Freedom Horde Monday Night Regulars - Who Do you Plan to Play?




Hey Everyone, I thought I would post this here because I don't think the social group is viewed as often as the forums are.

As most of you are aware, we're getting ready to start a new round of Monday Night TF's on January 4th. We'll be starting yet again on Positron.

I have several people who have asked me to automatically sign them up each week. Now that we are getting ready to start again, please update me on whether you will still be along, and if so, which toon do you plan on bringing (or if you are going to be TBA for each week), and their type. This will help me in getting the teams setup each week.

The people who are currently on my automatic sign up list are:

Luna: Azure Emp: Emp/Psi Defender
Myrdinn: TBA: Tank
Mr E-Man: Proto Charge: Shield/Elec Tank
Playtime: TBA: Ever rotating selection of support toons
Goldberg: TBA: Fire/Fire Blaster
Paragon: Paragon's Fury: MA/Shield Scrapper
Scruffy: TBA: Rad of some kind
Xort: TBA: TBA
King Sac: King Sac: Energy/Energy Blaster
Miss Heavenly:
Gintoki: I am Sofa King: Shield/SS Tank
Angeliscar: Aussie Fauna: Plant/Rad Controller
Captain Power: Lady Universe: Gravity/Kin Controller
Omega Elementress: Project-Willow: Scrapper
Harlem Knight: Nvr Mynd: Sonic/MM Blaster -or- Lil Psyrad: Rad/Psi Defender
Evil Samurai: Radiant Auura: Rad/Rad Defender

So if you're name is on this list please respond. If you are not on this list but plan on attending every week or at least most weeks, and want automatically added, please respond as well with the same info! And finally if you want removed from the automatic list, please let me know.


46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



put me down as TBA. I'll play whatever the team needs.



I'll be on Paragon's Fury (MA/Shield Scrapper). She's currently sitting around level 12 (maybe 13, can't remember lol) and I've unlocked the Cavern Trial already, in case anyone cares. Looking forward to actually doing more than buffing this round!



Originally Posted by Paragon View Post
I'll be on Paragon's Fury (MA/Shield Scrapper). She's currently sitting around level 12 (maybe 13, can't remember lol) and I've unlocked the Cavern Trial already, in case anyone cares. Looking forward to actually doing more than buffing this round!

That sounds great! We'll be running the Cavern Trial, but not as early as last time. I think I'll combine it with the first respec instead.

The date would have fallen on my birthday, and I really wanted to do something a bit more epic for that night

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



lvl 26 sd/ss tank "I am Sofa King"



I am not sure yet. I was leaning toward a melee toon or blaster. If I see that we are lacking in any areas I could play something that would fill the hole.

Also, you can continue to sign me up each week.



I sincerely wish I could be a perma-signup for your crew. You run a fun show. Sadly, it's too early for me to commit to automatically. I'll resign myself to being an alt signup only if I happen to be around, but if you time shift to a bit later some day, I may revisit that.

It's a great thing you do, Luna. I'm very happy that you're out there, rollin' it up every week. My hat's ever off to you and the Horde.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
I sincerely wish I could be a perma-signup for your crew. You run a fun show. Sadly, it's too early for me to commit to automatically. I'll resign myself to being an alt signup only if I happen to be around, but if you time shift to a bit later some day, I may revisit that.

It's a great thing you do, Luna. I'm very happy that you're out there, rollin' it up every week. My hat's ever off to you and the Horde.
On that same note, I wouldn't mind if we bumped it to about 10:30p... With winter starting to hit, it might take me longer to get home after work, and I barely make it on time sometimes as it is. lol



With what I talked to you about before Luna, 9:30 would actually give me time after work to work on the site and get some stuff done, then join you guys.



It really pains me to not be able to accomidate everyone on the time issue. But 10pm Eastern is the latest *I* can start an event due to spouse aggro. If you all remember, I originally wanted to start these at 8 or 9pm Eastern, but I moved it to 10pm to be more friendly to everyone.

So basically we have two options. We can move it 10:30pm Eastern, but in the process you will lose both me and Playtime, so someone else would have to take the lead in getting the teams setup. I spoke once again with my husband this morning and he refuses to play if the time is moved later than 10pm. He gets up at 5:30am, and he gets really cranky if the TF's run later than midnight. If we started at 10:30pm, they would ALWAYS run later than midnight. Because *I* have to live with him, I would not be able to join as well because I don't want to have to put up with the pouting and whining.

