A small change with a big impact?

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
You must enjoy farming immensely if that is why you are still here. Or, have I misinterpreted and its something else ?
You missed this: "I earn my Inf from farming and selling in order to twink my chars."

I enjoy playing Super Heroes in a Super Hero game. The Devs may think that means fighting 3 even con mobs. I prefer going as far as the game will allow. My Illusion/Rad Controller has solo'd Lusca and most of the other GMs in the game. My Fire/Psi Dominator could dive into a pack of 90 bosses in AE and take them all down. I have a handful of chars of different ATs who can solo AVs. That takes the best gear in the game, so I farm to get it. Farming is simply a means to an end, and it doesn't bother my conscience like Marketeering might.

If the OP's suggestion was implemented, I'd have 45 level 50 chars who could walk through almost every challenge in the game. TFs would become a joke. Have you even been in a speed ITF where everyone has highly twinked chars? In mission 2 you all split up to take out the cysts. It's silly how fast it goes. That's what the game would turn into.

Goodbye and thanks for all the fish.
I've moved on to Diablo 3, TopDoc-1304



Originally Posted by Enots View Post
I was respecing some IO's from my ss/shield (War Diety) to my dm/shield (Darklocked)brute today. I think that if Dev's made it so that enhancements were not locked so IO's could be more easily be taken off of toons we would see a decrease in demand as well as an increase in supply.

The reason I see this helping is I have a lot of semi-valuable (obliterations, crushing impact, numina's....) IO's on my SS/Shield the time and cost of respecing to get those IO's off of War Diety means that I will probably never get those off of him. It cost around 100 mil to buy a respec, I can only get ten IO's and I have used all my vet specs. I can still turn a profit by buying the respecs, but I hate spending 100 mil just to get semi-valuable IO's back. If I could more easily move those onto the market or onto another toon I would not need to rebuy them.

I could see a problem arising with people taking highly valuable IO's and moving them around differn't toons, I believe that the time it would take to move these around would be a big enough hassle to keep people from doing it too often.

Also this would not include changing the powers or slots, just the enhancements.

Just would like to hear your comments and concerns, good or bad idea?
A while back I posted a similar idea, only to keep it in check it was a craftable temp power like the bat, hammer, pistol, etc.

This "widget tool" would allow you to remove ONE enhancer and place it into your 10 slot enhancer inventory.

The fact that it is craftable via a recipe, plus the salvage it uses would make it self controlling as far as exploitation is concerned.

"All that crap is grey to me, no XP." - Positron 5/15/05 8:36am . . . The world stopped and silence ensued except for the sound of a crying infant off in the distance.

"Everyone needs to chill the hell out." - BackAlleyBrawler 11/13/08 3:26pm . . . Geeks around the world stopped and blinked.



Originally Posted by MeanNVicious View Post
You realize that the only limiting factor to what you're saying is currency right ? Making the game "too easy" as you have called it ALREADY HAPPENS NOW.

Having to respec out the IO's takes like 3 minutes. And you can tweak your characters powers and slots. That hardly makes it "time consuming and arduous", lol.

The only real factor between being able to swap around IO's right now is having a ton of currency to do it with. Either by buying respecs, or by buying all new IO's. Its the same thing just without having to spends gob awful amounts of currency (inf, merits, etc, etc) to get it accomplished.

And the folks who can afford to do this now ? You got it - you read the other thread in this topic about "how much do you make in a week". As stated hundreds of millions and some billions are the norm for even decent marketeers in a given week. Usually even farming doesnt make that kind of currency if you wanted to argue for farmers.

So yea i'd say when a marketeer doom says the OP's idea - dont read too far into it. Especially docs example with happens now, but just puts the power into the hands of the marketeers vs. general player base.

I'm not going on a "down with marketeers" rant. What I'm really saying it take some of the BS thier gonna feed you with a grain of salt - and realize that this idea HEAVILY effects their interests in the game vs. the benefit it could provide to most players in general.

