Shapeshifting: Vague overhaul idea




A slightly half formed idea that is, to say the least, somewhat radical. I know even before I type it up what it will probably get a lot of 'hell no wtf' ing, which I can understand. It is, after all, just an idea.

Basically, the main hoo-ha people seem to have, myself included, with the Kheldians and shapeshifting is how its hard to slot both forms and human form powers effectively (if going Triform)
Human forms avoid this problem altogether, while sacrificing the the utility (and mez protection of dwarf form)
Twin-forms will partly avoid the slotting problem, while Tri-forms suffer the most from it.

Now, the idea itself.
Scrap shapeshifting as it is now. That is to say, do away with the 'shapeshift only' powers. Dwarf and Nova attacks.

Instead of that, allow both forms access to the standard attacks. Im...not sure about the secondary set. Although it would lock off such things as heals, buffs etc, stacking the forms on top of shields and such would be...well, as it is now it would be broken. But if this would be a whole overhaul...Dwarf form I see being the easiest, making the number smaller, so that it stacks like Crab Spiders Fortification does with the auto-armour...
(Note, Im not trying to make it a Veat-Heat thing, its just the only example I can think of off the top of my head)

Animation wise, this would indeed be shed loads of work. There would need to be new Nova and Dwarf form versions of each attack. Yes, Nova's cant punch, etc. They do, however, have a rather large, sharp looking mouth, and a whiplash tail. They fire energy from both ends, so using either to attack seems plausible. As for AoEs, simply a blast from the middle seems to work.

This is a very sketchy idea, at present. Number wise, it would require a lot of rebalancing, animation wise a lot of work, and I get the feeling it would create a lot of aggro amongst current users.
Still, just an idea. I do still feel the HEATs need work, in one way or another. At the very least, give them a freaking endurance balance, pre-stamina levels are crippling. Amongst other things.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I've suggested similiar to this several times - seems nobody much cared for it

I think this would have been the best way to to have constructed the AT when first implemented, but now, everybody kowtows to the sacred 'Cottage Rule' and this idea blows the doors of it.

Whatever! /Signed

Heck, I might be more seriously interested in shapeshifting were it this way.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post

I think this would have been the best way to to have constructed the AT when first implemented, but now, everybody kowtows to the sacred 'Cottage Rule' and this idea blows the doors of it.
Why is it that not wanting radical changes on something we already enjoy for the sake of people who do not enjoy it's current implimentation equate to kowtowing, while the people wanting to have radical changes at the expense of people happy with how things are now are simply open minded freethinkers?

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Basically, the main hoo-ha people seem to have, myself included, with the Kheldians and shapeshifting is how its hard to slot both forms and human form powers effectively (if going Triform)
You really are just speaking for yourself here. I had no problems with my slotting on my tri-form. The trick I've found is learning to seperate my needs from my wants.

My big objections to this are...

1) I rely on my six-slotted human, nova, and dwarf attacks with thunderstrikes and mako's bites to get my obscene defense, accuracy, and recovery set bonuses. You'd be eliminating two Thunderstrike and Two Mako's from my build and the other Kheld powers that would give me said bonuses (pulsar and photon seekers primarily) are rather lack-luster.

2) I would need to drop other powers I like to get effective replacements to powers I already get for free with the forms. If I wanted to use AoE blasts in nova-form under your proposal I'd need to spend two power selections on them that I'd much rather spend elsewhere (such as stealth, hasten, super-speed, or some of the Kheld utility powers). All those powers I just mentioned run FINE on just one slot so not only am I losing set bonuses... I'm now losing power picks just so you can slot more carelessly.

3) There's also the matter of form powers that the human form doesn't have access to. Such as the dwarf form's taunt and teleport.

4) Finally, I've got 24 IO's I paid a couple million influence a piece for that would be lost during such a change since I would have nowhere to slot them in a new build and would have only ten slots to actually save them in during a respec.

In short, I find your idea to be grossly impractical for a number of reasons and it would severely and negatively impact my Kheld. I'd suggest taking a look at your Khelds and figuring out just what slots you really NEED to be effective vs. what you just want. For example, due to the EndRdx in the sets I have in all my attacks and the +recovery from my sets I don't actually need to have my stamina three-slotted. With just one 50 IO in Stamina my END-bar never moves.

Likewise, nova-form gets on just fine with just the base-slot (where I put a +perception unique IO) and by frankenslotting my dwarf-form with a couple of Hami-O Resist/EndRdx, a 50 IO Resist, and a 50 EndMod I've got ED-capped resistance and an End Bar that never moves there either. Frankenslotting the heals with Heal/Recharge IO's from various sets got them ED-capped with just four slots each (their recharge is long enough that their Endurance cost didn't need to be reduced).

