how good is AR really and what 2ndary?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
I was being somewhat snarky in my evaluation of caltrops but my main point stands. If you throw them between the melee guys and the ranged guys then chances are enemies will not be stepping on them. Most good melee toons (especially tanks but also the better scrappers and butes) will be keeping the majority of the enemies close to them. You might get a few loose minions but they rarely last long. Similarly if you've got controllers then the enemies aren't running around anyway.
It depends on what you're doing. Maybe the players I've met have been insufficiently "pro" but on the ITF you'll regularly have overflow and the Roman Yell makes controlling them a pain. It's not unique to the ITF, either - enemies will get past the tank, and Caltrops is trivial to throw out and very effective at keeping them off.

Recharge debuffs are probably the weakest form of mitigation out there. Even given that web grenade is one of the strongest of them it doesn't provide a lot of mitigation. Most NPCs have enough attacks that even with a recharge debuff you don't notice a lot of difference. Additionally it suffers from the same problem as all single target debuffs in a group when you're facing a 10-15 man spawn debuffing one enemy, even a boss, doesn't do a lot unless you have a very strong debuff. Against AVs these considerations go away, the fight is longer so the mitigation of -rech adds up and there is only a single target.
It doesn't stop enemies from attacking, but it does stop bosses who have a particularly annoying trick from using that specific attack as often. (Rikti mezzers, Longbow Wardens, etc.) As you note EBs and AVs are a more valuable use of this, but it's not trivial on the more annoying bosses, either.

I like Devices, but I really think it's the weakest Blaster set when it comes to group play.
This is true insofar as on many groups all that is demanded of a blaster is MORE DPS MORE FASTER, and Build Up does make a difference in that regard. Trip Mine helps but does not fully substitute; I think Targeting Drone makes a more significant contribution between the possibility of just ignoring acc slots in your attacks (I use arch/dev, most sets will want more global acc before doing that I imagine) and GSFC Chance for Build Up.

Then again, as I noted, if you're not playing fire primary (or possibly sonic, I'm not sure of the maths) you've already ditched your chance for Ultimate DPS Perfection. Since any blaster is going to be dealing piles of damage, I tend to look over what else is brought to the table rather than which one can push you from ten thousand killpower to ten thousand and one. In terms of what else is brought to the table, Devices competes quite soundly (as do a number of other sets).



Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
This is true insofar as on many groups all that is demanded of a blaster is MORE DPS MORE FASTER, and Build Up does make a difference in that regard. Trip Mine helps but does not fully substitute; I think Targeting Drone makes a more significant contribution between the possibility of just ignoring acc slots in your attacks (I use arch/dev, most sets will want more global acc before doing that I imagine) and GSFC Chance for Build Up.
If you're slotting SOs or Franken-slotting then this is useful but once you go to IOs the utility drops off fast. First off the sets blasters tend to favor often have accuracy in them so you get quite a bit of global accuracy without trying (my blaster has a couple of SO's worth). Secondly it's hard to take advantage of it unless oyu want to give up useful slot bonuses. When you're 5 or 6 slotting a set you can't easily leave out the accuracy IOs.

Then again, as I noted, if you're not playing fire primary (or possibly sonic, I'm not sure of the maths) you've already ditched your chance for Ultimate DPS Perfection. Since any blaster is going to be dealing piles of damage, I tend to look over what else is brought to the table rather than which one can push you from ten thousand killpower to ten thousand and one. In terms of what else is brought to the table, Devices competes quite soundly (as do a number of other sets).
The thing is I don't think that Devices is really that great on a team when it comes to nno-damage group abilities either. In a group I would consider Electricity and Ice better for the non-damage abilities and they both have build up.



I would definitley go AR/ice for multiple reasons. One, when you get IOs, i can pretty much chain burst/slug without hasten and its good enough for ST, and you can use buckshot for how fast it recharges and animates and its fairly low end cost as your 3rd attack if need be. Ar has lots of aoes, and lots of things to keep you busy.

With ice, first off ice patch is about the only way to get decent use out of ignite. That said after the ignite nerf its not terribly necessary but nice to have. With the AR/ice combo, for starters, it gives you build up, mix it with FT and FA and its gravy. Then the next big boon is shiver. Shiver is undoubtedly one of the best mitigations and controls available to blasters. Just shiver, and the mob is severely slowed and -recharged, then you can just focus on blasting away with your AR and not worry about redrawing all the time.