Get real.
You really have no idea what you are talking about on ANY level. To that end, I shall bequeath you the title; "n00b".

Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
His point is, since he can't fight the reasons fundamental to your disagreement, and feels he has the weight of righteousness on his side, his only recourse is to demonise all contrary opinion as being part of an immoral department of self-interested and self-invested conspirators who follow the conspiratory trend of being somehow both sophisticated supergeniuses capable of keeping a thousand plates spinning and at the same time, complete retards unable to adjust to minor shifts in the marketplace. In essence, he is engaging in argumentum ad hominem.

Those who can't do, complain.
Possibly the most epic put-down in the history of the COH boards.



Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
You claim this is a QoL fix, but it is not. It would make the game massively easier. If you could unslot IOs to transfer them to alts, friends or SGmates, then everyone would be running around with the best gear in the game. You may think that would be great for players, and a lot of people may agree with you, but a lot of you would get bored and leave the game if that happened. The Devs know that, and that's WHY we have Ultra-Rare items in the game. It has to do with motivation, emotional investment, perceived worth, and various other psychological phenomena.
I keep reading through this thread and thinking, "Man, there's gotta be something I can say that would be constructive and demonstrate the core problems with the system being proposed that hasn't already been said." But then I find something like this, that really gets into the psychology and player retention aspects of why the change would not be good, long-term, for the game, and I realize I couldn't possibly have said it any better.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by Enots View Post
I was respecing some IO's from my ss/shield (War Diety) to my dm/shield (Darklocked)brute today. I think that if Dev's made it so that enhancements were not locked so IO's could be more easily be taken off of toons we would see a decrease in demand as well as an increase in supply....
The game has longevity because it takes time to do things.
Inf sinks are built into the game to suck inf out of the economy.

Trying to avoid "wasting IO set IO's by respec" is very time consuming.
A making it easier to keep IO set enhances in the economy is eliminating both a time and inf sink in the game.

The game is playable with out IO sets. IO sets are meant to be rare.



Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
The game has longevity because it takes time to do things.
Inf sinks are built into the game to suck inf out of the economy.

Trying to avoid "wasting IO set IO's by respec" is very time consuming.
A making it easier to keep IO set enhances in the economy is eliminating both a time and inf sink in the game.

The game is playable with out IO sets. IO sets are meant to be rare.

I agree with time sink. I don't see how you see recipes being deleted as an inf sink. 90% has already gone to another player, wouldn't Reciple A pull out more inf if Recipe A was traded more instead of being deleted?

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I keep reading through this thread and thinking, "Man, there's gotta be something I can say that would be constructive and demonstrate the core problems with the system being proposed that hasn't already been said." But then I find something like this, that really gets into the psychology and player retention aspects of why the change would not be good, long-term, for the game, and I realize I couldn't possibly have said it any better.
I play the game from a pretty narrow view. Did I ever think I had the perfect solution, no, but playing the way I play my idea would have been beneficial to most other people. I would help resupply the market with mid-level IO's that get deleted otherwise. I already move the my purple / PVP IO's/ uniques around to a few builds that I particulary enjoy at that time, I get bored rather quickly. The reason why I asked my question on the boards is to get a broader view and idea of how it would work with other people; clearly, it would be taken advantage of.

Back to the drawing board I guess.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



I agree with time sink. I don't see how you see recipes being deleted as an inf sink. 90% has already gone to another player, wouldn't Reciple A pull out more inf if Recipe A was traded more instead of being deleted?
Two points.
1) Is this a correct interpretation of your position? "Recipes are being deleted now because they're not worth selling, so we're going to add a source of supply and somehow they WILL be worth selling." If that's not right, explain to me how I'm misinterpreting it.
2) Every time you craft a level 50 Crushing Impact you destroy 490,000 inf or thereabouts. If you get rid of thirty, level 50, crafted IO's when you respec, and I know that's a high number, you've destroyed 15 million inf in crafting costs. That could add up, in theory. It's at least a start at sinking inf.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post

is very useful at this point. Create the blank slate to work from
That tip made this thread worth reading - ty