Likewise, many Kheld utility powers and many pools you'd want to take work just fine out of the box. Barring solo EB fights I don't need to pop light-form for survival reasons, so a single 50 Resist IO plus my single-slotted human form shields caps my resistance and it's base recharge (plus set bonuses) has it recharged long before I have to face another EB.

With the recent buffs to base flight speed and +movement set bonuses I have capped energy flight and a hover that can keep up with my walkspeed on just two-slots (and even then only because I wanted the +ranged defense from Zephyr) and energy flight is nearly capped with just the base slot as it is.

I have enough recharge in my powers and globally to have a full attack chain in all my forms that can flatten the typical spawn I face before I take any significant damage, so I mainly save hasten for the same god-mode situations where I use light-form (i.e. my high damage powers recharge more quickly). It like my "oh crap" quantum flight button are both single slotted as well because they don't actually NEED any more than that.

I think you overstate both the severity of the problem and the need for a fix to it.

Animation wise, this would indeed be shed loads of work.
I believe the term that needs to be used here is... "Standard Code Rant Applies."



Originally Posted by Titan_III View Post
I believe the term that needs to be used here is... "Standard Code Rant Applies."
I think this is the issue. It is not that it wouldn't make sense for, say, the Human form ranged attacks to be used in Nova form and the Human melee attacks in Dwarf form. Rather, as the animations are written for the Human form, they would look crazy in the Nova form at the least.

Mind you, I was just wondering why Novas can't fire off the main "novas", Dawn Strike or Quasar. It's not like Dwarf Form doesn't get an extra attack, there's no reason to limit them to four. Although I'm guessing the potential of firing off two in a row is the issue.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I think this is the issue. It is not that it wouldn't make sense for, say, the Human form ranged attacks to be used in Nova form and the Human melee attacks in Dwarf form. Rather, as the animations are written for the Human form, they would look crazy in the Nova form at the least.

Mind you, I was just wondering why Novas can't fire off the main "novas", Dawn Strike or Quasar. It's not like Dwarf Form doesn't get an extra attack, there's no reason to limit them to four. Although I'm guessing the potential of firing off two in a row is the issue.
I think that wouldn't be a case of 'standard code rant' as much as 'broken' Nova form damage levels plus a nuke?

Although I think I recall someone mention in another thread about how Kheld nukes are actually lower powered than, say, blaster nukes? Due to damage scale ot wahtnot.
Either whichway, anything that concerened Khelds to the level of an overhaul would require a lot of number and balance work right off the bat.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Why is it that not wanting radical changes on something we already enjoy for the sake of people who do not enjoy it's current implimentation equate to kowtowing, while the people wanting to have radical changes at the expense of people happy with how things are now are simply open minded freethinkers?
I'm glad you and some others enjoy current shapeshifting (mechanics and slot-management), but *many* don't. We don't know if there's more than *Don't* vs those that *Do*, but it doesn't matter. Even if datamining showed that most CoH players don't like it - it isn't changing because of the Cottage Rule.

I'm one that doesn't like it currently -- *Really* don't like. So I play Human Only. You and those that do like it are quite secure. It isn't changing, but I and a few others don't have to like it just because you do.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I'm glad you and some others enjoy current shapeshifting (mechanics and slot-management), but *many* don't.
Well, one thing I am hoping is that resolving the issue of returning to Human form being unable to be queued will also come with a change in the transformation time. For instance, if they can make the time to return to Human form half the time of a shift to the other Forms, then they can half the time of those shifts as well. So while a shift from Nova to Dwarf form would still take as long as it currently does, a shift from Human to Dwarf or Nova would take considerably less. And the drop to Human form taking more time than it does now could be acceptable simply because it could be at a different point in the sequence than the shift to Dwarf form.

Slot management that doesn't do anything about, but I put that to the unique nature of the Kheldian. If you could be equally as strong in all three forms as you could be in two forms or even one, that would be horribly overbalanced. No one would ever play Human Form. (Why would you play Human Form only, when you can get Nova and Dwarf forms with just the cost of a single power each?)



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
...If you could be equally as strong in all three forms as you could be in two forms or even one, that would be horribly overbalanced. No one would ever play Human Form. (Why would you play Human Form only, when you can get Nova and Dwarf forms with just the cost of a single power each?)
Nobody's suggesting just flipping few switches and calling it a day. Any theoretical shapeshifting redo would of course have to address Form Imbalances while keeping each different but still strong enough to be desireable options.