Then as to epics, of course with AR munitiions makes the most sense. With /ice and freezing touch, cryo freeze ray lets you hold bosses by stacking, and even has the same icey block hold. They just work so well together thematically and playstyle-wise. It does even have FF/IS for more ST attacks if need be, but I never seem to need them. On long fights chilblain i find to actually be a better attack as it immobilizes them in the process and you don't have to go into melee which is definitely not AR's friend. Another bonus to the ice manipulation style of play you can do by using shiver then focusing on your AR attacks.

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Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
The thing is I don't think that Devices is really that great on a team when it comes to nno-damage group abilities either. In a group I would consider Electricity and Ice better for the non-damage abilities and they both have build up.
You can make a very strong case for Ice. I wouldn't say it's certainly better but Ice is a very strong secondary in mitigation terms and with stealth partly devalued by the +stealth IO Devices loses some ground.

Electricity I don't think is as good a mitigation/utility secondary as Ice/Devices, but since it's a mixed attack/utility secondary it'll appeal to a lot more people than Devices will and I have no question that it'll serve them just fine.



I would have to agree with AR/dev in this case, mainly from personal use of /dev and AR's attacks.

You have to take into consideration that not only do some enemies have resistance to lethal, they have defense against it too. I'd rather be actually hitting and doing decent damage per hit because of Targeting Drone than missing most of the time and single hitting what i happen to hit. Plus take in to account in how many enemies you are hitting as well, since that measly 70 damage is now hitting 7-10 enemies. And dont forget the extra perception! Talk about useful against the night widows.

And there is a chance to run into jerk tanks. What I call jerk tanks are tanks that aren't even that good (I have met a jerk rock tank >.> he was team leader too) and will blame it on the person with the highest dps saying they took all the aggro and caused the team wipe. Best to have some defense against anything you get off a tank *jerk tanks in particular* (bosses are a possibility, I have done it with my blaster several times even with a good tank) and if it kills you, most of the aggro gotten from the tank will most likely have dropped and it will aim for the next person with the most generated aggro on it. I have used cloptrops and found it very useful in those situations, in particular if there is a mine right behind them.

Even a simple smoke grenade can save your tank from taking that last unlucky hit even if the enemy does have low accuracy, plus it has the added benefit of not generating any aggro.

Already been stated before is that no one will wait for a 30 second time bomb nuke, its actually 23 seconds, but for those that time it correctly, it can be devestating, even I learned to time my RoA with it to do major damage to the group. also all mines *and i think this goes with time bombs as well* go off if the setter dies. There is also the add bonus that, if the ar/dev blaster is near death, he can stealth in, set a time bomb, and then rest behind a wall without ever generating any aggro since the enemies don't actually know where he/she is. Waiting behind the wall for a few extra seconds keep the blaster from generating aggro at all once popping out of cover.

However, it sort of depends more on your playing style, not ours.



I just wanted to simply add that with so many different power set choices for blasters and combination's available with the secondaries you could probably pick something that is better then AR that is less resisted or a higher DPS value. But it is obvious your like the look of AR as many do.

So if I can use the word "GIMP" and I know it is a poor choice of words, but if your going to gimp your persay DPS when compared to another better blaster spec you might as well go all the way and pick up device as a secondary. Simply it is obvious that these 2 sets where created with each other in mind and the cool thematic factor is there.

Further if your going for some sort of super max DPS route it is obvious yet again that even going blaster might not be your best choice. You could be one of the zillion Electric Shield Scrappers ( which I am guilty of having ) and run +4 / +8 AE missions solo and do more then you could with any blaster probably.

So again if your gonna go AR might as well go all the way and have fun with Devices. It is really the 2 sets that every power looks something different from each other power within the set.