Option 2 is we setup a permanent team led by MB with people who are cool with the 10:30pm Eastern start time. The rest of us would start at 10pm, and that team would start at 10:30pm. The only problem being that if part of your team didn't show up, it'll be on you to find replacements, because the other players will not be able to switch around to make the teams work out.

So what do you guys want to do. At this point, I don't really care one way or the other. So what will it be?

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
So what do you guys want to do. At this point, I don't really care one way or the other. So what will it be?
Nobody can accommodate everybody and nobody is expecting you to move your own schedule around to make sure everybody else is happy. You do a lot of work to organize these teams every week and we all appreciate it. Your happiness is important as well, and we certainly don't want to lose you and Grim/Play.

We all have different schedules and personal things that get in the way of starting at one time or another. I know that many things factored into the current starting time, and most of us agreed that it was a decent time to start. Yes, I just said that I wouldn't mind moving to 10:30pm, but I don't mind sticking to our agreed time of 10pm either. It honestly shouldn't be a problem.

That just means that I'll have to take extra steps to make sure that the winter weather doesn't slow me down at the end of work, which isn't a big deal. Most days, I'm sure it wont be a problem anyway.. and on those rare Monday snowstorms, I should easily be able to leave a few minutes earlier and/or use my last break to go outside and start making sure I can get my car out quicker once it's time to leave.

Getting here on time is my own responsibility, and if it became a problem, I'd expect to be replaced as a team leader... not have the whole group change their schedule because of me. We've been going strong for 10 months already and there isn't really any good reason for us to change things now.



I just wish I could snap my fingers and make time shift for everyone to make everything perfect

Like I said, if at some point enough people want to switch to a 10:30pm start time, we can try a whole team that starts then, while the rest start at 10pm.

As always, I'm sure the teams are always willing to wait a bit to make sure people we know are coming get to join. It's one thing to wait for someone who is a bit iffy on their attendance who may or may not show, and another to wait for someone who you know will show up.

Maybe we can designate a "second in command" for you team MB? Someone who can get the team gathered up and ready for you to take charge if you are runnning late? If you like this idea, let me know, I've got one of your regulars in mind.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Maybe we can designate a "second in command" for you team MB? Someone who can get the team gathered up and ready for you to take charge if you are runnning late? If you like this idea, let me know, I've got one of your regulars in mind.
That doesn't sound bad, but I wouldn't worry about it much for now. If we know a storm is coming or if I know that something else might prevent me from being around, I'll let you know, and we can make those preparations ahead of time.

That said, my girlfriend is thinking of staying an extra day with the family on Christmas weekend, so the 3rd Respec on Dec 28th might not be looking so good for me.. depending on the schedule. I still don't know what our(her) plans are for that whole week, so it might be a good idea for somebody to take over the second team for that night anyway.. just in case.

For all I know, I might still have internet access.. but even if that's the case, I'd have my crappy laptop, so I wouldn't be able to do much more than hang out in the forum here anyway... and if I end up being home, then I'll let you know, and you can just put me on a team somewhere. lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
That doesn't sound bad, but I wouldn't worry about it much for now. If we know a storm is coming or if I know that something else might prevent me from being around, I'll let you know, and we can make those preparations ahead of time.

That said, my girlfriend is thinking of staying an extra day with the family on Christmas weekend, so the 3rd Respec on Dec 28th might not be looking so good for me.. depending on the schedule. I still don't know what our(her) plans are for that whole week, so it might be a good idea for somebody to take over the second team for that night anyway.. just in case.

For all I know, I might still have internet access.. but even if that's the case, I'd have my crappy laptop, so I wouldn't be able to do much more than hang out in the forum here anyway... and if I end up being home, then I'll let you know, and you can just put me on a team somewhere. lol
I'm not sure how much of a turnout we'll have for the second respec anyway lol. I figure a lot of people might be pre-occupied, and it's a respec, lol. We can do those in our sleep at this point. I'll get you squared away one way or the other for that night. I'll pm you the person I was thinking about to help support your team. I think it's always a good idea just to have someone on hand "just in case". I have 2 regulars on my team that I know I can count on to do the same for me, so I think you should have someone as well.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I won't lie and say I wouldn't mind a 10:30 team (especially after missing the manticore tf by about 15ish minutes last night) but I don't think you should compromise your enjoyment either, particularly since you're one of the prime organizers. If you declare an official 10:30 time too, I can forsee the 10 pm grew potentially getting hosed due to the mindset of "well, i can still make the 10:30". I think if you want to satisfy most people, you should try to encourage over-registration -- just getting people together in a timely fashion overcomes a huge obstacle.




