Shapeshifting: Vague overhaul idea




Make all powers available to be queued up. If a power from a different form is selected, shift to that form first.

Also, allow shifting from dwarf to nova using only one transformation.



Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
Make all powers available to be queued up. If a power from a different form is selected, shift to that form first.
I think I'd find this more confusing than helpful, especially with powers like Mire (WS) and Flare (PB) that are duplicated across Human/Dwarf and the different blasts that are duplicated across Human/Nova.
Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
Also, allow shifting from dwarf to nova using only one transformation.
I'd love this though, but I've grown accustomed to deliberately transforming down to Human form and activating a Human-form power in-between transitions from Dwarf to Nova.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I think I'd find this more confusing than helpful, especially with powers like Mire (WS) and Flare (PB) that are duplicated across Human/Dwarf and the different blasts that are duplicated across Human/Nova.I'd love this though, but I've grown accustomed to deliberately transforming down to Human form and activating a Human-form power in-between transitions from Dwarf to Nova.
I put most of my human powers on my second and third tray. I use tray 8 and 9 for form powers.

I switch between trays 1 8 and 9 whenever I switch forms via binds.

I'd love to be able to tell when my human form powers finish recharging. As is, I cannot tell if they are close or done unless I notice the sparkle.

This leads me to miss extractions and hastens.

I can tell what human powers are because form powers are never in the shift or ctrl trays.

I'd like to be able to click a human power in the shift tray and it would queue then change me to human before firing off the power.

This would be better than leaving it unusable.

A lighter shade of grey could be used to notify what powers are related to current form. An option in-game could allow using powers of another form.

For me, making them look like they haven't recharged is a hindrance given that this game isn't as supportive of mods.



Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
I put most of my human powers on my second and third tray. I use tray 8 and 9 for form powers.

I switch between trays 1 8 and 9 whenever I switch forms via binds.
I do the same.

Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
I'd love to be able to tell when my human form powers finish recharging. As is, I cannot tell if they are close or done unless I notice the sparkle.

This leads me to miss extractions and hastens.
Same here so far.

Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
I'd like to be able to click a human power in the shift tray and it would queue then change me to human before firing off the power.

This would be better than leaving it unusable.
That's where we differ and the emphasized part would totally ruin my style as I do my best to never sit and wait for any power. If human-form powers were allowed to detoggle me from Dwarf or Nova, it would be an inconvinience that could become fatal if even one enemy — oh lets say a mezzing Boss, or a Cimeroran Boss — remains alive and gets a lucky shot.

Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
A lighter shade of grey could be used to notify what powers are related to current form. An option in-game could allow using powers of another form.

For me, making them look like they haven't recharged is a hindrance given that this game isn't as supportive of mods.
Now this I totally agree with!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I do the same.

Same here so far.

That's where we differ and the emphasized part would totally ruin my style as I do my best to never sit and wait for any power. If human-form powers were allowed to detoggle me from Dwarf or Nova, it would be an inconvinience that could become fatal if even one enemy — oh lets say a mezzing Boss, or a Cimeroran Boss — remains alive and gets a lucky shot.

Now this I totally agree with!
The big reason why I suggest at least a visual difference between recharging and locked out, is because my fastest kill speed requires two pets out at all times. The recharge on my extract essence is half as long as their time out. So as you can see, it is very time sensitive on me knowing exactly when they recharge.

Of course there is some disparity because it requires a fresh corpse (extremely fresh).

I guess ultimately I need some more recharge so I have some overlap, but I don't have that luxury in my SO-only build.

I'm currently leveling, so IOs are out of the question right now.

That's why I'm so sensitive to the difference between recharging and locked-out powers.

I'd like what I suggested that powers change me back to human, but as I mentioned before this could be a USER SETTING. That way it doesn't HAVE TO BE YOUR WAY or MY WAY. People could choose.



Originally Posted by 5th_Player View Post
I'd like what I suggested that powers change me back to human, but as I mentioned before this could be a USER SETTING. That way it doesn't HAVE TO BE YOUR WAY or MY WAY. People could choose.
Ahhh... sorry, I thought you meant that power-button highlighting would be up to User Settings, not whether or not individual powers could revert you to Human-form. If this were left for the user to decide, I'd have no problems with that of course.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati