30k contest and a drawing a day




Something interesting.

...I'm just following directions!

Ok, ok, some things I was doing today that was kinda artsy. Kinda.

They're made to go on light backgrounds, fwiw.

Oh, and I made my sig and avatar images today too.



Let this be a lesson, folks: if you post when I ask, something can happen!


It's not the best thing ever, I'll admit, but I was just goofing around for an hour before bed, so shut up!



Wee! Foo rocks my socks. <3



Passed Mass Effect 2 last night, but I also have a drawing I did, except I forgot to upload it!



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Passed Mass Effect 2 last night, but I also have a drawing I did, except I forgot to upload it!
Is Mass Effect 2 like English 101? Can you take it Pass/Fail??



Well, your character can die at the end of it.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Today's DAD and also an overdue commission.

Kaemgen's Daybreaker Alpha has seen better days!

Psygon's broken Day
I posted a comment on DA but.. wow :O Not been on these forums in ages and I come back and find two pieces of fab psygon art just sooooo cool. Happy Saturdays!!!!



Here's another thing:



Real nice ones Foo.

Love the Psygon one, since it's true and has happened often enough.



DAD 28 Shape challenge

We're given a group of shapes (above) and have to come up with characters from those shapes. These are my weird creations.



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
On a 20" LCD Flatpanel moonitor? Bacon-yeah it does!!
Hmmm yeah I guess the 20" monitors I have make for ok backup monitors when I have something else already
running on the 30" and the 28" monitors.

Those are a neat idea to think creatively Foo... I like the garden gnome and the freakshow thumb puppet ones.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Hahaha, "freakshow thumb puppet" is a great idea.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Hmmm yeah I guess the 20" monitors I have make for ok backup monitors when I have something else already
running on the 30" and the 28" monitors.

Those are a neat idea to think creatively Foo... I like the garden gnome and the freakshow thumb puppet ones.
I guess 30" monitors would be okay backup for my 40" monitor.



Well, today's my last day. If anyone who's following me on DA wants to continue posting my Drawings a Day, please do so.



YEAH! More Foo art for me.

Love it, thank you so much