick. Before the Nerf I only needed to use three powers...Flamethrower,Ignite and Full Auto...Yum!
Didn't you need to use a fourth power to keep them in the Ignite patch?



Originally Posted by Talionis View Post
Didn't you need to use a fourth power to keep them in the Ignite patch?
He must be assuming he's teaming with a -immobilize controller. Cause even back before the nerf that didn't work on an AR/EM on your own.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Indeed I was mostly Referring to teams with a dom or troller but a lot of Times Due to the little "Dance" Animation that Full Auto Delivers You are able to keep them in the patch for a few seconds.

Or if you're a filthy ***** you can Afford Ragnarok: Chance for Kd which knocks them on their bum and sets them up for them roasting in the patch a bit.

Also on Team and Solo you can keep them in patch for a few seconds if you are fighting a baddy that is Melee. What you do "much like caltrops" is cast Ignite right in front of you...wala instead shield for a few seconds.



Alright point taken my friend, but dance or not you can catch them for a few seconds with Ignite but not long enough for the full affect granted.

I think one still should take ignite it's great for protection when the kb in Slug, buckshot or M30 just doesn't cut it.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
Alright point taken my friend, but dance or not you can catch them for a few seconds with Ignite but not long enough for the full affect granted.

I think one still should take ignite it's great for protection when the kb in Slug, buckshot or M30 just doesn't cut it.
Meh, i'm quite sour about the whole issue lol Its very, un-blastery and plays off the enemies ai being stupid which kinda takes away from the game a little. "I'm going to go run up to this guy who just put a fire under his own feet, ouch, it burns... *2 seconds later* hmm i'm going to go try that again!" lol

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

Plasmic's Guide to Regeneration

Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



LOL, I thought of it more as..."Ouch! That really hurt! Maybe if I move this way this time instead of...curses! I was burned again! Now I'm getting Angry! Wait it's been 30 seconds let me run away to a part of the map he cannot find me!"

Ok, now I see your point haha.



Reading this reminds me how much I love my AR/Devs. I think I'll break it out tonight. I just love setting up all the little traps (while invis) and watching the chaos that results.



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Meh, i'm quite sour about the whole issue lol Its very, un-blastery and plays off the enemies ai being stupid which kinda takes away from the game a little. "I'm going to go run up to this guy who just put a fire under his own feet, ouch, it burns... *2 seconds later* hmm i'm going to go try that again!" lol
If it helps, go to YouTube and watch some videos of stupid crooks. They really are frequently stupid.



As my AR/EM blaster has been through several iterations and I have, at one time or another, used Sniper, Beanbag and Repulsion Bomb I can, from personal experience, say that I prefer Ignite.

I am not saying that the other powers don't have thier uses or that Ignite isn't limited in it's application. What I am saying is that Ignite fits my style of play and gives me a certain utility I find occasional use for that I did not find in those other powers.

How I use Ignite:

Keeps spawns bottled up in rooms and tight passages.

Placed under certain "hard to kill" foes that do not flee the Burn or are somehow otherwise immobilized.

For foes stuck in walls that you can't target.

Placed under my own feet, when overrun, for getting melee mobs to back off.

When teamed with a toon that has area immob or hold.

Ability to place graphic under "freindly" toons for fun!



I always loved Ignite, a much more powerful attack than it seems at first. I think they nerfed it since I last played (been a few months).

My experience with AR/Dev was that is was more powerful than most people think. Most of the damage is lethal which can be resisted, but a lot of the damage is fire. If you really use Flamethrower and Ignite, you can dish out good fire damage.

The fact that Full Auto is not a typical nuke makes for fun play too. You get to use it all the time.

2012 -- 35 years on the Net



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
the "dance" is just an animation, it in no way inhibits an enemies ability to move around or fight back.
It used to, on both ends (players were locked into many hit animations as well). They changed that when it turned out that you could perma-hold an AV by chaining the three Flurry animations on it.



Originally Posted by Teeth View Post
It used to, on both ends (players were locked into many hit animations as well). They changed that when it turned out that you could perma-hold an AV by chaining the three Flurry animations on it.
Ah! Thank you I thought so! I remember being held by the "dance as well"



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Emphasized for importance and relevance.
Huh? He didn't claim to have done it recently.