Personally, I wish the forms had just served as Modifiers to the base Human forms powers. The forms wouldn't have any powers of their own, per se, but used whatever you'd already slotted for Human, but modified.

Human is Base: Medium Offensive and Defensive
Nova: Enhances Damage Powers but Defense takes a hit.
Dwarf: Beefs up Defense, but Damage is lowered

All that, with perhaps some additional 'flavor' effects, depending on the form.

Anyhow, as said, nothing like this is *ever* gonna happen; not sure why we even speculate on it *haha*



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Nobody's suggesting just flipping few switches and calling it a day. Any theoretical shapeshifting redo would of course have to address Form Imbalances while keeping each different but still strong enough to be desireable options.

Personally, I wish the forms had just served as Modifiers to the base Human forms powers. The forms wouldn't have any powers of their own, per se, but used whatever you'd already slotted for Human, but modified.

Human is Base: Medium Offensive and Defensive
Nova: Enhances Damage Powers but Defense takes a hit.
Dwarf: Beefs up Defense, but Damage is lowered

All that, with perhaps some additional 'flavor' effects, depending on the form.

Anyhow, as said, nothing like this is *ever* gonna happen; not sure why we even speculate on it *haha*
^ pretty much what the suggestion was.
Although actually making the forms mod the numbers on eac would be...interesting.
Still /speculation and random idea

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Basically, the main hoo-ha people seem to have, myself included, with the Kheldians and shapeshifting is how its hard to slot both forms and human form powers effectively (if going Triform)
Human forms avoid this problem altogether, while sacrificing the the utility (and mez protection of dwarf form)
Twin-forms will partly avoid the slotting problem, while Tri-forms suffer the most from it.
I'm just going to chime in to say that I have a Tri-form with plenty of slots. I have eclipse perma. My human mire is accurate and recharges in just over 35 seconds. Hasten is all but perma. Gravity well is ED capped for hold and damage and recharge. Gravatic emanation is ED capped for stun and recharge. Extract Essence is six slotted, Unchain has five, Quasar has four.

Yes, I said I have a tri-form build. Yes, those are just human powers. Dwarf form itself is six slotted, and its attacks do enough damage to impress scrappers (Not surpass, mind you. Impress. The ability to stack dwarf mire on itself helps a lot). The nova attacks are all at least five slots, capped for damage and recharge.

My TriFormShade is already a bloody tankmage when played right. Granted, when I make a small mistake I typically faceplant, but that's what the self rez is for. If you give me any more slots, I'll have nothing to worry about. Ever.

TechBot, I see you as coming at this from the perspective of a peacebringer. What I've said does not touch at all on peacebringers, which we might all agree have gotten the shaft. The important thing here is that what you do for one will have to be done for the other, and will greatly tip the scales of balance.

Your suggestion has another problem with warshades. The human form PB has powers that match exact form, fit, and function of the form powers. Three melee attacks and a heal directly correlate with the dwarf form. There are two single target blasts, a cone, and a targetted AoE blast that are mimicked in nova form. The warshade has gravity well and drain essence, but the function of the two mires are completely different and there is no weaker melee strike. Looking at nova, shadow bolt and detonation are a match, but ebon eye is not quite and gravatic emanation is a control attack, not damage.

I also realize that this whole topic is almost pointless bickering. It's highly unlikely that anything will get changed, but if I had my way, I would change two things. Cut the shapeshift time in half, and and increase the damage of all PB attacks (more to the melee) to bring it up to par with the WS.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
if I had my way, I would change two things. Cut the shapeshift time in half, and and increase the damage of all PB attacks (more to the melee) to bring it up to par with the WS.
That's probably something *almost* everyone in the Kheldian community could get behind...

Problem is, we have too much fun bickering amongst ourselves to actually all sign off on something.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
^ pretty much what the suggestion was.
Although actually making the forms mod the numbers on eac would be...interesting.
Still /speculation and random idea
Well, that's what it IS. It's not like you turn into another AT or something, with a new set of attacks. You are just the same person, with a different costume, different stats, and some of your powers are turned on and some are turned off.

As a Human form you have 0.85 damage modifier melee, and 0.80 damage modifier ranged. You have the same hit points and defense modifiers as your other forms, but your HP is about that of a Corruptor.

In Nova form you have 1.20 damage modifier at range. You still have the same hit points and defense modifiers, but since you have no defenses (outside of Energy resistance) and cannot run any Pool Powers, you're essentially defenseless. Of course, carrying over an Eclipse into Nova form will give you some pretty good Defense.

You also get an extra +45% to your damage, on top of your 1.2 damage modifier.

