Mentor Project

El Bellaco



NOTE: This project originally started as an added service from the New Player Council (N P C) on Protector.

If you are interested in using the service, we'll be glad to have you join the channel regardless which server you hail from. Your experience can help others.

If you have interest in becoming a volunteer Mentor, feel free to either join this current project, or start your own based on this one. There is a social group available here at the CoH forums should you decide to volunteer for this ongoing project.

This idea naturally naturally evolved from Protector's original idea of having a New Player Welcoming Night some months back. If you're curious, the original discussions about it occured here.

Welcome new players!

The New Player Council was created with the intent of making your exploration of the game an easier one by offering assistance to new heroes and villains. The N P C does this by using a global channel, and also by offering more direct partnerships with knowledgeable volunteers for those who would prefer that option through the Mentor Project.

The Mentor Project places the information you need, when you need it, directly at your fingertips where you need it - ingame.

If you are an more experienced player looking to share your time with newcomers, feel free to fill in the Mentor application form here.

More information about the Mentor Project can be found below:

General Guidelines:
  1. 3 roles defined: Advocates (Stalemate for heroes, Sukyoku for villains), Mentors, and Neophytes.
  2. No official committee or leadership for this project. All Mentors and Advocates have the same "weight" within the Mentor Project, although Advocates can assist in resolving issues between Mentors and Neophytes.
  3. A global channel is used to help coordinate things, and provide another layer to the support network. All Mentors will be OP in this channel, named "N P C" (note the spaces). This is the only mandatory criteria in participating in this project, regardless of role.
  4. Optional mentoring partnerships between more experienced player (Mentor) and less experienced player (Neophyte) exist. They are:
    1. Not enforced, but open - Either party can opt to leave at any time if it doesn't work out for whatever reasons. Mentors will have 100% control over how they can assist the newbie in their care, including what time is spent doing so.
    2. The mentor has no duty towards the newbie except to act as guide. As such, he/she could answer questions, help the Neophyte find a supergroup or start one, team up if schedules permit, etc. The Neophyte will be made to understand that the Mentor is not responsible for his/her enjoyment of the game, nor will there be any expectations of PLing, loot, etc.
    3. Mentors will be free to cover areas of CoH gaming they want with the neophytes, in private, using their judgement about the pertinence to neophyte's game style. This should cover questions re: farming and powerlevelling. To avoid un-needed discussions in the global channel we should keep these talks private. We don't want to impose our own likes / dislikes to them, yet they should be free to learn (or at least find out about) about all aspects of the game.
  5. Graduation ceremonies will occur every 3-4 months for Neophytes. They can then become a Mentor if they like, or move on to other activities.
  6. SG will be available later on for experimentation on base building / SG management. Within any SGs created for/by neophytes, the tier 1 role would be that of the Advocate. Tier 2 reserved for Mentors / graduated Neophytes. All other ranks used for neophytes. Tier names will probably fluctuate due to experimentation. This will be applied to any VGs as well. Coalitions with established SGs / VGs will be considered.
TL;DR version, for the hurried:
  1. Join / be invited to N P C global channel - mandatory
  2. Join in a partnership with a mentor - optional
  3. Join a N P C SGs / VGs - optional
  4. For Neophytes: Graduate and move onto becoming a Mentor themselves - optional
For information not covered in this post, or for public relations purposes, please contact @Stalemate by sending a forum message.

Players Guide to the Cities



How has this been going? I was co running(with iceknight) a new player sewer orientation run on Justice when I was with PERC and that was nice. Was wondering how this was going might try my hand at player events again (solo) and this seems nice.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Well Phillygirl, I have to say that the response has not been as enthusiastic as originally estimated.

This may be due to several causes:

1 - My own prolonged absence from Paragon City (busted graphics card)
2 - Discussions about the idea led me to think, based on the amount of feedback at that time, that there would be more volunteer mentors. This has not turned out to be so.
3 - Public relations / promoting this is, from what I can see, at a standstill. Mentors were invited to step in to invite new players to the channel and even broadcast announcements in city zones, but I have no idea if this actually happened since I've been away for over a month.

This is relevant to the Protector server, by the way.

That said, I still believe this is a viable idea and that adding a little effort into it would be all that is needed for it to really take off.

I also was involved in P.E.R.C. and was wanting a server (or perhaps even cross-server) activity that could give back to the community and find a way to leverage veteran players experience. Something that had little management requirements and allowed volunteers to act as generously as they could want.

If you'd like to pop into the channel and carve out your own patch, please do and let me know so I can promote you and invite you to the forum group.

Players Guide to the Cities



Have you posted this announcement elsewhere? Perhaps in general chat you might get a few more bites?

It looks cool, but i'm a bit too swamped to participate. Plus, I'm a Virtuite through and through, so no Protector toons for me =.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
Well Phillygirl, I have to say that the response has not been as enthusiastic as originally estimated.

This may be due to several causes:

1 - My own prolonged absence from Paragon City (busted graphics card)
2 - Discussions about the idea led me to think, based on the amount of feedback at that time, that there would be more volunteer mentors. This has not turned out to be so.
3 - Public relations / promoting this is, from what I can see, at a standstill. Mentors were invited to step in to invite new players to the channel and even broadcast announcements in city zones, but I have no idea if this actually happened since I've been away for over a month.

This is relevant to the Protector server, by the way.

That said, I still believe this is a viable idea and that adding a little effort into it would be all that is needed for it to really take off.

I also was involved in P.E.R.C. and was wanting a server (or perhaps even cross-server) activity that could give back to the community and find a way to leverage veteran players experience. Something that had little management requirements and allowed volunteers to act as generously as they could want.

If you'd like to pop into the channel and carve out your own patch, please do and let me know so I can promote you and invite you to the forum group.

Yeah I remember you where in PERC you where running the new player nights if i remember right. I'll try to make channel room (i swear i get full, thin out channels and then get full again). Go ahead and shoot me an invite to the forum group as well. I actually do have toons on protector now, but if i do this I will probably do it cross server as i am on Freedom and Justice mostly.

Everyone likes to talk/complain about AE noobs etc. but it's hard to find people to actually step up and help new players out. I actually saw this in @enrious's sig so came to look at the thread.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Have you posted this announcement elsewhere? Perhaps in general chat you might get a few more bites?

It looks cool, but i'm a bit too swamped to participate. Plus, I'm a Virtuite through and through, so no Protector toons for me =.
On Protector, I did do the broadcast and request channel announcements when I was on more regularly. It was also announced directly on the Protector server (where the idea originated) and then in Player Events before Christmas. another round of promotion is bound to come up when I can log back in more regularly.

I think most veterans are looking at this mentoring and thinking the same as you about availability.

But really, if one wants to become a "generic" mentor, only responding in the N P C channel as time permits, that's perfectly fine too. In fact, that's how I'm involved personally right now (no one to one partnerships).

Plus, Virtue would probably require someone more familiar with that server itself, given its penchant for roleplaying. Heck, my son could probably help out too since he's on that server almost as much as on Protector.

Players Guide to the Cities



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
Yeah I remember you where in PERC you where running the new player nights if i remember right. I'll try to make channel room (i swear i get full, thin out channels and then get full again). Go ahead and shoot me an invite to the forum group as well. I actually do have toons on protector now, but if i do this I will probably do it cross server as i am on Freedom and Justice mostly.

Everyone likes to talk/complain about AE noobs etc. but it's hard to find people to actually step up and help new players out. I actually saw this in @enrious's sig so came to look at the thread.
When Enrious joined the channel I think he was the first non-Protectorite. Seems like he knows his stuff and was very willing to help out.

Invite to the group sent to you, as for the channel it's a public one so whenever you have room, pop in and I'll OP you (like all mentors).

Whatever server mentors hail from is fine by me really.

Even though Protector initiated this some time ago (not by me, but I was at the right place at the right time to inherit coordinating this great idea), someone had already suggested that other servers could be interested in forming their own New Player Councils and participating / promoting the Mentor Project.

Glad to see the interest from our neighbours.

Players Guide to the Cities



Count me in.


I'll act as a mentor. Great idea! I'll make sure I dump a few less-than-useful channels this Saturday. is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



Glad to have you aboard.

Xalaqia: you already had a pending invite to the Mentor Project social group here.

Players Guide to the Cities



I'm very interested in this project and in efforts of this nature generally.

My play times are erratic and I play on multiple servers, Protector included. At the least, I'd be interested in being a 'generic Mentor' with the possiblity of more intensive activity as my time permits.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



News: Justaris can be contacted for Mentor Project activities on Victory.

Thanks for stepping up.

Players Guide to the Cities



Okay, I'm just going out there and say it and yes this is going too sound stupid but...

How do I join a channel? The poster says /join_chan "N P C"
So far I've tried:
/join_chan "N P C"
/join_chan N P C
/join_channel N P C
/join_channel "N P C"

It just keeps giving me "Unknown command: join_chan(nel) not found.

What exacly am I doing wrong?

-El Bellaco



Originally Posted by El Bellaco View Post
What exacly am I doing wrong?
The command is /Chan_Join. Or just right click the chat box, select Channel Search, type in N P C and join.

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Ah great! Worked. It seems to have only 2 members (me included).
Am I in the right channel? (Union, EU)



I don't believe the global channels cross between US and EU servers. I'm pretty sure this has been setup on the US servers.

Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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And yet, there is already another liaison / coordinator on EU side: Landrig.

We're talking together on and off and seeing how communications could still be kept between our zones. But he has accepted to be the "go to guy" for anything EU at this time.

It's a shame we can't get official comm though the game's channels, but we'll figure something out to at least have something ti link us all together.

For starters, I suggest you try signing up at the MP website - and then go to the "Join" section if you want to register "officially".

...and use the official Mentor Project thread stickied in this section instead.

Welcome aboard. Glad to have you.

Players Guide to the Cities



Hey Stalemate. I just saw this and am wanting to help out.




Welcome aboard, Santa. Glad to see someone else join who has an extensive background in helping others.

Seems we attract a great many people who either were already doing mentoring of sorts, or wanted to start / get involved in something similar.

The roster on the GuildPortal website is already updated.

Players Guide to the Cities