If you go Ice, Fire, Sonic, ETC. The effects and looks pretty much build on the lower level powers. Ice powers - Ice just get larger, Fires get bigger, Those Sonic circle effect just get larger. You get my point

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Originally Posted by Delmain View Post
You have to take into consideration that not only do some enemies have resistance to lethal, they have defense against it too.
The only NPC type in the game that gains significant enough defense on a regular basis to be an issue is the Cimerorans, but this can easily be countered with defense debuffs, slotting, or external tohit buffs (and Cim defense is everything except psi/toxic, not just smash/lethal). Other groups will have smash/lethal defense, but not in high enough numbers to pose a threat with even basic SO slotting.

If you're looking into making your first AR/ Blaster, I'd strongly suggest staying away from AR/Dev unless the playstyle of it sounds like it would appeal to you. In all honesty I'd really recommend AR/EM (and look at my sig, this advice isn't just me throwing out random recommendations).

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"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



AR/EM is pretty much the best combo.



I vehemently disagree with your assessment of the situation good sir.



Originally Posted by Airborne_Ninja View Post
AR/EM is pretty much the best combo.

I have a blaster with this combo. Boost range build up full auto from outside of retaliatory range.

Repeat every thirty seconds.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post

I have a blaster with this combo. Boost range build up full auto from outside of retaliatory range.

Repeat every thirty seconds.

The mental manipulation set has obviously confused both of you.



Originally Posted by Airborne_Ninja View Post
I vehemently disagree with your assessment of the situation good sir.
Well on my AR/ice:

Got pos blast, and frankenslotted FT in the cones, so they get some range. With skill I never have problems hitting all the enemies with the powers. if you're using boost range, you're going to be fighting yourself to use the melee powers for ST damage which would be the other issue.

My AR/ice still gets build up, has no problems with the aoe/range and hitting the mobs, so what's so much better when you look at it like that? My Ar/ice pretty much has an attack chain of burst and slug, so no need for another attack, and if that were the case, ice does get ST attacks, not as strong as EM's, but sufficient, not that i'd suggest that playstyle with AR anyways. Then Ice gets ice patch and shiver which are HUGE mitigation tools that work perfectly for the playstyle of AR.

I'm REALLY faling to see where /EM is better with AR. I'll admit boost range may make it "easier" but not "better"

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

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Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Well on my AR/ice:

Got pos blast, and frankenslotted FT in the cones, so they get some range. With skill I never have problems hitting all the enemies with the powers. if you're using boost range, you're going to be fighting yourself to use the melee powers for ST damage which would be the other issue.

My AR/ice still gets build up, has no problems with the aoe/range and hitting the mobs, so what's so much better when you look at it like that? My Ar/ice pretty much has an attack chain of burst and slug, so no need for another attack, and if that were the case, ice does get ST attacks, not as strong as EM's, but sufficient, not that i'd suggest that playstyle with AR anyways. Then Ice gets ice patch and shiver which are HUGE mitigation tools that work perfectly for the playstyle of AR.

I'm REALLY faling to see where /EM is better with AR. I'll admit boost range may make it "easier" but not "better"
There is more synergy that Boost Range & the Cone attacks:

Build Up comes very early, which can provide some much needed punch in the early levels.

There are plenty of stuns to go around - it's easy to get even bosses disoriented for a time.

Not unique to AR/, but still there, is that Power Boost not only improves the stuns, but also any To Hit bonuses - like, say, Build Up?

And again, not only for AR/, but... Energy Manipulation has several powers self buffs that don't need anything more than a couple of extra slots... meaning there's plenty to go around for Power Pools and Epic powers.

The only thing the combo really lacks is some way to leverage Ignite - enough so that Ignite may even be dropped from the build.

-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



I like my Assault Rifle/Energy Blaster a lot. I skipped on the melee attacks in order to get Aid Self early, and use Boost Range and AR's cones to wipe out big groups of enemies at once. I love Full Auto with Boost Range for clearing enemy groups.

I picked the Munitions Epic so that I could use the LRM Rocket at the start of a fight and immediately end it with Full Auto or Flame Thrower. I also like using Cryo Freeze Ray in conjunction with Ignite on bosses.

It's a fun Blaster, but I wouldn't take it into PvP.

Too many alts to list.



Pre-i13 I used my ar/em/mun to 2-3 shot MMs from snipe range.

Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
Well on my AR/ice:

Got pos blast, and frankenslotted FT in the cones, so they get some range. With skill I never have problems hitting all the enemies with the powers. if you're using boost range, you're going to be fighting yourself to use the melee powers for ST damage which would be the other issue.

My AR/ice still gets build up, has no problems with the aoe/range and hitting the mobs, so what's so much better when you look at it like that? My Ar/ice pretty much has an attack chain of burst and slug, so no need for another attack, and if that were the case, ice does get ST attacks, not as strong as EM's, but sufficient, not that i'd suggest that playstyle with AR anyways. Then Ice gets ice patch and shiver which are HUGE mitigation tools that work perfectly for the playstyle of AR.

I'm REALLY faling to see where /EM is better with AR. I'll admit boost range may make it "easier" but not "better"
See above where FA and M30 hit at snipe range and snipes reach out to max targeting range.
There is no mitigation quite like murdering your enemy from beyond his retaliation range.
Then you get into a cave in CQB like situations and have all these wonderful melee attacks with stuns that stack with a power in your primary and get boosted by a power in your secondary and let you permastun EBs, barring purple triangles.



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
There is more synergy that Boost Range & the Cone attacks:

Build Up comes very early, which can provide some much needed punch in the early levels.

There are plenty of stuns to go around - it's easy to get even bosses disoriented for a time.

Not unique to AR/, but still there, is that Power Boost not only improves the stuns, but also any To Hit bonuses - like, say, Build Up?

And again, not only for AR/, but... Energy Manipulation has several powers self buffs that don't need anything more than a couple of extra slots... meaning there's plenty to go around for Power Pools and Epic powers.

The only thing the combo really lacks is some way to leverage Ignite - enough so that Ignite may even be dropped from the build.

All of which is not specific to AR for one. Build up early? not that big of a deal, 16 is quite early enough for me. The cones and boost range, already mentioned i never have any problems hitting the mobs, this before even getting some ranged boosted in them from sets.

Slotwise, same for /ice, i mean few slots in shiver, one slot in build up, and some slots in freezing touch which in your scenario would otherwise be in stun, and that's really all you need, ice patch with a base recharge and some set bonuses is usually up enough.

Ice patch/shiver WAY leverages ignite better than /em ever could, as well as with chilblain, which is ranged fitting the AR style of play better than the mostly melee-ness of /em.

Likewise mentioned, boost range, shooting from out of range, yeah, that almost NEVER comes into normal play. Maybe if you're bored and are hovering around sniping things, which is not very fast. Otherwise enemies will still continue to move towards you, so they'll either be dead, which they would be with no range enhancements or the like anyways, or a million times over you'll barely have the range available to you especially in indoor missions anyways.

The stuns, not a big deal, and as mentioend freezing touch + cryo freeze ray = held bosses, not like with my attack chain and the knockback from buckshot/slug that bosses arent on their backs most of the time anyways.

And if you NEED to enhance the to hit buff in build up, you're doing something WAY wrong anyways to begin with.

Don't get me wrong, If i ever make another AR unless its a traps defender, I would defintely go with /em to have *FUN* with boost range, but it by far is not the best secondary with AR, Ice holds that title hands down.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

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Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Boost Range lets you kill stuff without reprisal. Yes, all the time during normal play. Hovering/sniping aren't even part of the equation. Wiping out minions from beyond 120' with BR+BU+Full Auto and then mowing down the lieuts rushing toward you with Buckshot+Flamethrower from 60'. Beanbagging and jousting bosses with stunning melee attacks while they're knocked down.

Get it? Dead foes. No reprisal. Yes, during normal play. Yes, on indoor maps. Not hovering! Not sniping! Playing. Normally.

Shiver and Ice Slick don't let you do any of this any better. They just make it easier to stand there using your slow-animating DoT attacks from 40' without getting facerolled.

Cryo Freeze Ray + Freezing Touch? Grats on being able to do at 41 with your APP what AR/EM was able to do at 20, and half the time at 10.

I mean, sure, Shiver and Ice Slick and Chillblain are great powers that add survivability to any set, no question about it. But you're seriously undervaluing what /EM brings to the table. I just have to lol at your use of caps and asterisks to try to demean the contribution of Boost Range. ("*FUN*")

(seriously, lol... good stuff man)

Yeah, AR with Boost Range is "*FUN*". Seriously. To such an extent that AR without BR feels gimp by comparison and hardly worth playing.



