5th Column invasion!




Personally, I think we should get some more background on why the 5th is back before this gets implemented, but on the whole, yeah, it sounds pretty cool.



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I wholeheartedly approve of this suggestion.

Also, another badge suggestion

Home Front Defender: You've fought the 5th Column invasion and pushed them off your turf! (This is earned by defeating 200(?) 5th Column soldiers during an invasion)
I like this whiole idea and the addition of this third badge makes sense. Then just like the trio of badges available for the Rikti invasion let's add a fourth Accolade badge for getting all three of the others. Not sure what to call it or even exactly what power it would grant but how about an increase in damage resistance for 2 minutes and the power can be activated once every 25 minutes like most of the others? Okay off the top of my head how about "Column Breaker" as a title for this? :-D

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I support any idea that has me defending the city from large groups of bad guys. I love the idea of invasions because heroes can band together to repel them, and because a 200-person battle in-game just looks great. And, given the 5th Column's world view, invasion is not only likely, it is inevitable.




Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Personally, I think we should get some more background on why the 5th is back before this gets implemented, but on the whole, yeah, it sounds pretty cool.
Barracuda Strike Force gives that.

Short: Dumb villain frees Reichsman, Reichsman rallies the 5th column remnants, creating a new force.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
I like this whiole idea and the addition of this third badge makes sense. Then just like the trio of badges available for the Rikti invasion let's add a fourth Accolade badge for getting all three of the others. Not sure what to call it or even exactly what power it would grant but how about an increase in damage resistance for 2 minutes and the power can be activated once every 25 minutes like most of the others? Okay off the top of my head how about "Column Breaker" as a title for this? :-D
Sadly that's already in use for the Reichsman Taskforce...this suggestion actually predated the Reichsman Taskforce by a year or so on the original EU forums and was one of my (and many other peoples) suggestion for the rename of the Reichsman Taskforce badge (I honestly cannot remember what it was called first but it certainly wasn't Column Breaker initially).

So badge wise you have.

Home Front Defender: You've fought the 5th Column invasion and pushed them off your turf! (This is earned by defeating 100 5th Column soldiers during an invasion, went with 100 since the defeat invading Rikti one is 100).

No Ticket!: Nobody flies illegally in your airspace! (Taking down a 5th Column Zepplin)

Mekapocalypse: You've defeated the 5th Column WunderWeapon (for defeating the Giant 5th Column Mekman).

Hmm now...Accolade...throwing this out there.

Finest hour: You've fought them with confidence and strength in the air. You've fought them on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields and in the streets, you have fought them in the Hills, you have never surrendered, this victory over the 5th Column is truly your finest hour.

The badge would be a picture of a newspaper with the headlines WE WILL FIGHT! in big bold type on it.




freaking awesome! great churchill quote, and really captures a feel for it. this is DEFINITELY something Iw ould love to see, something huge, menacing and grand. you step off the train, and see a flicker of movement above you, some hulking shape blotting out the stars, and your blood runs cold as a searchlight plays across it's black hull to reveal the emblem of a skull...

at the very least, this would make an amazing mission for a task force or large scale story arc. the feel of invasion is perfect for the column.

also, in certain locations there should be troops fighting on their own - there's no way the government would just let longbow take care of this. give it some more conventional military stuff, just to make it a bit more WWII.

the parachutes shouldn't be too hard, don't third tier mercenaries already arrive by parachute?

and the zeppelins muyst go up in a night-lighting fireball, hindenberg style. perhaps the badge should instead be called "OH THE HUMANITY!"