Luna, do you usually run the TF's in order of level? Or do you hop around? I haven't gotten in on the Monday night ones much, so I'm not sure how you guys usually handle them.

I would like to run with you all on Monday nights though, so please go ahead and add me as a permanent. If we are running them in order, then I'll bring along Project-Willow, my 20 something scrapper for these. If not, I'll bring along a 50 when there's one too high for her.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
Luna, do you usually run the TF's in order of level? Or do you hop around? I haven't gotten in on the Monday night ones much, so I'm not sure how you guys usually handle them.

I would like to run with you all on Monday nights though, so please go ahead and add me as a permanent. If we are running them in order, then I'll bring along Project-Willow, my 20 something scrapper for these. If not, I'll bring along a 50 when there's one too high for her.
I run in pretty much level order! I'm going to delay the Cavern Trial a few weeks to combine it on the same night as the first respec. But everything else is in level range order (or as close as I can get it) starting with Positron on up. We do every regular TF, Trial and Ouroborus TF on Hero Side. This will be our third run, and it is very possible to level a toon up from 10 to 50 on our runs. Several of us have done that already on the previous two runs.

You can check out the link in my signature to see the list of what we've done this go around. I'll be working on the list for the next round this weekend. It'll be pretty similiar.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I would like to join this

@Harlem Knight

"Nvr Mynd" Lev 50 sonic/mm blaster


"Lil Psyrad" Lev 50 rad/psy defender

(auto me pls)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
I run in pretty much level order! I'm going to delay the Cavern Trial a few weeks to combine it on the same night as the first respec. But everything else is in level range order (or as close as I can get it) starting with Positron on up. We do every regular TF, Trial and Ouroborus TF on Hero Side. This will be our third run, and it is very possible to level a toon up from 10 to 50 on our runs. Several of us have done that already on the previous two runs.

You can check out the link in my signature to see the list of what we've done this go around. I'll be working on the list for the next round this weekend. It'll be pretty similiar.
Awesome! I saw the schedule you had, and assumed that was how you did it. I'm excited! I might ACTUALLY get all the badges for the TF's on one toon! heh

Thanks for the response!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I hope everyone has fun on the next go around, my account is up on the 26th and I'm going to be taking a short break, i dont want to get too burned out.



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Hey MB,

I assume you're going with the TBA route again this time? Just let us know

Oh.. yep. I have not made any new toons recently. My lowest Hero is my PB at 25. I had wanted to lvl up my Khelds and Stone tank during the last run, but I didn't always lvl up high enough.. but now with the SSK thing, I will be able to bring any of them along and still get XP and be in range of the next ones for sure. I want to try to max out some of my old toons before I create any more. The first toon I ever created is still only lvl 35 or so. lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Oh.. yep. I have not made any new toons recently. My lowest Hero is my PB at 25. I had wanted to lvl up my Khelds and Stone tank during the last run, but I didn't always lvl up high enough.. but now with the SSK thing, I will be able to bring any of them along and still get XP and be in range of the next ones for sure. I want to try to max out some of my old toons before I create any more. The first toon I ever created is still only lvl 35 or so. lol
I've got a couple to work on too... My WS is 35, my blaster is 32, and my scrapper is almost 24. I want to get them all to 50 and then work on my widow and MM who are in the 20's. That's my goal before GR comes out. Then I'll start with all new characters.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
Oh.. yep. I have not made any new toons recently. My lowest Hero is my PB at 25. I had wanted to lvl up my Khelds and Stone tank during the last run, but I didn't always lvl up high enough.. but now with the SSK thing, I will be able to bring any of them along and still get XP and be in range of the next ones for sure. I want to try to max out some of my old toons before I create any more. The first toon I ever created is still only lvl 35 or so. lol
lol, the first two characters I made on Freedom aren't level 50 yet, either. Stray Kitty (a Warshade) is L33, while Fugly as Sin (Inv/EM Tank) is only L16.... Sadly, I've gotten 10 other Heroes and 5 other Villains to 50 since moving to Freedom, yet those two still sit as lowbies....