Shiver and Ice Slick don't let you do any of this any better. They just make it easier to stand there using your slow-animating DoT attacks from 40' without getting facerolled.
So you just reprised my statement, they let you do that, meaning, you still kill the mob, and don't die, where is the backlash? For ANY mob, yes you "can" use boost range on some indoor maps, but not all the time. Corners/ice patch or shiver lets you do so all the time.

From early on between buckshot and slug and the DD on burst i've rarely had problems with bosses on low level ARs.

And "without reprisal" from 10 of the minions maybe (10 target cap on FA) On the lts and bosses it doesn't take long for them to close in 20-40ft during FA's animation to use their attacks, minnions like council can hit you at that range anyways.

However the normal range with positrons blast set, and shiver, and the knockbacks of buckshot and m-30, and ice patch if they do get close, i've never had problems. Its also more team-friendly for a wide variety of situations.

Add on actually being able to USE ignite, where the AR/EM, i woudln't even bother picking it up at all.

And without boost range, i agree, i'd never ever play an AR/EM.

Also, doesn't take long to stack FT on a boss, cryo just makes it easier. Yes, its later than what stun/beanbag would do, but as mentioned the knockback serves just fine, and especially in the lower levels, the -recharge/speed from /ice is much more potent. As is ice patch for that matter. Level 20, just like your AR/EM you mentioned could.

Plasmic's Guide to Sonic/Mental

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Plasmic Fire - 50 Fire/Rad Victory Server



Originally Posted by Windenergy21 View Post
For ANY mob, yes you "can" use boost range on some indoor maps, but not all the time. Corners/ice patch or shiver lets you do so all the time.
Shiver's great. But it requires you to be within 60' to use it, which means you're subject to ranged attacks before you even redraw your gun and open fire. BR+BU+FA kills minions, and does it from beyond their 80' counterattack range. Granted, you can't do this in every situation, but when you can, it's better than Shiver.

And "without reprisal" from 10 of the minions maybe (10 target cap on FA) On the lts and bosses it doesn't take long for them to close in 20-40ft during FA's animation to use their attacks, minnions like council can hit you at that range anyways.
Actually, if you start from out around 120' with Full Auto, the mobs won't be able to attack from that range and will try to close the distance. During this time the DoT will kill most of the minions, so they never get a shot at you (by contrast, Shiver gives them a ranged attack, since it requires you to be within 60').

The remaining minions and lieuts will close the distance, but only a few of them will stop at 80' and take a potshot. Most will attempt to reach melee range. But since you've got Buckshot and Flamethrower out past 60', they get caught in these cones (and most of them are knocked back and/or killed) before they get up in your grille.

The thing about Boost Range is that in many cases you can kill entire spawns with fewer counterattacks than you'd face using something like Shiver or Ice Patch. Granted, there isn't always enough room to do it, but often times, there is.

However the normal range with positrons blast set, and shiver, and the knockbacks of buckshot and m-30, and ice patch if they do get close, i've never had problems. Its also more team-friendly for a wide variety of situations.
Nobody's telling you that AR/Ice will "have problems." All /Ice blasters have decent survivability if they're played well. What people are telling you is that Boost Range, stacking stuns, an early Build Up, and better single-target DPS give AR/EM functionality that you're not acknowledging. In fact you're working very hard to discount all these things and make them seem less valuable than they really are.

Yeah. Shiver and Ice Slick are good survival tools. We get that.

Actually there was an AR/Ice in my SG and I ran alongside him with my AR/EM a number of times back in the day. Granted, inventions have changed the game since then, and the changes to the AR and EM powersets have too, but what I observed was that I killed stuff faster because I was shooting it dead before he was close enough to even open fire. And when some freak tank self-rezzed and he was trying to whittle it down with Burst and Slug, I'd smash its face in real quick with Total Focus and Bone Smasher. My damage output was better, both in terms of AoE and single-target.

If having a couple mini-controller powers makes a blaster more team-friendly than superior damage output, then... well I think we're approaching the AT from two very different angles.