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Two points.
1) Is this a correct interpretation of your position? "Recipes are being deleted now because they're not worth selling, so we're going to add a source of supply and somehow they WILL be worth selling." If that's not right, explain to me how I'm misinterpreting it.
2) Every time you craft a level 50 Crushing Impact you destroy 490,000 inf or thereabouts. If you get rid of thirty, level 50, crafted IO's when you respec, and I know that's a high number, you've destroyed 15 million inf in crafting costs. That could add up, in theory. It's at least a start at sinking inf.

1. No, my position is that I have 30-40 valuable IO sets on multiple toons that are not worth pulling off due to all my respecs being burned, and the high cost of respec recipes.

2. Everytime you sell said Crushing impact you will destroy 10% of whatever you sold it for. By me the respecer being able to put that back onto the market, either myself to make inf or "Arcana" designed system where that will be sold by a bot or the game etc. and then all proceeds destroyed. This will increase supply of all IO's, especially the mid-level ones I tend to just get rid. I don't care about exemplaring and its not fiscally responsible to burn respecs to sell a lvl 33 crushing impact for 3 million infamy.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



Originally Posted by Enots View Post
1. No, my position is that I have 30-40 valuable IO sets on multiple toons that are not worth pulling off due to all my respecs being burned, and the high cost of respec recipes.

2. Everytime you sell said Crushing impact you will destroy 10% of whatever you sold it for. By me the respecer being able to put that back onto the market, either myself to make inf or "Arcana" designed system where that will be sold by a bot or the game etc. and then all proceeds destroyed. This will increase supply of all IO's, especially the mid-level ones I tend to just get rid. I don't care about exemplaring and its not fiscally responsible to burn respecs to sell a lvl 33 crushing impact for 3 million infamy.
the fact that you just said 1. goes directly to the heart of the matter of why I think this is a bad idea.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
the fact that you just said 1. goes directly to the heart of the matter of why I think this is a bad idea.
From your previous post you and I approach the game very differntly. I would still IO out multiple toons for the convienence.

Mailing system? Mind copying a link to what this is? I had not caught any wind of a mailing system. If it is what I think it might be your point on moving IO's would be very vaild.

The point of my change is when I go from my leveling build to my "uber" build I tend to delete a lot of mid-level IOs, when I get bored of a toon I strip the "really valuable" IO's and delete the toon with a lot mid-priced IO's (crushing impacts, ToD sets, etc.). The true point of this was never to be able to IO out multiple toons with the same IO's. I simply wanted to be able to put those "wasted" IO's back onto the market for someone else. I can already move my extremely valuable stuff off with my vet-specs/respecs.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



Originally Posted by Enots View Post
I play the game from a pretty narrow view.
I think that's true of all of us.

Did I ever think I had the perfect solution, no, but playing the way I play my idea would have been beneficial to most other people.
But not for the same reason that it would necessarily be beneficial to you. If you made assumptions about how other people play the game, it's natural that people will offer up reasons why those assumptions might lead to unintended consequences. It's not about demonizing you as an individual. I hope you can see that. There are a lot of folks with game design and player management experience who've seen what open systems such as what you describe can do to a game.

I would help resupply the market with mid-level IO's that get deleted otherwise.
This is the part that I personally never quite got, based on my own playstyle. I don't delete mid-level IOs. I just don't have a burning sense of, "Must eke out the last few % from every power" that requires me to change out my level 33-35 set IOs for level 50s. I have plenty of characters wandering around with 2-3 purple sets in one group of powers, and a set of 5 IOs from the early 30s when they were originally slotted in another power.

But that's a playstyle issue. Would I pull those out and replace them with level 50s if I could? Maybe. (Actually, it's more likely that I'd replace with 49s, given that the difference from 49 to 50 is decimal dust and the cost to buy and craft 49s is usually < 50% of the cost to do the same with 50s.) And if I did pull out those mid-level IOs, I don't know that they'd end up on the market, since odds are I'll eventually have another alt that needs them. So not only do I not end up putting stuff on the market (not increasing supply), I also now have an upcoming character that doesn't need to use the market to get what he or she wants (reducing demand).

Again, though - playstyle issue.

I already move the my purple / PVP IO's/ uniques around to a few builds that I particulary enjoy at that time, I get bored rather quickly. The reason why I asked my question on the boards is to get a broader view and idea of how it would work with other people; clearly, it would be taken advantage of.
That is, unfortunately, true of almost any system you can imagine. If there is a way to "game" it, people will do so. The path of least resistance is prohibitively attractive.

And again, none of this is meant as an attack on you; the idea simply had the potential for abuse, implemented as suggested. Bringing it here and offering it up for critique was the best way to have any potential problems identified.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post

And again, none of this is meant as an attack on you; the idea simply had the potential for abuse, implemented as suggested. Bringing it here and offering it up for critique was the best way to have any potential problems identified.
I understand it was not a personal attack. From the direction some threads go this one remained particularly non-volatile.

I see the problems now with my system. If the negatives outweight the benefits is a question no one could really answer unless it was implemented. Not that I'm crying for it to actually be implemented. It was just an idea that clearly had more underlying issues than what I saw when I suggested it.

Active 50's
Darklocked (dm/sd Brute)
Wardman (Fire/sd Scrapper)
Congealer (ice/cold Corruptor)
Peroxisome (mind/psi Dominator)
Evil Thing (Fire/Kin Corruptor)

Proud Member of Repeat-Offenders



I did not read through every single reply, so I am sorry if someone already said this.

I do not think that IOs should be able to come off that easily because you would be able to just switch the same set to every character (as someone said).

What I do think though is that people should be able to purchase an in game personal bank or bag or something. So when you respec, you would be able to take as many IOs off as you want. (rather than just 10) This would mean if would still cost you the 100mill for the respec, but you'd get all of them off at once. It would make things easier, but not TOO easy.

Maybe they could make some level 50 task force that you could do to earn the bank or bag. It might be another good thing in end game, which we need more of anyways!

~*~Madame Pistacio~*~
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Newest event- The Great Makeover



I was thinking of something less extreme then whats being suggested; a recipe you could craft into an enhancement you could drop on another and pop that ONE enhancement out to your tray. Something which would drop more often then a respec recipe, and would be handy for fixing minor mistakes or making small tweaks to a character, like seeing if a Miracle +Rec fixes your End problems when tanking for a team, which isn't easy to figure out on Test.

Mind you, I have no idea if the game code has a way to support this, I just thought it would be a nice QoL addition. . .



Originally Posted by Scientist View Post
I was thinking of something less extreme then whats being suggested; a recipe you could craft into an enhancement you could drop on another and pop that ONE enhancement out to your tray. Something which would drop more often then a respec recipe, and would be handy for fixing minor mistakes or making small tweaks to a character, like seeing if a Miracle +Rec fixes your End problems when tanking for a team, which isn't easy to figure out on Test.

Mind you, I have no idea if the game code has a way to support this, I just thought it would be a nice QoL addition. . .
Designing features to make the implementation of Miracle globals easier is definitely not going to be a feature for the casual gamer.



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I think that's true of all of us.

This is the part that I personally never quite got, based on my own playstyle. I don't delete mid-level IOs. I just don't have a burning sense of, "Must eke out the last few % from every power" that requires me to change out my level 33-35 set IOs for level 50s. I have plenty of characters wandering around with 2-3 purple sets in one group of powers, and a set of 5 IOs from the early 30s when they were originally slotted in another power.
I find it better to have more than a few sets of lvl 30-40's on the lvl 50 characters - helps with side kicking down and not losing set bonus.