ENOUGH already....
- there is an option to disable vg/sg invites in the prompts section of options menu
- another option is go on hide from searches
- another option is put in search comments is "no blind invites" (or some variation of that)
- a final option i can think of is to just leave the box asking for invite open and move it off to the side because you cant receive invites while you already have the invite box open.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
"Come on guys. If you want SG mates team with them, show em what you got and maybe they'll join."
I hear this very often from new recruits of a couple 'spamming'* SGs. How do I hear this? On PuGs I ask, via tells, if they're happy with their current SG when I see it is one of the few that I know blind invite incessantly.
*: my term
Best way to avoid it: Personal SG.
Well, kinda hard.. Just get a friend to help you store toons in it.
This has been a problem on every mmo I've played, not just this one. DDO, WAR, WoW, EQ, MxO, AO, LotRO and CoX.
I can't go a few feet in any MMO without getting constantly bombarded with blind SG/ Guild invites.
So much so that I want to make a character called Blind Invites Suck and just walk around Atlas all day, global ignoring the people who do this.
I don't join blind invite teams, why would I join blind invite Supergroups which would take up even more of my time than blind invite PUGs?
Or, even easier than anything else said so far: Avoid Atlas Park. That's really the main place for the blind invites like that, so why subject yourself to it when you can go to Galaxy from the start? There's no reason to hang out there just to hang out when you can go to other places.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
I am an idiot who forgot I could block those invites.
Thanks for the pointers!
Since I came back to game at the beginning of the month I've found something new to me. I'm used to blind invites to teams, but constant blind invites to SGs? I can't walk through Atlas Park on an 'unaffiliated' toon without this.
Does anyone else have this problem, or know of it? I figure the next time it happens I'll start stocking my global ignore list. Only after consideration is offered to publishing said globals here and embarassing the players. Come on guys. If you want SG mates team with them, show em what you got and maybe they'll join. But this is annoying. Enough, please! |
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Since I came back to game at the beginning of the month I've found something new to me. I'm used to blind invites to teams, but constant blind invites to SGs? I can't walk through Atlas Park on an 'unaffiliated' toon without this.
Does anyone else have this problem, or know of it? I figure the next time it happens I'll start stocking my global ignore list. Only after consideration is offered to publishing said globals here and embarassing the players. Come on guys. If you want SG mates team with them, show em what you got and maybe they'll join. But this is annoying. Enough, please! |
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
I've been getting A LOT of blind invites to a certain channel that is tryin' to rival BMT, which is deffinatly not cool...
I was originally a member but I left, mostly becuase its pretty dead, activity wise.
I wish they'd add an option to disable channel invites as well...
This is kind of ironic to me as I've rarely gotten a blind invite to an SG that was not named ELITE LEGENDS. That is the one variance on the game that I have never had issues with. Now if I could find a way to irritate the gold farmers and avoid those emails as well.
Best way to avoid it: Personal SG.
Well, kinda hard.. Just get a friend to help you store toons in it. |

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!
Since I came back to game at the beginning of the month I've found something new to me. I'm used to blind invites to teams, but constant blind invites to SGs? I can't walk through Atlas Park on an 'unaffiliated' toon without this.
Does anyone else have this problem, or know of it? I figure the next time it happens I'll start stocking my global ignore list. Only after consideration is offered to publishing said globals here and embarassing the players.
Come on guys. If you want SG mates team with them, show em what you got and maybe they'll join.
But this is annoying. Enough, please!