Add on actually being able to USE ignite, where the AR/EM, i woudln't even bother picking it up at all.
Agreed. As has already been mentioned, this is the glaring weakness of AR/EM. Ignite isn't even worth a power choice.

And without boost range, i agree, i'd never ever play an AR/EM.
Without Boost Range, I'd never play an AR/anything.

True story. I've deleted every other AR toon I've subsequently rolled.



Read through most of the posts...agree w/most of the assessments. I'm partial to AR/EM. A poster mentiond Full Auto every 30 sec' build does it every 6 secs. I don't know how that stacks up with other blaster builds but I can fire Full Auto outside of alpha strike range follow up with Flame Thrower and then Buckshot so that by the time whats left of the spawn reaches me all it takes is a slug or 2 (if that) to finish off what was once a horde of foes.

Here's my build:

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.601

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Agent M60: Level 50 Natural Blaster
Primary Power Set: Assault Rifle
Secondary Power Set: Energy Manipulation
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Concealment
Ancillary Pool: Force Mastery

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Burst -- Entrpc-Acc/Dmg(A), Entrpc-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Entrpc-Dmg/Rchg(3), Entrpc-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), Entrpc-Heal%(5)
Level 1: Power Thrust -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(11), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(11), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(13), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(13)
Level 2: Slug -- Entrpc-Acc/Dmg(A), Entrpc-Dmg/EndRdx(7), Entrpc-Dmg/Rchg(7), Entrpc-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(9), Entrpc-Heal%(9)
Level 4: Buckshot -- KinCrsh-Dmg/KB(A), KinCrsh-Acc/KB(15), KinCrsh-Rchg/KB(15), KinCrsh-Rechg/EndRdx(17), KinCrsh-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(17), KinCrsh-Acc/Dmg/KB(45)
Level 6: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(19), RechRdx-I(19)
Level 8: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 10: Bone Smasher -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(21), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(21), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(23), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(23)
Level 12: Hurdle -- Jump-I(A)
Level 14: Super Speed -- QckFt-RunSpd(A), QckFt-EndRdx(33), QckFt-EndRdx/RunSpd(34)
Level 16: Health -- Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx(A), Dct'dW-EndRdx/Rchg(25), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg(25), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(27), Dct'dW-Heal(27), Mrcl-Rcvry+(50)
Level 18: Flamethrower -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(29), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(29), Posi-Dmg/Rng(31), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(31)
Level 20: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc(31), P'Shift-EndMod(33), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg(33)
Level 22: Stealth -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), EndRdx-I(50)
Level 24: Conserve Power -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(45), RechRdx-I(46)
Level 26: Ignite -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(34), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(34), Posi-Dmg/Rng(36), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(36)
Level 28: M30 Grenade -- KinCrsh-Dmg/KB(A), KinCrsh-Acc/KB(36), KinCrsh-Rchg/KB(37), KinCrsh-Rechg/EndRdx(37), KinCrsh-Dmg/EndRdx/KB(37), KinCrsh-Acc/Dmg/KB(42)
Level 30: Build Up -- AdjTgt-ToHit(A), AdjTgt-ToHit/Rchg(39), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx/Rchg(39), AdjTgt-EndRdx/Rchg(39), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx(40)
Level 32: Full Auto -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(40), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(40), Posi-Dmg/Rng(42), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(42), Posi-Dam%(46)
Level 35: Boost Range -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 38: Total Focus -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx(43), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg(43), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(43), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 41: Personal Force Field -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 44: Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 47: Temp Invulnerability -- TtmC'tng-ResDam/EndRdx(A), Aegis-ResDam/EndRdx(48), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48)
Level 49: Grant Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Defiance



AR/Dev is looking better every day with IO's. It's a fairly trivial process to get your ranged defense fairly high, take Ice Armor to stack on some sexy S/L defense, and then toss out a smoke grenade to cover the rest. We'll even let you keep cloaking device, cause every little bit counts (besides, you can shove some haste in it). Super ninja blaster ftw!

Take Targeting Drone and shove a Build-Up IO in there. Ain't perfect, but at least you HAVE it now.

Also, trip mine is not that freakishly difficult to use in combat. It's something you do before everyone else gets to the spawn (leave spawns early), or something you do after your tank has aggro (approach carefully) or something you just don't do because you don't need it (woah fulcrum shift).