In Dwarf form you have 1.0 damage modifier. That's greater than Human damage. OTOH, you're limited to melee and limited to only a few attacks. You also get 37.5% Resistance (unslotted) to everything but Psi, and (if I'm reading this correctly) +75% hit points. Your max HP, in fact, is 225%, which is higher even than a Brute. So while you don't have more defense, proportionally, than your human form, you do have more HP, especially if you stack the HP boosts your human form gets as well.

The only difference is that when you disable one set of powers you enable some other set of them, instead of disabling only part of them and keeping a few. But as I said, I don't think that's as much game mechanics as animation. There are a few difference, like Mire and Dwarf Mire having different durations, or Pulsar having knockback and Dwarf Flare knockdown, but at least in the former case that's because you have access to both of them, and can stack them.

That's also a good point, actually. There's no such thing as double Mire if it's the same attack used by both Human form and Dwarf. There are some people who would miss the capability to stack Mires or healing powers, and in fact it could actually be an overall loss in effectiveness compared to current.



The biggest problem I see with the forms just being toggles and not effecting powers is teaming, and CoX is balanced around teaming.

Why would you want anything other than the damage 'form' when you have a team who can take care of your survivability?

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
The biggest problem I see with the forms just being toggles and not effecting powers is teaming, and CoX is balanced around teaming.

Why would you want anything other than the damage 'form' when you have a team who can take care of your survivability?
I'm failing to see how this would really be a problem.



I'd prefer to leave shapeshifting as it is. This suggestion seems more akin to a "pseudo shifting" mechanic. I prefer the current system because it constitutes what I think of as "true shifting". Different forms, different stats, different powers. Just plain different.

However, I do agree that the mechanics are in need of some work. The 3s animation time is rather long. It's understandable that those times are intended to prevent shifting on the fly and thereby enabling Khelds to leverage their versatility unfairly. Still, I'd like to see a reduction to 1.5s. That's enough time to prevent the insta-shifting of WoW Druids and force Kheldian players to continue to think before going to another form without creating the current instant death scenario if you shift at the wrong time.

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Simple solutions to observable, provable problems.

There are lots of ways I wish Kheldians work, but those are not options on the table. I do believe it's wise to have the shapeshifting animations sped up. I do believe it's wise to consider adding IO options (though I'd hate to rebalance them based on that). I do believe it's wise to ease the play of the peacebringer, nudging it up a bit more until it stands closer, shoulder to shoulder, with its much more powerful brother.

But full-blown AT overhauls, no matter how clever the idea is, aren't realistic changes in this paradigm. Working a lot of mental effort over it is the kind of thing that should be on the 'For Fun' forum because it's not really useful to a serious discussion of things that could be proposed to the developers.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
I'm failing to see how this would really be a problem.
It would be a problem because what would be the point in the rest of the abilities? Why create a shapeshifter if you just want one form, why dont you just make that one form a class of its own?

Currently Nova has its place, Dwarf has its place and Human has its place, and being locked out of powers is the only real thing that makes it so.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Scrap shapeshifting as it is now. That is to say, do away with the 'shapeshift only' powers. Dwarf and Nova attacks.
Hm... an ingenious attempt at promoting a tank-mage concept... I salute your effort, but must say I doubt anything like this will ever happen.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Hm... an ingenious attempt at promoting a tank-mage concept... I salute your effort, but must say I doubt anything like this will ever happen.
The Tank-Mage fear could be addressed other ways, but it doesn't matter. As you say, no overhauls of this level are gonna happen... Ever!

btw, what Server is your Umbra Illuminati SG on. While we have these free server xfers going on, I'd be interested in having my PB go there and join up... assuming I meet your stringent qualifications, of course



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
what Server is your Umbra Illuminati SG on.

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
While we have these free server xfers going on, I'd be interested in having my PB go there and join up... assuming I meet your stringent qualifications, of course
What stringent qualifications?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

What stringent qualifications?
Like getting someone to answer me haha... I thought it was on Infinity, so I xferred there. In several zones, I've been broadcasting.. "Any Umbral Illuminati SG members on?" Should I have gotten a response, I was going to request membership, but so silence

Any suggestions?



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
If you can get whoever has my name taken on Infinity to change their name, I'll make a Kheld to join that SG...

Awww...just be AlienUno



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
In several zones, I've been broadcasting.. "Any Umbral Illuminati SG members on?" Should I have gotten a response, I was going to request membership, but so silence
If only we were that common...

Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
Any suggestions?
Try again on Mondays 20:00 EST. Or, PM me with your in-game handle and/or character name.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati