What the hell goes on at 3 AM??




Freedom server... what did I see last night?

The horrors that my eyes have witnessed cannot be erased, this is one see that can't be unseen.

For some reason, I was on until about 3 AM on my main, and stumbled into Atlas Park, thinking I could have a niiiiice relaxing stay, you know, check my auctions, chat with the locals, jump around and try to get on that stupid blimp again, etc.

But as I approached the statue, I noticed several pink characters lined up underneath similar to how a Costume Contest would be held.

But a costume contest on acid.

Standing there, were about 9 or 10 people, all with pink-themed costumes, all male. Each would have straps and buckles on their chest, and either fairy wings or butterfly wings. The rest was different for each one, including their skin color, sizes, and pink auras, but none less horrifying than the other.

But wait, it only gets stranger. For one man at the end of the line shouts something along the lines of, "FIFTH BATALLION! MARCH!" And immediately, all of them had walk on and were following the one before, in a perfectly coordinated and organized manner, in a square around the statue. For a second, I almost thought I saw a tear drop down from that poor rock sculpture.

They re-aligned where they had started, in the same order and same distance from each other, when the leader once again shouts, "FIFTH BATALLION!" accompanied this time by, "TRANSFORM!"

And I kid you not, in perfect synchronization, all 10 did the Alakazam! React emote, each transforming into something completely different, but timed the same nonetheless. The transformations went on for a good minute or so, until the leader shouted, "CEASE!"

I, meanwhile, was PM'ing everyone involved and asking around trying to figure out WHAT in god's name could this be, and why me? Good lord, why me?

Finally, after being there for no more than 5 or 6 minutes, the leader shouts, "BATALLION! TELEPORT!" and each one's hands started to glow, again in ridiculous synchronization and almost unbelievable timing.

And then they were gone.

I was relieved, at first, but then a strange thing happened: I began to miss them. Perhaps MISS is the wrong word, but I had so many unanswered questions that I now know I will never find out.

Here are the points that REALLY stump me:
Easily somebody could make a bunch of alts on trial accounts, set up their macros to time the same, and do this same thing. But these were no alts, they were ALL level 50. And not the exemplared kind of level 50, but true 50's, with set bonuses and accolades, you name it.
And the other thing that REALLY threw me off, was that I thought to myself, "Surely this must be a SG thing, right?" But each of them were in different SG's and coalitions. I checked. None of them had any group affiliation with the other. It was like the GM's were playing some sick twisted game on the already falling asleep people still on the game at that ungodly hour. So different SG's, coalitions, all level 50, perfect coordination, everything perfectly timed? I imagine this is what it's like to spot a UFO.

Please, if anybody knows ANYTHING, tell me. I will PM you if you feel that... THEY may be watching. I'm not so sure any of us are safe anymore. I had nightmares that night.

(Pictures WILL be uploaded soon.)



it's a nemesis plot



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Welcome to Freedom, former Virtue players.
That pretty much sums it up. This is Freedom, CoH's insane asylum.

=. .=



Originally Posted by Tundara View Post
That pretty much sums it up. This is Freedom, CoH's insane asylum.

=. .=
"I am not insane, my mother had me tested." -Dr. Sheldon Cooper

To the OP: Post the screens!

I have a feeling it was probably someone multi-boxing and just having fun late at night.



Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post

You know what's funny?

Your dramatic telling of this and the subsequent responses make me want to move something to Freedom now.
Stay away from the light!

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by GooMatt745 View Post
it's a nemesis plot
this. those werent playable characters, but NPCs in disguise.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Welcome to Freedom, former Virtue players.
you mean other servers arent just like us?



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
They might lack certain advantages that we enjoy, but overall, yeah, they look and sound just like you and me.

that's like saying night time vegas people look regular people. sure they have two arms and two legs but that's about as far as I would go

edit: I just clicked that linked, who makes a web page like that rofl. all nukem style lol



Originally Posted by Tundara View Post
That pretty much sums it up. This is Freedom, CoH's insane asylum.

=. .=
ahhahahaha, I like it, the official insane asylum. Good story OP!

I'm on around 3 usually, half-asleep baby in one arm, but I never see anything like that on redside....