But yeah, if I had to recommend something easy and hassle free, it'd probably be AR/NRG. If only because NRRRG is fun to say.



I like AR/MM. the extra cone dosent come with boost range, but the greater ability to down everything short of an EB in the first attack wave while keeping huge regen means you dont really need to have unavengable attacks.

thats just me tho, I definately see tons of value in BR, PB, and extra stuns.



Originally Posted by Chaos_String View Post
Shiver's great. But it requires you to be within 60' to use it, which means you're subject to ranged attacks before you even redraw your gun and open fire. BR+BU+FA kills minions, and does it from beyond their 80' counterattack range. Granted, you can't do this in every situation, but when you can, it's better than Shiver.

Actually, if you start from out around 120' with Full Auto, the mobs won't be able to attack from that range and will try to close the distance. During this time the DoT will kill most of the minions, so they never get a shot at you (by contrast, Shiver gives them a ranged attack, since it requires you to be within 60').

The remaining minions and lieuts will close the distance, but only a few of them will stop at 80' and take a potshot. Most will attempt to reach melee range. But since you've got Buckshot and Flamethrower out past 60', they get caught in these cones (and most of them are knocked back and/or killed) before they get up in your grille.

The thing about Boost Range is that in many cases you can kill entire spawns with fewer counterattacks than you'd face using something like Shiver or Ice Patch. Granted, there isn't always enough room to do it, but often times, there is.

Nobody's telling you that AR/Ice will "have problems." All /Ice blasters have decent survivability if they're played well. What people are telling you is that Boost Range, stacking stuns, an early Build Up, and better single-target DPS give AR/EM functionality that you're not acknowledging. In fact you're working very hard to discount all these things and make them seem less valuable than they really are.

Yeah. Shiver and Ice Slick are good survival tools. We get that.

Actually there was an AR/Ice in my SG and I ran alongside him with my AR/EM a number of times back in the day. Granted, inventions have changed the game since then, and the changes to the AR and EM powersets have too, but what I observed was that I killed stuff faster because I was shooting it dead before he was close enough to even open fire. And when some freak tank self-rezzed and he was trying to whittle it down with Burst and Slug, I'd smash its face in real quick with Total Focus and Bone Smasher. My damage output was better, both in terms of AoE and single-target.

If having a couple mini-controller powers makes a blaster more team-friendly than superior damage output, then... well I think we're approaching the AT from two very different angles.

Agreed. As has already been mentioned, this is the glaring weakness of AR/EM. Ignite isn't even worth a power choice.

Without Boost Range, I'd never play an AR/anything.

True story. I've deleted every other AR toon I've subsequently rolled.
Really? I still strongly suggest you roll an AR/Ice. Its still a lot of fun. Also, slow Ios can slot for range, so shiver is a little over 70ft for me. Still within pop range yes, but its very decent. The thing is on teams, when you slow them down it gives you control over their fate. You may kill the minnions, but the lts and bosses will still be running amok.

Shiver lets you use the knockback more efficiently to what you want to do. Back on the all boss farms for example, I would shiver, then even with tank aggro, once you release your aoe volley you'd always have a few bosses coming after you, on the /em you'd be kinda screwed. 2 at best you could keep at bay, my ar/ice could legitimately keep 10 at bay by slowing them down and knocking them back as they slowly tried to get close but to no avail.

when you can, its better than shiver
Part of my point there, shiver is ALWAYS an option, kinda into semantics with that now. You say your's is more effective, mine is more consistent, wish/wash.

Still wish they didn't nerf ignite also, glad the changes they did to leverage that though.

Build up earlier, as mentioend, between level 4 and 16, everything is gravy anyways, I woudln't even consider that as a point to focus on at all. Even on my /ems I still don't get build up till the 20s anyways.

In fact you're working very hard to discount all these things and make them seem less valuable than they really are.
As you are with ice's powers. Not going to go near saying ice sword is like bone smasher, but added in the chain of attacks its not hurting much for damage either.

As far as EM, i'm over it a while ago. I just can't wait till blasters get dark blast with aim instead of dark pit to make my next one *OMG* so can't wait. I would totally have a COHgasm.

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