New to PvP
any /regen scrapper
fire/em or psi/em blaster
fire/ss tank
these builds are cheap to build and very effective use them wisely my young padawon...
but dun make a earth/TA troller or i will be angry...and you wouldnt like me...when im angry
Hehe. Ok so I already have a spines/regen scrapper sitting at level 32 would that be a considerable starter build?
yepp...get to 50
all u need from spines is barb swipe, BU, and impale....pick up phase and either weapons mastery or body mastery (blaze duz high dmg but u will need to build for some +acc bonuses if u go that route)
if u rlly want to start out tho regen might not be the best choice..they are too easy to play i mean any monkey can smash heals as needed.. but yes spines/regen is very effective...but blasters teach u to actually pvp..regens are kinda easy button for pvp...
Alright, well I have a level 50 fire/mental blaster. Would that be a reasonable PvP toon?
yep yep and yepp!!! fire/mm blaster is a very viable pvp toon...Build for alot of +Hp, +dmg, and +rech in that order....dont forget to pick up tactics
Alright, thank you very much.
yep yep and yepp!!! fire/mm blaster is a very viable pvp toon...Build for alot of +Hp, +dmg, and +rech in that order....dont forget to pick up tactics
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bottom line is while there is no skill involved in i13 pvp an /MM blaster takes more skill to play then a /EM blaster and thats why I dont think /MM is a very viable toon to play and if I was the OP i'd re roll.
Also I have to disagree with the order you mentioned, with HP accos in mind I'd build for +Dmg +HP and +Rech in that order.
@Psycho Jas
When you say +HP do you mean +max HP?
it is not a VERY VIABLE toon. its a toon that does okay, and just okay. I have one at 50 and use to pvp with that toon and only that toon for a good couple of months, and take a /EM blaster for example, in the arena at the end of the day its range>lolscare, or if you get DP off. Also in zones a /EM blaster would be able to hit people from like 130 ft range with boost range alone while the other person will have to chase after him to be able to get an attack in, with /MM you can not say the same. So although its got a nice 80 ft ranged attack, a hold more or less and a broken end drain it still does not compare to /EM's powerboosted stuns, boost range and TF.
bottom line is while there is no skill involved in i13 pvp an /MM blaster takes more skill to play then a /EM blaster and thats why I dont think /MM is a very viable toon to play and if I was the OP i'd re roll. Also I have to disagree with the order you mentioned, with HP accos in mind I'd build for +Dmg +HP and +Rech in that order. |
apart from fighting blasters, a /mm blaster is a far better duel toon than an /em.
also, it takes a horribly bad build for you to even have to care about hp on a blaster.
it usually ends up capped anyways.
the drain psyche on mm is broke right now and does insane -recovery, scare is an awesome way to hold someone since it has a long fear time..confuse aura can stop as (sometimes) at the very least if it hits destealth...your tier 2 blast is pretty good base dmg and fire dots are still great. barrier is right it is hard not to hp cap a blaster. Only thing easier is a wp stalker ;P
tk thruuuust
@Psycho Jas
EM would be better in zones...
MM would be better in dueling...
keep talkin shih while i drain psi, and subdue ur *** PEW PEW PEW!!!!
Pew pew pew!! Get down ******!!! Pew pew!!!
Whos bad nao!!! Pew pew pew!!!
i dun like SoulTouch..he soo mean to meh..that why use my anger to wreck him in RV..but its not fair DUEL ME SOUL!!!!! DIE NAO!!! PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW!!!!
ur downie! im uppie *char, sudue, poisonous ray* PEW PEW PEW!!! GET SUHM N00BCAKELET
...This turned into quite the thread. So back on topic fire /MM is good or isn't good because i am kind of confused at the moment.
Yes it's good. End thread.
I would like to get into PvP but I have never succesfully created a good PvP build on any game ever. I would like to play blue side and have melee toon. So basically all i want is a begginer build and I will move on from there.