The Christmas Tree Challenge




Seasons greetings!

Ok. So today I got a last-minute urge to go and stick some sort of christmas decoration in my base. I decided to try to make a xmas tree.

After wasting 2 hours stacking 400 shoji wall lamps, for the purpose of floating another 50 or so whiteboards, in order to then float some baubels on the tree (round lights), I then discovered that the whiteboards wouldn't let me stick anything on them.

Several dc's and another hour deleting the lamps later... I then found some great info here in the forums. That is, stack the floor tile, on top of the accent lamp, and use the Cubicle for stacking wall items. This worked wonderfully, this last method took me less than 30 mins to do.

Anyhow, after much lag and effort, I produced a humble little tree for my base. I wanted to put presents under it, but couldn't find any cube shapes small or suitable enough for it. So I resorted to placing a bunch of sacks in front of the tree (sacks with presents in them!). Heh.

Anyhow, I thought "HEY! You should post this and challenge other base builders to see what wondrous Christmas trees they could create".
I always love the variety of stuff that the base builders creates.

So here is the challenge!
See if you can make a christmas tree in your base, and post some pics of the end result. Or any other christmas decorations you can come up with.

Image below: my humble tree.

Merry Xmas Folks! :-)

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Originally Posted by TerraShock View Post
Nice tree! Sayaki created a holiday themed room here,

if you care to take a look. I thought it turned out great.
Wow! Thanks TerraShock, I love it.
That is some amazing base editing & ideas.
I have copied 1 picture from Sayaki's post and put it in here, below (for those wanting to see Sayaki's amazing xmas tree.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Those are some nice trees.

Enjoy your day please.



Very nice designs! CaffeineAddict, what option(s) did you use for the tree itself?



The trees are looking good, but Sayaki made the most amazing fireplace.



Hah, necropost!

I'm wondering now why the OP used Shoji lamps, when at that time you could already use the cubicle/floor tile trick to move wall items around.


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Very nice trees/rooms.



Originally Posted by CaffeineAddict View Post
Seasons greetings!

Ok. So today I got a last-minute urge to go and stick some sort of christmas decoration in my base. I decided to try to make a xmas tree.

After wasting 2 hours stacking 400 shoji wall lamps, for the purpose of floating another 50 or so whiteboards, in order to then float some baubels on the tree (round lights), I then discovered that the whiteboards wouldn't let me stick anything on them.

Several dc's and another hour deleting the lamps later... I then found some great info here in the forums. That is, stack the floor tile, on top of the accent lamp, and use the Cubicle for stacking wall items. This worked wonderfully, this last method took me less than 30 mins to do.

Anyhow, after much lag and effort, I produced a humble little tree for my base. I wanted to put presents under it, but couldn't find any cube shapes small or suitable enough for it. So I resorted to placing a bunch of sacks in front of the tree (sacks with presents in them!). Heh.

Anyhow, I thought "HEY! You should post this and challenge other base builders to see what wondrous Christmas trees they could create".
I always love the variety of stuff that the base builders creates.

So here is the challenge!
See if you can make a christmas tree in your base, and post some pics of the end result. Or any other christmas decorations you can come up with.

Image below: my humble tree.

Merry Xmas Folks! :-)
Thats a nice tree.

LOL I see I all ready said that last year.

Enjoy your day please.



Gorgeous wreath, Warden. Do you mind sharing how you created it?



Originally Posted by Nyght_shade View Post
Gorgeous wreath, Warden. Do you mind sharing how you created it?
Ya musta missed his comment under the picture...

Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
The trees are looking good, but Sayaki made the most amazing fireplace.
It looks to me like the architect built out a section on the wall with arcane platforms (I forget the exact name), and then proceeded to "bury" the little bushy plant into the built up section to the point that the pot was concealed. I think the red is possibly the red bottles.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Here's a small tree I did last year. I'll probably do the same thing this year.



Originally Posted by Kyasubaru View Post
Here's a small tree I did last year. I'll probably do the same thing this year.

Thats a really nice tree as well.

Enjoy your day please.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Ya musta missed his comment under the picture...

It looks to me like the architect built out a section on the wall with arcane platforms (I forget the exact name), and then proceeded to "bury" the little bushy plant into the built up section to the point that the pot was concealed. I think the red is possibly the red bottles.
That's more or less how I did it. What you dun generally notice are the invention tables or the personal salvage storage I have on that thing.

However, what I really liked making most in that room was the chandeliers. Those took effort to get right.

The entire room was done as a Christmas present. I made it special as I could. If you want to see it better, I do base tours on that place regularly, and have a slide show of it in my sig for this post.


-Michael: Ill/Storm Troller <><><><><><> Slide-Show Base-Tour: Its a London Thing



An Abyss Empire Christmas!



Here is my attempt. I decided to go with arcane crystals and not plants. I couldn't find a star anywhere, so I went with a spinning dismembered head instead .
